This thread specifically asked "in your opinion." Refer to the last line of the first post. Didn't know i needed to reiterate that.
Just because someone asks for opinions, doesn't mean that people aren't going to reply with things they see as facts. So, yes, you do have to be clear in your wording.
When you say things like, "Images of real people ruins the fantasy", that doesn't look like you're stating an opinion, even though that's all it really is. Personally, I totally disagree with that claim. Yes, it cuts out a part of the potential number of players, but so would a text-only game.
Take for example, "
Secretary". This is a game which started out as using real porn, but mostly switched to 2D art. But even after that started happening, some people asked if they could get the old real porn art back. The fact is, some people are not only OK with real porn, they even prefer it.
That's why developers have to decide for themselves what audiences they want to cater to.
Again, i'm not pretending my opinion is true for everyone since this thread was asking "in your opinion." And i'm not sure why you're stating that you prefer real porn over crappy 3D. I don't want people making 3D renders that fall in the uncanny valley either.
Then why only the hate for real porn? Why not simply hate bad images/art? That seems like a more genuine stance.
My issue with real porn is there's nothing left for the imagination. As soon as you show me a real person, my personal preferences take over and override any imagination/interpretation, and it ruins my immersion. I've also never seen an HTML game with real porn use images that i didn't find to be unattractive or even gross.
But again, why single out real porn? Wouldn't all of your arguments also apply to characters displayed using 2D and 3D art?
Basically, I think people focus too much on real porn, when it's merely a choice the author has made about what they can handle and what audiences they want to target. I think it's a separate issue, which unfairly tends to get lumped in together with HTML games, simply because the two are often presented together.
I've seen other people feel the same so i know i'm not the only one turned off by real porn. I'll never complain about it in the game threads though, i just click ignore thread and move on without saying anything.
I appreciate that and I wish more people would do that.
It's the height of arrogance to go into a game's thread just to declare you don't like some particular thing about the game that's just your personal preference, because it assumes that anyone who
doesn't share your preference doesn't matter, only your opinion matters. It's just kind of gross.
That's not what i said at all. I said the game will still attract players despite having no/minimal images if it's a good game. I think the misunderstanding is because i said "good game." Is it fair to say a game isn't "good" because the majority won't play it from lack of visuals alone? Those people aren't the intended audience so why should their opinion matter?
Perhaps you and I have different ways of determining if a game is good or not. Personally, I know my judgement isn't useful in this area, since I know that a lot of the stuff I like tends to be disliked by most other people. I watch and enjoy a lot of anime, and a lot of it is stuff rated 2 or 3 out of 10.
Thus, rather than using my own skewed internal compass, I base my judgement of whether entertainment is "good" based on whether it tends to entertain more or less people.
So, from my perspective, saying, "a game will attract players if it's a good game," is the same thing as saying, "it will be a good game if it's a good game" or "a lot of people will play it if a lot of people play it". That's why this appears to be a tautology to me.
Also, I know that adding visuals attracts more players, and it's harder to get people to play text-only games. Thus my point that it's more of an uphill battle if you go text-only, instead of including images. Not saying it's impossible, just more difficult.
No, you're just assuming that text-only has to imply low effort.
No, I'm simply stating a fact. It takes more effort to find and add images than it takes to leave them out. That's why I described leaving images out and going text-only as "something even lower effort". Note that "lower effort" is
not the same as "low effort".
I actually expect even more effort if you do text-only because i'm always concerned that the dev is taking some shortcuts in presenting information. Images are efficient because they present a lot of information in a relatively small space. If you want to convey the same meaningful information using only text, it's actually a big challenge. So no, text-only ⇏ low effort.
It's actually the opposite. Finding images which fit, editing them, the technical aspects of adding them, compressing them, displaying them properly on all OSes and browsers, etc. is still more difficult than simply writing text. You can write text however you want, but when working with images you have limits you have to work within. Yes, it may take more effort to convey some things to the player without images, but that's precisely why images improve the game, they quickly and clearly get across certain points which would be laborious to get across through text alone.
However, you appear to be confusing the increased difficulty of communication in a text-only format with the actual work involved to create either version, and also ignoring the added benefits of adding images. It's much simpler to work text-only, because it removes many limitations and technical hurdles, but it adds other hurdles to enjoyment, which can make it harder to make it a good/popular game.
I agree 100% with everything you say here. It's not really that there's a problem with the engine itself. HTML (actually Javascript though) is capable of much more than what people realize.
And also i want to convey a thank you on behalf of everyone you help.
I appreciate it.
Also, I didn't mean to pick on you or your post, but it seemed like a good springboard to some of the points I wanted to make.