What would you like to see/want In a female Protag Game


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
  • At least moderately intelligent protagonist that is not constantly abused and exploited by everyone. A real character not a sex doll.
  • Interesting storyline. High school setting has been done to death. Something that would make it stand out.
  • Choices that matter.
It's hard to answer without knowing more about your game. You should create your own vision first and then check what makes people tick and what doesn't. From that see what aligns with your interests. Making a game is very demanding and unless it is something you're passionate about, you won't enjoy it.


Jun 2, 2019
Confident or "ara-ara" women and also exhibitionism which I always fun with. If added best with plot just like how some oneone1 games and doujin cirle gyu games portrayed.


Active Member
Game Developer
May 16, 2017
I'm trying to wade through making my own female protag game without relying on the usual blackmail angle myself, you could have a look to get some ideas but it's still very new so there isn't much content yet it's called Forever Ink, you could also check out a creator called stoper, his game is very good at avoiding the typical blackmail stuff . I'd say make her a popular girl at school, that way it's easier for her to stay in control of a situation rather than be forced into something, her having feelings for her hot mother would be cool but you'd have to be careful with patreon about that
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Jul 4, 2017
A male protagonist.

Just kidding, I'd love to see more of a real female protagonist, someone with objectives and who moves the story forward instead of just reacting to man's actions and getting raped. Some different story from discovering her sexuality would also be nice. I mean, you can have that, but also a more interesting main plot.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
  • At least moderately intelligent protagonist that is not constantly abused and exploited by everyone. A real character not a sex doll.
  • Interesting storyline. High school setting has been done to death. Something that would make it stand out.
  • Choices that matter.
It's hard to answer without knowing more about your game. You should create your own vision first and then check what makes people tick and what doesn't. From that see what aligns with your interests. Making a game is very demanding and unless it is something you're passionate about, you won't enjoy it.
Maybe it been done to death. But, how many of them been even close to realistic and reflect real life? Female protags that just turn into mindless sex toys, is of little interest imho. I'm not saying GGGB is that awesome, but at least it offer the player a choice how to develop the character somewhat.

The more choices left to the player how to develop their character and react to obstacles and choices, the better. But that would also put a much higher strain on the creator as the game become much more demanding to make. So a lot of games just stereo type it, and jam the player into situations that leave them with take it up the ass or suck a fat one, but in reality maybe the player didn't want either of those options.
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Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
Maybe it been done to death. But, how many of them been even close to realistic and reflect real life?
I think given the quantity of Japanese VN's in this setting some of them must have been pretty realistic. All I know is that I've played enough that it alone doesn't pique my interest.

Female protags that just turn into mindless sex toys, is of little interest imho. I'm not saying GGGB is that awesome, but at least it offer the player a choice how to develop the character somewhat.
It did, and I enjoyed playing it somewhat the way I like (not-a-slut) for a time, but at some point it just kinda turned into an encyclopedia of porn anyway and even pushed me somewhere I didn't want to go. The story simply wasn't strong enough to hold my interest. Plus I generally don't like the "alignment" based stats and the way they railroad choice options.

The more choices left to the player how to develop their character and react to obstacles and choices, the better. But that would also put a much higher strain on the creator as the game become much more demanding to make.
Well, I'm a demanding player.:)


I would appreciate a virgin path, in the sense that the MC should have full control over who she fucks or not.
To still make it hot, she can peek or experiment without going all the way.

Also, lesbian incest is indeed very rare but very hot as well.

The dominant character I like, but not in the BDSM way. I just like a character who has her own opinions, can handle stuff herself and not be bullied into something she doesn't want. A character like Kelly from Intimate Relations, but I have the feeling she is quite a divisive character. Some really like her, others don't.


Mar 1, 2019
Came up with another idea. Think of your typical harem game in the late phases where the girls start also hooking up with each other and everything is out in the open and each of the harem girls has newfound freedom to hook up with anyone and everyone.

What if you're playing as one of the girls in the harem?
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Developer of Lesbian/Futa Games
Game Developer
Mar 12, 2018
Freedom mostly and no tags such as: humiliation, rape, ntr and so on. Also a potential female (at least one, more wouldn't hurt) romance option. Male audience probably do not want to play as a female and romance male characters. Also 'romance'. A love story that is deep and meaningful never hurt but try to avoid clishés. Also she should not be a total idiot and annoying.

What's also important - which I think most people forgot - is consistent update. Female Protagonist games even with these options - at least in my opinion - gets really small audience and often gets forgotten. This smaller base often disappoints the developer and decides to scrap the game entirely and join the masses (no offense). We saw great potential game's in the past with great female protagonist, great renders, interesting story but they scrapped after first release (High Life e.g.).

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Mar 22, 2019
Freedom mostly
What do you mean by this?
no tags such as: humiliation, rape, ntr
I definitely understand how you feel about that and will try my best
Male audience probably do not want to play as a female and romance male characters
I think what a male audience wants is the perceptual corruption and domination over the player. Which is hot don't get me wrong. But I hope to make my character enjoy the actions she takes as they are hers. Not to be downplayed by them.

Also 'romance'. A love story that is deep and meaningful never hurt but try to avoid clishés
Yep, got something in mind for this!

What's also important - which I think most people forgot - is consistent update
never thought about that, thank you!


Developer of Lesbian/Futa Games
Game Developer
Mar 12, 2018
What do you mean by this?
As an example:
If there is a route for lesbian relationships (if you go by that example) do not force player / have player in heterosexual relationship from the beginning


a story arc that involves something (if you try avoid most 'dark' tags I listed above) you should give the player the choice over it. As an example: She could act as slut/bimbo but let it be a choice.

I think the reception is much better if the possibility IS there but not FORCED. It's like branching game which sounds great.
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Mar 1, 2019
I think one problem with female protag games is how the rewards and punishments are all flipped. Like if you assert yourself and make your own choices, the reward is less sex... in a porn game.

I was just playing a Wife and Mother and in one case to get what I actually wanted out of the update I had to intentionally fail an event. In too many of these games the "reward" is no sex and everything sexual comes from being pushed into doing something you "didn't want" which leads to your character later loving it.

Find a way to make the sex feel like a reward to the character rather than a punishment to her.


Game Developer
Feb 11, 2019
not much of a thought...
I already like the old fashion air head moron girl get fuck by mistake rape blackmail
(but with an interesting scene writing in it)
I'm not a much of long story reader so that is on point I like sex scene
the long process to that just make me boring

If another thing I would like to have
Is multiple outcome of the sex scene
Like she like the sex with him > so scene enjoyed it
she feel bad with rape blackmail > she feel bad but enjoyed it
She eager to got sex from this > she dominate him
and that effect another day to approach the same npc
he more cruel / he in love with her / he fear her
yeah... but that too much complicate for game making
It's hard to make a branches of choice match the whole story
and that just for the sake of difference sex scene
so most of the dev just ad more npc with difference event and characteristic

But I think if we got one npc like sup protagonist
that she can approach him in many way will interesting
a guy can change too when have sex with girl
actually an important girl
and player choose if she would go to obey route
or dominate route or romantic route with him
she can be a slut or a lovely wifu
a queen etc


New Member
Mar 30, 2018
maybe go all the way and make it a straight up reverse gender role game?
by that i mean all of the stereotypes today about certain genders are reversed (keep in mind these aren't my opinion, just stereotypes that exist in the world) such as instead of men being typecast as always horny perverts, make them the "Innocent nice person" and make all the women horny perverts, make women the head of household and have it be weird for a father to NOT be the one taking care of the children. that sort of thing


Super User
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
Blackmail done right, no lame excuses or little faggots doing the thing. Something like embezzlement at the work place, hit and run or similar, so the the stakes are go to jail or comply.


Developer of Lesbian/Futa Games
Game Developer
Mar 12, 2018
Blackmail done right, no lame excuses or little faggots doing the thing. Something like embezzlement at the work place, hit and run or similar, so the the stakes are go to jail or comply.
I understand what you mean but even still there are a lot of those even if it is badly written.

From what I've experienced through my game's audience and others it is not really the best idea. I understand it's a personal preference and mean no offense by that.

I just want to see at least one developer who works in the same sub-genre as I do, but really there is none.
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