When do you give up on playing a game?


Sep 14, 2016
Oh yeah and fucking inner monologues where the character is literally thinking in formal essay form. Fuck expository narrative monologues. And simping. Especially expository monologues where MC is simping. Usually screams "I have never interacted with a beautiful woman before, I just stare at them speechlessly".


Active Member
Jun 14, 2018
Re-reading this thhread and one thing became apparent to me. I completely forgot to mentoon characters and relationships in my first comment.

There are quite a few games I've completely dropped because of characters I was annoyed with or the narrative forcing you into a relationship I didn't like in order to progress the main plot.
It doesn't necessarily cause me to drop a game but I find I don't like a forced gf/bf at start of game. Don't throw a character at me I know nothing about and expect me to care about them at all.
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Walkthough-mod Creators are a godsent <3
Apr 30, 2017
Hmm it really depends on games.
For viusals novels; I'll force read for about an hour since I read Japanese novels that is 50+ hour If I don't enjoy the first hour then it doesn't matter.

For RPGs; it depends if it has a walkthrough, I know that it's a rpg but take a look at apostle rebellion without a good guide even how good the game might be I'm not interested running around lost. Like other stuff I'll look at the dialogues and see if I wanna continue.

Renpy games; same as visuals novels since Renpy games is shorter I'll probably play the whole game. Then I'll probably look at the intervals between updates then how good the story is and character renders. I may play next update if I like it or else I just forget about it.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2020
Oh yeah and fucking inner monologues where the character is literally thinking in formal essay form. Fuck expository narrative monologues. And simping. Especially expository monologues where MC is simping. Usually screams "I have never interacted with a beautiful woman before, I just stare at them speechlessly".
Yeah, there are certainly ones where it never seems to stop. When it becomes paragraph after paragraph of data thrown at the reader, its overwhelming and my eyes just gloss over and I don't remember it.
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Feb 27, 2019
I've given up on quite a bunch of games/VNs for several reasons.
Before I start playing a game/VN, I always check out the tags and the screenshots. If the tags, the art style or the love interests don't interest me, I don't bother to download and play it. Saves me unneccessary frustration later on. (I've got rather strong optical preferences, so the used daz models and shapes/morphs matter a lot to me. F.e. I don't find small tits attractive at all. I can't help it, but too many flat-chested females in the cast and therefore unattractive potential love interests make me quit for good. But I also don't like the typical unnatural silicone implant look, while I'm totally into natural shaped breasts c-cup sized and above. It's a turn-on for me, if these are a little bit hanging or saggy. Therefore the milf tag is usually what I'm looking for. I also don't like it, if a dev uses daz models with unrealistically enlarged manga style eyes or some of those horrible daz teens, which don't have realistically looking faces and bodies. Those are a huge turn-off for me.) I also exclude abandoned games, because it's pointless to play one of those for me.

But still it happens, that I may lose interest in a game, which I liked in the beginning, because of appealing art, a convincing story and love interests, which are optically to my liking.
Sometimes a dev includes a fetish due to supporter demands later on [like futa/hermaphrodites, trans or ntr f.e.], which suddenly becomes dominant and which I don't like at all and then ruins the overall experience for me.
I've also given up on games I found too grindy and therefore tedious gameplay-wise like a lot of rpgm games and renpy sandbox games. There is a thin line between a reasonable amount of effort and build-up of tension for rewarding scenes. Most devs don't get that one right. I'm not playing erotic games for mindless tedious grind or permanent cockblocking/blue balling to keep things interesting, which just turns out to be frustrating eventually. (This doesn't mean, that I enjoy it, when sex scenes come with no effort or build-up at all, which would be the other extreme.)
Another reason for me to quit playing is when the writing becomes worse and therefore the overall plot turns totally illogically.
I also quit games for political reasons, f.e. if the dev wants to show off his personal political opinion within the game by dialogues and one-sided bad political jokes.
Least but not last I've quit games, which were just too generic, despite being popular, like those contemporary highschool games, featuring a mc, who is a virgin boy trying desperately to get laid or the typical incest game, where you play the lost son, which returns to his family for whatever reason and everyone is secretly into incest. These games bore me by now, because it has been done to death.
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Jul 30, 2018
When the story of a game starts to turn into 'how do I get into X girls pants', which is unfortunately the vast majority of games in here. After playing so many you will exactly know what will come next with every major cliche being present. Especially if the parts between H scenes is absurdly long with conversations about absolutely nothing that matters for the plot. I might skip through the text to see the H scenes, but more likely I will just it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
I give up very quick if there's no build-up, and especially if the sex is unavoidable. often the early throwaway sex makes me quit right there. also dream sex with main interests before the story has actually gotten far enough to warrant sex.

basically these are all the same thing: no build-up. reaching the peak of the mountain means nothing if you start at the peak.


Jan 20, 2019
-Bait and switch/adding avoided tags out of nowhere and tag "loopholes"

-Story/game dragging on and being either way longer than it has any business being because excessive fluff or just slow burn that's all slow and no burn. Generally overstaying its welcome.

-Things that are truly unavoidable or the way they handle the situation being avoided is stupid. For instance if I don't want something to happen I don't want the situation to exist at all, not just getting to that point and hitting no.

-On the same note avoidable actually meaning skippable.

-Almost every case of forced LI, there are some great ones but for the most part I like having control because there are some awful ones as well.

-When something gets super overdone, for instance say there is a character that constantly interrupts/blueballs, it was funny the first time, now f off.

-Boring sex scenes, I don't require animations but I want some composition.

-It might count under bait and switch but games that are lets say a harem all the way until they aren't. Don't throw 7+ lis my way and have every woman I meet want to jump my bones instantly if I cant have them all.

-Feature creep and excessive content/scenes that add nothing to the game.

-Minigames that are not entertaining/too hard for too little payoff.

-I almost exclusively play renpy for a lot of reasons, but when I cant use unren to enable skipping and stuff your game better be amazing and worth an actual read and not just speedread/skim
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Aug 3, 2021
I'll kill a game immediately if it has technical issues, like being laggy or freezing my computer, causing me to initiate a forced shut down in order to get out of it. This is mainly my computer's fault, though, as it's 13 years old.

As for the games in and of themselves, I don't think that I have a taste for them, as nobody's keeping the "sex" in "sex game." The typical reaction to that is, "It's a visual novel! They're doing their best to balance story with sex!" I don't care. I'm here to jerk off, not to be enthralled by drama. The story should be just like that in the movie The Wolverine: an excuse to get to the next good bit. Hell, a story isn't even needed at all--the sex scenes will do. All I need to know is how the love interest is related to the protagonist.


Aug 16, 2018
One weirdly common reason for me to stop playing is if it makes me feel too bad/uncomfortable to continue. Like if the protagonist is really rapey, there's weird stuff about women being lesser or there's talk about effectively ruining girls lives, etc.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
When it stops being fun.

Ehehehe... that reminds me of that time I went to a doctor and said "Doc, I'm feeling terrible, I have such and such symptoms, I must be terribly sick! What do I do now?" And the doctor says "Well, my boy, it's easy, now you get well". And I'm like "WOW! Thanks, Doc! I'm cured now!"

Hardly a useful answer, even if totally true one.

For me, a game should have at least ONE really enjoyable factor to keep me playing. If it has nothing good, then there's no point. The only real dealbreaker is creepy deep-into-the-uncanny-valley-3DCG, but thankfully that's what screenshots are for, I can avoid it with no problem.

Beyond that, a game can keep my attention with either of three things: gameplay, story, and porn. Adult games tend to have piss-poor gameplay. Worse, a lot of the time the "gameplay" devs insert into their games is 100% detrimental, especially if it's reaction-based minigames (or worse, chance-based minigames). There are exceptions, but they are pretty rare. So that leaves us either with good, plentiful porn featuring characters that aren't completely flat, or at least mediocre-or-above porn with well-written characters I care about. Good porn means visuals, animations, and/or text with text being the most important component, and animations least important one.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Excessive grinding, lack of clarity as to what to do next, excessive dialogue, stupid thought bubbles("Wow, her tits are amazing, I just want to suck on them right now"--is totally unnecessary dialogue), poor plotting, unnecessary delays in story progression(the "clip not done yet" problem).
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Jul 12, 2020
Pretty much whenever the game stops being fun. There are many possible reasons. To name a few:

- The story is / becomes bloody stupid. Unless it's intentionally and well done for comedic effect. Amp the stupid up to eleven and make it fun? Great! If it's just unbelievably stupid, I quit.

- The story is boring. Endless exposition and uninteresting and/or badly written dialogue that add nothing interesting to the game but stretch the time between the interesting parts (if they exist) beyond what I am willing to bear.

- If Engrish stronk be with these gmae! After having to spell check pretty much everything for my two dyslexic bosses for years I really don't need any of that shit in my free time.

- Lack of creativity. If it's something we've already seen a thousand times, why should I watch it again? Amnesiac MC comes home after years of absence, deadbeat dad is gone, mom hasn't had sex in years and immediately falls for the MC when she sees his dick, simp MC sees mom's tits and his brain shuts down for a while, sisters and other female cardboard cutouts LIs are 18 or older yet know nothing about sex ("The Parade Of Virgins"), every woman seems to swoon for the MC despite him having the charismatic personality of a brick wall in a back alley... Oh, and the black dude! If a black dude appears, there's either violence, NTR or both in your future, because: Evil black cock voodoo magic!!! Add to that the use of unmodified stock characters and you have a creative black hole massive enough to have it's own galaxy of misery and embarrassment spin around it. (Also: See above for "bloody stupid" because there's a lot of overlap.)

- Grind. Who wants to klick the same bloody buttons again and again for hours just to see a few H-scenes?

- Too many LIs, especially in Harem games. Who in their right mind could possibly keep track mentally over a few updates if a game has tons of LIs? And even more important: What dev has the resources to actually develop that many characters in depth instead of just making them uninspired cardboard cutouts?

- Forced fetishes. With the exception of fetishes that are integral to the story and have been advertised (a BDSM-themed game without BDSM would probably be a bit weird, yet it should give the player as much choice as possible when it comes to the varoius sub-fetishes (pun intended)), any fetish should be optional. One person's fetish will be another person's anti-fetish. In my case, the MC engaging in sexual assault or doing stuff with prepubescent characters or young teens is a no-go and forced foot fetish can really kill my joy. I can live with it, if the latter happens once or twice and I can skip through it, but a game turning this into a main fetish two or three updates into the development totally kills a game for me.

- Forced relationships with unlikable NPCs. There are a few games where the MC has a pre-existing releationship with a really unlikeable NPC and you just can't get rid of them. I have nothing against well written relationships with interesting, realistic (for a porn game) characters, but somebody who is a constant fuck-up or even just generally unpleasant to be around? Go away!

And the special cases:
- When a game has too many branches and updates are rather short, I tend to give up on the game until it's done (if that ever happens). I just get tired of having to try to remember the different routes and find the right saves (especially if there are no named save games) only to get just a few minutes of content for that route.
- Similarly, if a dev repeatedly changes the basic game code, requiring you to start a new game everytime that happend. In that case I will wait (and hope) for a finished version as well.
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Aug 3, 2021
And the special cases:
- When a game has too many branches and updates are rather short, I tend to give up on the game until it's done (if that ever happens). I just get tired of having to try to remember the different routes and find the right saves (especially if there are no named save games) only to get just a few minutes of content for that route.
- Similarly, if a dev repeatedly changes the basic game code, requiring you to start a new game everytime that happend. In that case I will wait (and hope) for a finished version as well.
This is why I never play unfinished games.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
If I just mash through the Dialogue and dont care about the Story I know its time to quit.
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