I have a few criteria before I will support a game. FWIW, I am on a limited budget and instead of supporting one game at 20 a month, I would rather support 20 games at 1 a month. My criteria, in order of importance...
1 No non-con, the tag "rape" is an automatic no, with rare exceptions like it happening in the past to a character, not depicted graphically and the character is truly affected by it, see Avalon as a good exception. Most of the time the "blackmail" tag is also a no go, unless the one being threatened can tell them to go fuck themselves.
2 Moronic MC and/or non-sensical plot.
3 Terrible, almost unreadable Engrish, where there are tons of pronoun and syntax issues. I can get over an error every few sentences but when nearly every sentence is butchered, gonna be a nope for me.