whats the appeal of corruption games?


Mar 18, 2023
This, and more specifically: someone with strong moral values gradually discards them and becomes a slave to her base instincts.

It's a kind of schadenfreude.
It is something that i like too, Would you mind if i ask which workflow would you prefer?
1. using a super power or something like a drink
2. or dealing with the character in natural way

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
It is something that i like too, Would you mind if i ask which workflow would you prefer?
1. using a super power or something like a drink
2. or dealing with the character in natural way
Personally I don't like drugs, mind control or other superpowers for this. They feel like crutches, or cheats. Much more satisfying to use the target's own flaws against them by deception and manipulation.

Not everyone agrees though, mind control is quite popular.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
Change in behavior caused by outside factors.
Usually from prude to slut.
But what starts that change? what continues that change? What steers that change in different directions?

This, and more specifically: someone with strong moral values gradually discards them and becomes a slave to her base instincts.

It's a kind of schadenfreude.
But in games that is not really the case, if the corrupted person becomes a slave to the instincts then in game the MC would go to sleep and wake up and find dildos and lube all over the place or find out the the corrupted person has bought a brothel and is running it while servicing clients.

In games whether you are playing the corruptor or the corrupted, it's the player that decides when to go to the next level of corruption and if the corrupted person goes naked to the park or naked to the shopping center, I haven't played a corruption game yet where the MC go to the shopping center to buy new toys for the person and hears how a woman was walking around naked from shop to shop.
That description doesn't seem to fit the game mechanics well, although it would fit some kinetic novels.

Just don't play "corruption" tag games with female protag. 99% of them are trash. Willingly becoming a slut is not corruption.
That's not really true though, the player is making in game choices that place the FMC in the position to be corrupted.

Go directly home? take the subway?

The player chooses the subway hoping that she will get groped and while hating it at the start, she will later at home while masturbating wonder why the thought excites her.

It is true though that it is hard to write a FMC where it feels like she has her own will while still allowing the player to make choices for her and some games rush it to get to the lewder scenes quicker BUT the player can always choose to have her go directly home but what fun would that be and the player would miss out on most of the erotic scenes.

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
But in games that is not really the case, if the corrupted person becomes a slave to the instincts then in game the MC would go to sleep and wake up and find dildos and lube all over the place or find out the the corrupted person has bought a brothel and is running it while servicing clients.
Well, I don't know what kind of games you've played but I've seen this occasionally. That being said you can portray things differently, for instance by having the corrupted make a 180 on every goal they had when weighted against the opportunity for more pleasure.

In games whether you are playing the corruptor or the corrupted, it's the player that decides when to go to the next level of corruption and if the corrupted person goes naked to the park or naked to the shopping center, I haven't played a corruption game yet where the MC go to the shopping center to buy new toys for the person and hears how a woman was walking around naked from shop to shop.
That description doesn't seem to fit the game mechanics well, although it would fit some kinetic novels.
Disconnect between gameplay and narrative is nothing new and it can be difficult to solve the issue entirely. It's particularly true for female MC games because wrestling away control from the player when it comes to decide the flow of sex scenes could be more annoying than matching the narrative.
Male MC games sometimes to this though. Venus Blood Frontier comes to mind, where corrupted heroines spontaneously decide to relieve the troops (Odin) or decide to make a shota harem and introduce another corrupted heroine to that specific pleasure (Freya and Thor).

I wish it happened more often but it's better than nothing.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
To me, corruption is a very broad category. There are many levels to corruption and I would argue most games on this site has some form of corruption.

Everything from what has been mentioned previously, like a pure and innocent girl being turned into a slut. To really hardcore mind-break corruption. To more "vanilla corruption" like most (if not all) incest games have. And many things in-between.


Oct 10, 2019
Could I ask to explain willingly more?
Corruption in porn terms requires a corrupter and victim of corruption, that is acted upon. In FMC games most of the times corruptors are random outsiders, making the player himself somewhat of a corrupter, but player does not exist. He's inside of MC's head, becoming her thoughts. So it's her herself becoming more and more lustful on her own will. Where's corruption in that? She's just changed her way of life is all. It's close to bimbofication or exactlt that. So the only FMC games I consider having decent corruption are the ones where corrupter is defined and not changing. Or where MC is the corrupter despite being a female, but those are so very rare.
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Oct 14, 2022
But what starts that change? what continues that change? What steers that change in different directions?
That depend on the game in question.
A lot go the lazy route and use mind control drugs.
Others make use of the magic dick.
My personal favorite is just talking.
Convincing people with words is far more impressive then force.
That said.
At the core corruption is an operative word(I think grammer isnt my speciality)
It discribe's an action.
Like rape, vaginal sex or incest.
It is something you do or dont.
But it is up to the witter/developer to diside how they go about doing it.

Let me give you a simple example.
A girl wants to be populair.
Her boyfriend is a pimp.
He plays on her need for populairty.
To be admired.
It starts slowly.
Convicing her to start an only fans.
After all she is extreemly pretty and people would pay money just to see her face.
Ofcourse after a while seeing her face wont be enough.
Meaby show her boob.
Just a tease.
No need to show the nipples.
Over the course of weeks or months he constantly plays on her desire to be wanted.
Making her believe that the best way to get the attention she crave is by being more and more sluttist.
She will complain, she will resist.
But in the end she will dance to her boyfriends tune because her need to be desired outweights her moral code.
The bodyfriend is always there for her.
Loving, loyal but always pushing her to take one more step.
Once she is one of his whore's he start the whore progress with a new girlfriend.

Welcome to how pimps reqruit woman.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
Well, I don't know what kind of games you've played but I've seen this occasionally. That being said you can portray things differently, for instance by having the corrupted make a 180 on every goal they had when weighted against the opportunity for more pleasure.
This is true but it's almost never portrayed because of the reason you listed below, taking control away from the player. It would be nice if games could make the game world more dynamic but most don't unfortunately. Most of the corruption games I have played have focused more on the visual and every day life side of things.

I think it's because for some / many? it's less rewarding to read the target say "I don't care if I miss my interview and don't get the job i've been dreaming of since I was young as long as I can suck a dick" compared to, having her go to work and seeing her bend over and show all the co-workers she's not wearing panties and seeing their reactions. Seeing what you have made her do, seeing how she is starting to like it and how those around react to what you put in motion, rather than her talking to you over breakfast.

Disconnect between gameplay and narrative is nothing new and it can be difficult to solve the issue entirely. It's particularly true for female MC games because wrestling away control from the player when it comes to decide the flow of sex scenes could be more annoying than matching the narrative.
Male MC games sometimes to this though. Venus Blood Frontier comes to mind, where corrupted heroines spontaneously decide to relieve the troops (Odin) or decide to make a shota harem and introduce another corrupted heroine to that specific pleasure (Freya and Thor).

I wish it happened more often but it's better than nothing.
Not just the sex scenes though, all the erotic scenes. I agree it would be nice to have more of but most stories seem to stick to the usual way which comes back to the power a player has over the corruption and the story and how it will play out.

That depend on the game in question.
A lot go the lazy route and use mind control drugs.
Others make use of the magic dick.
My personal favorite is just talking.
Convincing people with words is far more impressive then force.
That said.
At the core corruption is an operative word(I think grammer isnt my speciality)
It discribe's an action.
Like rape, vaginal sex or incest.
It is something you do or dont.
But it is up to the witter/developer to diside how they go about doing it.
I think you might be misunderstanding what I was asking, who decides to give the target the drug? or if playing the target, who decides she should buy and test the drug from the shady guy in the alley?
With the magic dick or the talking who decides when to use the dick or which lines to say to begin the corruption?

The life and future of the target are in the players hands, the player can choose to follow the every day routine and never buy the corruption drug, of course then they will never see any scenes but the point is the control over the target, when to start the corruption, how far to take the corruption (within the games story and mechanics) and how it will affect the targets life.

You can choose to send her to hand out flyers topless everyday and never see her family or you can have her go to family dinner ever night in her new revealing outfits, the choice is yours as the player. That kind of complete control over a life is a form of power.

Let me give you a simple example.
A girl wants to be populair.
Her boyfriend is a pimp.
He plays on her need for populairty.
To be admired.
It starts slowly.
Convicing her to start an only fans.
After all she is extreemly pretty and people would pay money just to see her face.
Ofcourse after a while seeing her face wont be enough.
Meaby show her boob.
Just a tease.
No need to show the nipples.
Over the course of weeks or months he constantly plays on her desire to be wanted.
Making her believe that the best way to get the attention she crave is by being more and more sluttist.
She will complain, she will resist.
But in the end she will dance to her boyfriends tune because her need to be desired outweights her moral code.
The bodyfriend is always there for her.
Loving, loyal but always pushing her to take one more step.
Once she is one of his whore's he start the whore progress with a new girlfriend.

Welcome to how pimps reqruit woman.
Well that is a bit of a rough start, given that she is willing to date a pimp she is already pretty open minded and open to certain things sexual.

Something along those lines can already be found in a few games out there that I know of and probably more, Power Vacuum, a family venture etc. without the pimp or ending in her being a prostitute. In the example you gave, if you are playing the boyfriend, who decides when to bring up the onlyfans? Who decides when to talk to the girlfriend to have her take thing further? It's the player and when the player decides to have those talks with the MC's girlfriend how many corruption games allow the girlfriend to flat out say no?
If you were playing the girlfriend, who decides how to answer the boyfriend? to agree to his wishes? who decides when to agree to take thing further? again it's the player.

This is what makes it different from controlling a MC or FMC in say a dating sim. In a dating sim you can drug or talk or use a magic dick but you'll never get the LI to go naked in a park and masturbate on the swings. In a dating sim you are not meant to have that level of control over the LI, you are only goal is to win the LI's heart.

Corruption games are written in a way to allow the player to take control of the targets life and actions and eventually control every aspect of the target, from how they dress to where they go to how they act and yes in the ones using drugs or magic even what they think sometimes.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
But what starts that change? what continues that change? What steers that change in different directions?
The initial spark can be completely accidental (stumbling upon a porn magazine), and that spark alone can trigger a series of chain reactions that will ultimately result in the character losing all innocence/purity step by step.

Staying pure is what actually requires steering, corruption can fester unnatended.
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Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
The initial spark can be completely accidental (stumbling upon a porn magazine), and that spark alone can trigger a series of chain reactions that will ultimately result in the character losing all innocence/purity step by step.

Staying pure is what actually requires steering, corruption can fester unnatended.
Strange you saying that,
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The thing is almost all of the corruption games I've played require the player to begin the process. There have been one or two Japanese hentai ones where they hinted that the target had been exposed to something that caused them to think about things but as the MC I still had to give the starting push. I've never played a game where the game starts the process for me or where she was already partly corrupted.

I seem to have had the opposite experience to you, I found all i had to do was avoid some choices and staying pure was easy. It was choosing the right choices to corruption them in the way I wanted and avoid some kinks I'm not into that was harder.

I also REALLY wish games would lay off the heavy make up or at least give an option for it. I can already tell she is well on the way to being fully corrupted when I have her flashing the neighbors, the heavy make up just takes away from why I liked that model / drawing in the first place but I get that others like it and it adds something for them.

I shoud have added in she doesnt know what he does for a living.
Ah ok that makes more sense :)


Dec 15, 2018
In RPG's it's a mechanic to allow different paths to open up receiving different animations/rewards/endings etc.

Personally I'm not a big fan of RPG's anyway and I don't like obscure and mysterious branching paths where I don't know If I'm missing content. I'd no sooner quit the game altogether ha.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
I seem to have had the opposite experience to you, I found all i had to do was avoid some choices and staying pure was easy. It was choosing the right choices to corruption them in the way I wanted and avoid some kinks I'm not into that was harder.
Exactly, because you want a specific kind of controlled corruption where a specific character maintains all control over them, that is harder to find and like I said mostly found over domination, training and other tags even without corruption...

Mind you I'm talking from the story and tags perspective, In female protag games it is very uncommon to not have a singular corruptor. Now if you are saying that just because "the player makes choices" that means it is about "power and control" then it becomes an irrelevant argument because every single game would be about power and control from this perspective.

There are many corruption games where things happen due to outside factors, the character needs to make money, needs to save someone, needs to survive. And sure you can stay pure and skip all sex scenes, but if you allow the corruption to take place then you will be seeing more often than not a character losing control to their inner lust that was in check before by their purity/innocence.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
Exactly, because you want a specific kind of controlled corruption where a specific character maintains all control over them, that is harder to find and like I said mostly found over domination, training and other tags even without corruption...
It's not that those are the one's I want, more like the one's I played are the one's I can handle. When dialog starts with "ah there's the fuck meat" or " bitch you're my cock sleeve" etc. I pretty much close the game and delete it. I don't mind dirty talk or dirty banter but some of the corruption games I started took it over the top way too quickly.

Mind you I'm talking from the story and tags perspective, In female protag games it is very uncommon to not have a singular corruptor. Now if you are saying that just because "the player makes choices" that means it is about "power and control" then it becomes an irrelevant argument because every single game would be about power and control from this perspective.
I see your point there but I disagree about it becoming irrelevant as it differs completely from other genres. In other genres you are right, the player makes choice but it's for the MC (unless multiprotag) In corruption games the player makes choices for the MC AND the target.

As an example, in other game the player buys clothes to increase their charm / charisma to help win the LI. You don't have any power over the LI, their actions, their thoughts, their life, you are just hoping they like the clothes and say yes to a second date. Once you've charmed the LI, had them fall inlove, etc. the LI still has control over themselves and can say no to a second date. (they won't because that not how the story is written but they can.)

In corruption games the player buys a lewd outfit and MAKES the target wear it. You have power over the target, you control the actions, their life and their thoughts. Once you have corrupted the target they can't say no, they will do what you tell them to. They follow your commands, you can't command someone if you don't have power over them.

as examples of game flow...

In incest, you control how the MC interacts with the family but no matter what drug you use or magic dick you have you can't get mom or sis to go naked to the park and masturbating on the swings (I'm using that example a lot...sorry :love:)

In Dating sims, you can set up dates and try win the LI's heart but you'll never get the LI to go to school wearing a remote vibe and masturbate in front of the whole class.

In mind control, you can do a lot of what you can in corruption games except once the control is off they return to "normal" and you can tell them to use the dildo as much as you like but they will refuse until you use the app / spell / coin to control them again.

In most other genres, they give you a chance, pick the right option and maybe win the LI. In corruption they give you power and once you use it the target is yours unless YOU decide to share and give the target away.

There are many corruption games where things happen due to outside factors, the character needs to make money, needs to save someone, needs to survive. And sure you can stay pure and skip all sex scenes, but if you allow the corruption to take place then you will be seeing more often than not a character losing control to their inner lust that was in check before by their purity/innocence.
...and you just said it yourself, "but if you allow the corruption" and once you allow that corruption you can get them to do what you want, when you want it.

Take the corruption debt collection idea, they are off doing cheap labor and getting groped, move on to waitress / barmaid, more groping, skimpy out fit and some exposure. Then on to massage, now just wearing a towel and giving happy endings. Next comes camgirl or paid date, now they are naked and masturbating for viewers or sex with strangers BUT I can have her strip naked and walk around town if I want her to. I can have her give HJ's to strangers or BJ's in the toilets or just flash cats...(noy sure where that idea came from lol) but I have full control.

Now take the same idea but make it debt repayment incest, now I can only do limited things within the family, work for uncle, flash cousin etc. but they will still say no to being naked outside in public.

Other genres the story has power over the target / MC / FMC / LI's
Corruption games the player has power over the target / MC / FMC / LI's

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
It's not that those are the one's I want, more like the one's I played are the one's I can handle. When dialog starts with "ah there's the fuck meat" or " bitch you're my cock sleeve" etc. I pretty much close the game and delete it.
Well this makes sense, it explains why you don't really reach the stage I'm talking about once you let corruption run its course, basically you seem to enjoy corruption only if it stays light or is avoidable.
In incest, you control how the MC interacts with the family but no matter what drug you use or magic dick you have you can't get mom or sis to go naked to the park and masturbating on the swings (I'm using that example a lot...sorry :love:)
I mean, that might not happen if you are talking about a game without the corruption tag, otherwise it could.

Have you played the game corruption? you are describing what happens in it, and the mc doesn't really tell the characters to do that, it just start happening if you drug them enough.
...and you just said it yourself, "but if you allow the corruption" and once you allow that corruption you can get them to do what you want, when you want it.
But that's the thing, simply allowing something to happen doesn't mean you will have control over the consequences of this choice. Corruption is often depicted as a one way street and you might not be able to go back after you start this process.

Not to mention that in many games you don't really have any control over it, you just play the game and follow along a character saga into corruption, and it will happen whether you want it or not. Except if you close the game like you said...
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Apr 23, 2019
For me, "corruption" is not about sex, as I consider sex to be a mostly positive thing, but about morals. Pushing boundaries and making the person eat their initial words, thoughts and values for you (or at least under your influence) is the hottest thing. You watch them transform, get their old selves broken beyond recognition and let them know there's no turning back.
Sadly there are almost no gay games like that.
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