What should i pay attention to if i plan to build a pc for rendering?


pure evil!
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
@recreation Ok jetzt hab ichs verstanden^^Fehlt nur noch die Entscheidung der Grafikkarte

Someone suggested me this: , is that better then what i tried? And would that motherboard be capable of two videocards?
Just threw together real quick. Add two of and you're at roughly 2200€
I know a few things, but I'm not a hardware pro, other people might have better suggestions.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
From what I've noticed so far just doing renders for my mod your main issues are going to be memory and disk space. For a bare bones rendering machine I would say you want at least 500GB of disk space, at least 16GB of system ram, and an Nvidia video card with at least 6GB of Vram, preferably 8GB. My video card only has 4GB and I end up having to render almost everything with my CPU despite having an Nvidia GPU and after only messing around with Daz for about 6 months I already have several hundred gigabytes worth of assets and renders laying around so my 1TB drive is filling up fast. I can't think of any cases where I've ever bumped up against my 16GB of system ram. The highest utilization I've noticed is around the 12-14GB mark.

With a bit more of a budget I would bump the disk space up to 1-2TB and get an 11GB Nvidia video card. I don't think more than 16GB of system ram will really help you much, but 32 would pretty much guarantee it's never an issue. If you're doing a higher end system I would spend any extra on a better CPU and possibly a second video card. A 3rd or 4th video card I can't really see being worth it unless you're just going hog wild rendering animations nonstop and money is no object.

Now if there was a mode that would let you render separate images simultaneously on a 1 image per GPU basis then extra GPUs would really help but I don't think that's currently an option.
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Old Fart
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Jun 25, 2017
I did see that post when it first came out. I was kind of skeptical, since the first quote was by a third party who was unlikely to have an inside track at either NVidia or Daz. The more telling item is not the first link, but the one farther down that actually came from NVidia, and quotes an executive from Daz, which I clearly missed.
(see the 8th page)
I would obviously consider that much more authoritative. Thanks for pointing it out.

Since the current 4.11 beta does NOT support ray tracing, despite having an updated iRay version, this suggests that Daz is probably waiting for yet-another-updated-iRay that does support the RTX acceleration before turning the beta into a general release. Which could explain why 4.11 has been in beta for so long. Interesting.

One would therefore expect that the RTX cards will gain more of a performance advantage over the GTX cards than solely attributable to their CUDA core count and clock speed. I'll certainly be fascinated to see how much of a performance boost that causes...


pure evil!
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
One would therefore expect that the RTX cards will gain more of a performance advantage over the GTX cards than solely attributable to their CUDA core count and clock speed. I'll certainly be fascinated to see how much of a performance boost that causes...
The funny thing is that the latest nvidia Patch introduced ray-tracing support for the older gtx cards as well, so this might be integrated into daz too. But of course the rtx cards will still have a higher performance in this regard, since they are designed for it.
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
what volta wrote here is alr. dope and i'm sure you could do much worse than following his advise xD. the only tip i can give -since ya seem to actually build a pc- is, to buy a proper power supply! don't try to save some bucks there, get a proper brand. on jonnyguru.com ya can find some really decent tests what power supply does its job... and what doesn't.
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Jan 1, 2018
So with the help of you all i made this:

A decent power supply and with the option of maybe getting another videocard in the future.

I'm not sure if the cpu is okey or the motherboard is overpriced. Could anyone give me his blessing about the list i made?

And whats the difference between the GTX 1080 Ti and RTX 2080 Ti? They both have 11GB


Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
So with the help of you all i made this:

A decent power supply and with the option of maybe getting another videocard in the future.

I'm not sure if the cpu is okey or the motherboard is overpriced. Could anyone give me his blessing about the list i made?

And whats the difference between the GTX 1080 Ti and RTX 2080 Ti? They both have 11GB
heh geizhals... also kann ichs ja auf deutsch schreiben wa? :p
netzwerk sieht schon mal ganz gut aus ^^. be quiet ist nicht schlecht und 750 watt sollten langen. 80+ gold und modular wie es scheint. zwei kühler sind ganz gut, aber vl. willst du noch einen dritten dazunehmen (bspw. vorne reinblasen, hinten rausblasen und einmal seite reinblasen). kühlung ist wichtig! auf jeden fall sollten sie vorne und hinten installiert sein. achte darauf, dass die abmessungen auch stimmen. du hast nämlich einmal 120 und einmal 140 mm lüfter genommen. wenn vorne und hinten jeweils nur 120 drauf passen, wäre das blöd. 120er indes sollten auf 140ern draufpassen, normalerweise.
keine ahnung ob es denn wirklich einen 6kerner braucht der dafür aus der i5 generation stammt. meiner meinung nach würde ein guter 4kerner der i7 generation sogar mehr helfen, da die i7 in der regel schneller daten verarbeiten können als die i5. und 6 kerne sind sowieso ...eigenartig, sagen wirs mal so xD. keine ahnung ob die marke eagis für die ram sticks was taugt. persönlich setze ich auf kingston, kann daher nicht viel darüber sagen. was mir aber auffällt: wo ist dein optisches laufwerk? :D usb-kabel zwischen gehäuse und motherboard müssten inklusive sein beim kauf des gehäuses (hoffe ich) und die größe der graka sollte auch passen, sofern sie seitlich eingebaut wird (was ich annehme) und nicht wie meine alte graka, längs. das motherboard sieht gut genug aus (man findet im internet aber nat. noch bessre), ob es aber zwei grakas unterstützen kann hinterfrage ich jetzt einmal, da im infoblatt nämlich steht, dass es untersützt. nun, das ist eine AMD-technologie, keine nvidia technologie. bei nvidia nennt sich der multi-graka support .

unterschied zwischen gtx und rtx liegt vor allem in den neuen rt-kernen sowie dem raytracing (was auch in der neuen ps5 zum einsatz kommen wird). oder kurz: dat ding is' schnella :geek:. hier kannst du ein wenig darüber nachlesen:

nat. ist das jetzt meine subjektive meinung. verm. haut dir der volta noch eine viel bessere meinung um die ohren ^^. bin im gegensatz zu erm nur ein amateur der ein wenig fachchinesisch kann.
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pure evil!
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
heh geizhals... also kann ichs ja auf deutsch schreiben wa? :p
keine ahnung ob die marke eagis für die ram sticks was taugt. persönlich setze ich auf kingston, kann daher nicht viel darüber sagen.
Die Marke is G.Skill, Aegis ist das Produkt^^ und die taugen was, nutze die schon seit Jahren ohne probs, die haben auch den Vorteil das man den namen nicht mitbezahlt wie bei Kingston :p
Ich persönlich habe seit gut 6 Jahren kein optisches Laufwerk mehr. Die braucht man doch heute nicht mehr wirklich, oder?
Mit dem letzten Treiber update haben die GTX übrigens auch ray-tracing support bekommen (fehlt aber immernoch in Daz).
Und wie schon gesagt, SLI brauchste fürs rendern nicht. Ist eher Kontraproduktiv.
Beim Rest geb ich dir aber recht^^

Mostly what I said in my last post.
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
Die Marke is G.Skill, Aegis ist das Produkt^^ und die taugen was, nutze die schon seit Jahren ohne probs, die haben auch den Vorteil das man den namen nicht mitbezahlt wie bei Kingston :p
Ich persönlich habe seit gut 6 Jahren kein optisches Laufwerk mehr. Die braucht man doch heute nicht mehr wirklich, oder?
Mit dem letzten Treiber update haben die GTX übrigens auch ray-tracing support bekommen (fehlt aber immernoch in Daz).
Und wie schon gesagt, SLI brauchste fürs rendern nicht. Ist eher Kontraproduktiv.
Beim Rest geb ich dir aber recht^^

Mostly what I said in my last post.
also ich benutze noch das optische laufwerk ^^. sehr praktisch wenn man seine alten spiele zocken möchte, oder ps1 spiele per cd emulieren möchte. ansonsten lassen sich dvds damit angucken. die optischen laufwerke kosten sowieso vl. 20 euro oder so und verbrauchen nur 10 watt. also warum nicht einfach einbauen?
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Jan 1, 2018
Ja klar, ehrlich gesagt fällt es mir schwer solche technischen Sachen auf Englisch zu erklären. Ich hab nebenbei auf computerbase ein Thread eröffnet und denen Voltas Rezept erklärt, damit dir mir auch dort helfen die Einzelteile für den PC rauszusuchen :LOL: Das mit der Marke der Karten kann ich ja ändern, kosten ja fast alle gleich. Laufwerk wäre eigentlich nicht notwendig, um Filme zu schauen hätte ich die PS4.

Hatte bei Nvidia nachgeschaut und die 2080 ti hat mit 4352 rund 800 mehr CUDA Cores als die 1080 Ti (3584), mit zwei 1080 Ti's würde ich zwar auf 7168 CUDA Cores kommen, jedoch ist die Gainward GTX 1080 Ti neu mit 813€ viel zu teuer, dann doch lieber die RTX 2080 Ti

Wie findet ihr den Motherboard?:


I additionally opened a thread on computerbase and asked them for a rendering PC with Voltas recept so they can help me to search the components for it :LOL:

I looked up on Nvidia and the 2080 Ti has with 4352 around 800 more CUDA Cores then the 1080 Ti (3584), with two 1080 Ti's, i would come up to 7168 CUDA Cores, but the only option i would have to buy new is the Gainward GTX 1080 Ti and that is with 813€ too expensive (if would buy two). Then rather one RTX 2080 Ti


Active Member
Aug 7, 2017

I additionally opened a thread on computerbase and asked them for a rendering PC with Voltas recept so they can help me to search the components for it :LOL:

I looked up on Nvidia and the 2080 Ti has with 4352 around 800 more CUDA Cores then the 1080 Ti (3584), with two 1080 Ti's, i would come up to 7168 CUDA Cores, but the only option i would have to buy new is the Gainward GTX 1080 Ti and that is with 813€ too expensive (if would buy two). Then rather one RTX 2080 Ti
Sorry, I couldn't follow along with the German, but yeah. That is what i was trying to get at in my previous post. With the price of the 1080 Ti as high as it is, I think your best value option is just to get the 2080 Ti. You will be future proof for awhile, and then if you decide later that you really want to get depeer into 3D rendering then adding a 2nd 2080 Ti (hopefully at a cheaper price) would make a great set-up.
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Xpression Games
Game Developer
Aug 23, 2017
SLI will be worth it when the RTX cards get full Iray support as the 20 series cards have NVlink which allows Video memory to be shared between cards.
Also ray-tracing on older GPU's Vs. RTX Cards is very different as you have the RT cores and Tensor Cores on an RTX card which will cut render times a ton when Iray is ready for RTX cards.
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Jan 1, 2018
@Boogie yes you're were absolutely right, that was the final reason why i decided to get the RTX 2080 Ti, but with @recreation 's and @Volta 's note that the perfomance difference is really big with two videocards i'm gonna get a motherboard and power supply that can handle that in the future, but like i said, i have no idea which motherboard is the right one for that.

About the CPU, they suggested me the Intel Core i5-9400F, 6x 2,9GHz for around 160€, should i buy a better one? Since i'm probably never going to change that, it would be better to invest a little more in that, am i right?

@gamersglory yes, getting the RTX 2080 Ti will probably have more benefits in the future, even in (i hope) Daz


Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
just so others can read on (and correct me) i'm gonna write it in english ^^.

about motherboards: well, there are so many different types on the market that i can only really read out what slots it has and so on, but not, how great e.g. its bios is. your other motherboard from asrock also has the most important things in it, yet also doesn't support SLI (if you really care about it that is). if you want a motherboard with double GPU support for nvidia card, make sure they have SLI in the info "multi-GPU". to be honest, i liked the previous motherboard more, 'cause of its sturdyness and robustness. i will just throw in two links about motherboards. maybe it will help ya finding the right one:

if it doesn't help ya out, use your first motherboard and be done with it xD.

about your processor. first off, i gotta admit i'm not as great when it comes to processors than it comes to power supplies or so. i'm also more of an AMD fan. that being said, if you want an intel you gotta vouche for the 9th generation which is the coffee lake microarchitecture (general question: can't i just call it chipset?). anway, your i5 9400f is ofc. 9th generation. the first number tells ya the generation. funky enough, all i5 9th generations have 6 cores which i find mindblowing, 'cause years ago discussions were hold about 6 cores being less effective due to their way they are stringed together. seems like time's changing. anyway, the price for that i5 you found is fucking low and a good deal for what ya can get. the newest i7 processors are waaaayy more expensive. now the million dollar question: when is a new i5 better than an old i7 value-wise? and to be honest, i just don't know. the prices for i7 are strange. ranging from i7 7700k to i7 9700k they all cost around the fucking same! 300 up to 400 bucks.

so my conclusion:
if money is important: your i5 9400f is the way to go. really good price tag for what it offers.
if money is important but you got some leftovers: upgrade to i5 9600k
if you don't care about money: take the i7 9700k (370 bucks, if it's without cooler, don't forget to get one!)
if you are a spoiled kid who can throw out papas money without any consequences xD: take a look at the i9 9900k (500 bucks)

some comparisons btw. the processors:

worst to best comparison:
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Jan 1, 2018
Ok so since the SLI is contraproductive, i think i will just get a motherboard in which i could install two videocards, so they could work together without SLI

I also have no clue about the processors, some suggested me to get an AMD CPU, but doesnt the Intels work better on artist stuff like adobe and 3d softwares etc.? I heard that the AMD renders faster but honestly i have no idea.

The current one is this:
If i'm gonna spend 2k i think it would be the best to save for some more time to get the best of it. Otherwise i would complain too much


Xpression Games
Game Developer
Aug 23, 2017
Yes Daz will be getting RTX Features this year
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
Ok so since the SLI is contraproductive, i think i will just get a motherboard in which i could install two videocards, so they could work together without SLI

I also have no clue about the processors, some suggested me to get an AMD CPU, but doesnt the Intels work better on artist stuff like adobe and 3d softwares etc.? I heard that the AMD renders faster but honestly i have no idea.

The current one is this:
If i'm gonna spend 2k i think it would be the best to save for some more time to get the best of it. Otherwise i would complain too much
had to re-educate myself about multi-GPU and SLI, 'cause multi-GPU is so outdated it's rarely used anymore ^^ (at least in my opinion). SLI is used to make two cards practically one card. without SLI both cards act separately, meaning, one can be used for gaming, the other one does rendering and so on.
personally i wouldn't even give a damn about using two GPUs. for rendering 'n stuff a rtx 2080ti is MORE than good enough.

AMD has a really decent (and kinda cheap) CPU called ryzen which will also be used in the new ps5 (hype hype). i also use an old AMD cpu, a so called bulldozer. and tell ya what, those beasts aren't the fastest one but they do a lot of work. it's a bit like intel being a TGV while amd CPU acts like a . you will never get the same speed than intel but you can work with tougher stuff before your fps drop significantly, hence the reason why sony uses it...apart from the cheaper price. and it's true, amds are best used for workstations. the reason for this is, that intels have a better single core function while amd CPUs have more "workspace" with their huge amounts of cores. they also work kinda efficiently together.
a good comparison btw. an i7 9700 and an AMD would be the ryzen 7 2700x.
more indepth comparison btw. single core workload and multicore workload:

as you can see in the userbenchmark, the i7 stomps the ryzen in terms of speed, especially when it comes to single core speed. however, if a software supports multicore ryzen gets the upper hand. so it's up to what software you use and if it's single core heavy or if it relies on multiple cores.

that being said, that motherbaord is modified for intel CPU and it's not like i7 is a bad choice either. the drop against a ryzen isn't significant (if it would, the i7 wouldn't be worth it at all for that fucking price and no one would buy it). intels CPUs are also easier to cool and don't suck on your electricity bill that much. if you attempt to go for an amd CPU you always gotta buy a cooler for it too xD, 'cause their home made coolers just suck (and i know what i'm talking about, had a burnt in CPU in my motherboard for once due to shitty amd coolers). so my opinion: it's up to you. both are just fine for your work.

one thing i noticed though: i checked out the be quiet! pure base 600. that thing is designed for water cooling actually, but can also handle normal coolers. what i also find interesting is, that a 120 mm wing in the back and a 140 mm wing in the front is already preinstalled. the CPU cooler you bought is just small enough to fit in. last but not least, cable management will be a hassle to do with that case. if all of that doesn't matter to you you should be good to go.

i also calculated your maximum wattage consumption. good choice using 750 W. you can even upgrade your pc later on with more ram or so without having to buy a new power supply (if you buy a second GPU however you will need a stronger power supply). i also checked out if i could find you an even better power supply for the money. gotta say though, be quiet did a good job with this one. i got only one alternative for you from :

what you take doesn't matter. both do their jobs splendidly.

damn, 2200 bucks for a computer... i wish i would have that amount of money xD.

let's do a quick check up:
1tb ssd (fuck, i wanna have one too!) for stuff. check!
250 gb ssd for OS. check!
strong CPU that doesn't throttle your GPU. check!
lots of ram with DDR4. check!
OP GPU. check!
a reasonable motherboard. check!
enough coolers (3; 2 preinstalled) check!
CPU cooler, 'cause why not. check!
case cappable of supporting all that stuff. check!
ATX power supply, modular, enough W and 80+ gold. check!
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Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
The important thing is that you don't render on your pc. Keep your pd free to do other things, keep working, etc.
Send the render to another machine, or 100. Make your scene, send off the render, make another scene, send the render to the que. Downtime while your pc is rendering is kill. Trying to use your pc, even just to check email, affects the render.
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Xpression Games
Game Developer
Aug 23, 2017
The important thing is that you don't render on your pc. Keep your pd free to do other things, keep working, etc.
Send the render to another machine, or 100. Make your scene, send off the render, make another scene, send the render to the que. Downtime while your pc is rendering is kill. Trying to use your pc, even just to check email, affects the render.
Not really if you have Daz set up right. Rendering on another machine is great if you have that kind of money to blow. I don't and most others don't either.