Whats your number one reason for not supporting a game

Whats your number one reason for not supporting a game

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Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
That's not what people want to see some big devs milking their patrons just for money that's not cool.

So why are we pay them if they will never finish their games?? If i support a dev here that's i'll know the game will finished like man of the house for example but if we're aware that they'll never finish their games why paying them for something that will never see "complete"...
Why do people pay for Batman comic books and even movies? We know the Batman's story will never be finished, why pay then?
May 27, 2020
Why do people pay for Batman comic books and even movies? We know the Batman's story will never be finished, why pay then?
Yeah sure but what the only thing we do is what paying for a moment??

If you finish a update and when the next update comes you pay just for the moment you pass on the update?? That's the thing paying for a moment...

Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Exactly, you subscribe and pay for the updates. Sure, the system is not strict about specific price per update, but that's just the nature of the beast. If you are not satisfied with the service, you cancel your sub.

This is the core idea of Patreon: you do not pay for the finished product, Patreon is not a store.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
Its just not efficient. 5€ a Month for a Game seems ridiculously high. I paid 40€ for Cyberpunk, for me to support a Game with 5€/Month for more than a few month seems kinda crazy. That would have to be the best Game I ever played.


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
for me its because i'm retired and don't have much left after paying what bills i have each month , if i had the extra cash i would love to help out about 10 Dev's that i think really deserve it ....


Active Member
Sep 4, 2018
I tend to hold off a bit until there is sufficient content so I can see where the game is going and consistency in the product over a few/several updates. Then I drop cash even if its a $1 but sometimes much more depending on how much I like the game.
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It may sound strange but my problem is not knowing how to contribute financially while remaining anonymous.
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Mar 23, 2018
No money is the obvious answer, but there a few big ones for me. The quality of the artwork is a huge one for me that too many seem willing to overlook, things such as no definition in the abs and thigh areas. They don't have to be muscular but at least a little toned. I also like the shimmering look on the skin some artists use, while others draw them dull and lifeless. Available fetishes is another one. I can forgive a lot of things if the art and fetishes are to my liking. If we're talking about monthly support like Patreon, then the the biggest reason would be lack of consistent, meaningful updates.

I can think of quite a few games that devs drag their feet on or are just super unorganized and only put out a small amount of content every few months. They also have fans that are far too forgiving of them making no progress as they rake in hundreds or thousands of dollars a month from them.


Jul 26, 2017
If it's a patreon project, then my reason solely lies with the developers/staff behavior as a public entity. If they are condescending twats to their customers, plugging their fingers into their ears because "MUH GAME IS PERFECT," doing shitty practices, etc...i'm ok with their patreon getting shut down and them being forced into a normal 9-5 position. If you're an indie game developer going the crowdfunding route, being paid for your work is a privilege, not a right. Respect the people that you want to support you. You're not above them.


Feb 3, 2018
I think a better question to ask if you love a game, what stops you from supporting it on patreon/financially?

For me, it's because it helps a lot to support early/small devs who are making games that you like / you feel have great potential (when they need the most). I don't support the established devs who probably won't benefit as much from 1-5 extra dollars per month. With that said, most of my favorite games are well established.

The other main reason is I'm a poor student.


Nov 20, 2017
I dont use patreon, if it comes to steam will gladly buy it if the game is good.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2020
I have a few criteria before I will support a game. FWIW, I am on a limited budget and instead of supporting one game at 20 a month, I would rather support 20 games at 1 a month. My criteria, in order of importance...

1 No non-con, the tag "rape" is an automatic no, with rare exceptions like it happening in the past to a character, not depicted graphically and the character is truly affected by it, see Avalon as a good exception. Most of the time the "blackmail" tag is also a no go, unless the one being threatened can tell them to go fuck themselves.

2 Moronic MC and/or non-sensical plot.

3 Terrible, almost unreadable Engrish, where there are tons of pronoun and syntax issues. I can get over an error every few sentences but when nearly every sentence is butchered, gonna be a nope for me.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2018
Also, if a game has forced Incest, I won't support it. If a game has poorly written non-Incest roles, I won't support it.


Jan 5, 2018
Support is only via patreon, I won't give them any cent.
My (small) supports are via Subscribe star.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
Forcing sexual scenarios.
Forced fetishes you can't avoid.
Forced sex with NPC's you're not interested in.

The above is UNFORGIVEABLE, and I will never support a game on Patreon if they don't give you the ability to choose which sex actions you want and which you don't.

Too many developers are so fucking stupid, they can't figure out the following code:

# this is called a preference. 98% of adult developers don't understand this concept
default player_interested_in_fetishA = False

# 98% of adult game developers don't understand what's going on in these three lines.
    "Fuck her."
    "Don't fuck her."

# 98% of adult developers don't realize not everyone is into the same thing, so don't force a sexual scenario, EVER
if player_interested_in_fetishA:
    "you fuck her in the asshole."
    "you're not into anal."
How hard is it to add one fucking boolean variable? Lazy piece of shit adult developer. Don't make a game if you're too lazy to make a simple variable declaration and if statement, lazy ass fuck. (This is not directed towards the OP).
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
How hard is it to add one fucking boolean variable? Lazy piece of shit adult developer. Don't make a game if you're too lazy to make a simple variable declaration and if statement, lazy ass fuck.
That's kind of reductive. Maximizing their audience isn't every dev's first priority, a lot of them just want to make the type of content they're into and tell the story they have in mind. That doesn't necessarily mean they're lazy, it's just not the type of content they want to make. It's also usually more complicated than "one variable," choices during sex scenes for different fetishes/positions require extra renders and alternate text.
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