When I were a lad....


Jan 10, 2020
....books, games, albums etc were released when they were ready, not in a half assed "preview" form. What the fuck is it with all the shitty version 0.1 releases on this website, clearly just chancers wanting money for fuck all.

If I was of a mind to do this shit I'd create multiple patreon accounts and write shitty stories that take me half an hour, then make some shitty renders and publish the shit and rake in the money. then abandon each and every project only to release more shitty version 0.1 "games" a few days later: Win Win!

I get it that development of any kind requires time and resources but this "become my patreon and I might update my game to something more than the piece of shit that stops mid game it is right now" attitude is fucking shit and should be stopped.

The more people become aware of this type of scam the better.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
People have been whining about others making money for centuries. There are far more ways to make money for nothing than just Patreon or other forms of crowfdfunding.

AAA devs and publishers have had pre orders, season passes and DLC for years essentially paying for nothing because they aren't out at time of buying.

Early access is a thing for major games developers and indie devs.

Shit you can start a Twitch and do fuck all, people will probably pay you for it. As long as you have enough about you to entertain a few people you'll make money, DarkSydePhil has been doing it for a decade and he's complete and utter shite at gaming but he's great at begging for money and mugs pay him.

You won't stop anything. These are all amateur devs and have no standard requirement. The vast majority are doing it as a hobby or to make a bit of extra money on top of full time jobs and families.

Frankly I don't shit about people making money, good on them. If they can convince people to pay them then good for them. It's none of my business how others make their money.

Simply put just don't give them yours. It is fuck all business of yours how people choose to spend their money.


Dec 17, 2018
It is fuck all business of yours how people choose to spend their money.
This. No one's telling you to throw money at them and if the people who do so get burned for supporting a dev who abandons their game, that's on them. I don't support any devs on Patreon, but it's also not my place to chastise those who do. If anything, I'm envious of the devs like Gumdrop and ICSTOR who does fuck all and get paid $50k+ a year.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
It is fuck all business of yours how people choose to spend their money.
That sentiment stops at false advertising, breach of contract and similar actions though. Claim no exceptional skill at a game and have people throw money at you while you get trashed or rage at the screen, fine. Advertise a canvas bag then ship a cheap plastic bin bag instead, NOT fine. Patreon, Kickstarter and their ilk are a bit of a grey zone depending on what exactly you promise and whatever other terms and conditions are involved, but at least from a moral perspective I would equate them to any other payment system: show a working prototype, get funded, your factory burns down or legal changes prevent you from continuing your work (rape and incest bans anyone?) well tough luck little piggies, shit happens. Claim you can produce water or solid materials from thin air, cure cancer with some gemstones or promise monthly content updates only to go AWOL for half a year, well those "entrepreneurs" or "devs" should be shut down for business fraud (and with the cancer claims possibly jailed for medical fraud...) and possibly the platforms themselves should be held liable to reimburse the payments depending on precisely what role they claim to play (i.e. if they claim to vet applications the platform might even be considered complicit in the fraud, granted I have never seen the platforms used for porn make any such claims)
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Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
This. No one's telling you to throw money at them and if the people who do so get burned for supporting a dev who abandons their game, that's on them. I don't support any devs on Patreon, but it's also not my place to chastise those who do. If anything, I'm envious of the devs like Gumdrop and ICSTOR who does fuck all and get paid $50k+ a year.
it's 50K per month....
  • Haha
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Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
....books, games, albums etc were released when they were ready, not in a half assed "preview" form. What the fuck is it with all the shitty version 0.1 releases on this website, clearly just chancers wanting money for fuck all.

If I was of a mind to do this shit I'd create multiple patreon accounts and write shitty stories that take me half an hour, then make some shitty renders and publish the shit and rake in the money. then abandon each and every project only to release more shitty version 0.1 "games" a few days later: Win Win!

I get it that development of any kind requires time and resources but this "become my patreon and I might update my game to something more than the piece of shit that stops mid game it is right now" attitude is fucking shit and should be stopped.

The more people become aware of this type of scam the better.
The reality of this sector of the Porn Industry is that unlike the normal porn industry, most of these visual novels/games are being created by amateur developers, many of which are just experimenting with getting into it... And most rely on constant feedback from the public on how good, bad, or indifferent they feel about the product being developed...

Long gone are the days when any game (normal or erotic) would not be released to the public till it was pretty much at the end of beta testing or completely ready for release... The blame really should be pointed at the invention of crowd sourcing in general... Most normal games these days, unless being created by one of the larger or well known gaming developers, tend to go through a process of Early Access, either via a one time fee for access, or a monthly subscription...

Then we look at the advent of sites like Patreon... Which was never initially intended for use by the erotic vn/gaming industry... And when some early big hitters in this industry began using sites like Patreon, suddenly there was a storm of amateur creators wanting to jump on that money train... The influx became so huge, that Patreon finally took notice and had to adjust and re-adjust their content rules several times to accommodate for (or in some cases restrict) some of the more risque and border-line illegal content some developers were including in their products on those sites... But that really didn't slow the train down much...

It's with the advent of those sites (like Patreon) that suddenly this niche market was absolutely flooded with new projects being developed, and due to the fact that these sites only offer one method for payment (monthly sub - which many folks tend to forget they are subbed and this is what some developers are counting on), you end up getting money milkers along with well-intentioned (authentic) developers... Sometimes they are easy to spot, and sometimes they are not...

Much of the time, you'll notice that many projects never reach completion, and get abandoned... Either because the developer didn't get the money they were hoping to get to fund their development, probably due to a poor product or ill-intentioned scheming... Or perhaps real life happened, or they got bored, and the list goes on... Some end their projects early, because they would rather work on some other project... You see the same things happen with some early access normal games as well..

It's just a nature of the beast when it comes to this niche industry... It doesn't seem as though it plans to slow down anytime soon, so I just don't worry about it any more... It is what it is... I try some fresh starters now and then, and sometimes they suck and sometimes they show promise... Will they always suck or show promise, is really just a matter of time-will-tell...

Only the good ones will endure typically, while the others tend to either fall into obscurity or halt production all together...


p.s. - If anyone ever feels like they are being scammed by a developer when you sub to their Patreon site and so on, you can report the developer to Patreon (or other site)... Especially when they are not really communicating hardly ever, but still taking everyone's money... Just as an FYI...
Last edited:


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
....books, games, albums etc were released when they were ready, not in a half assed "preview" form. What the fuck is it with all the shitty version 0.1 releases on this website, clearly just chancers wanting money for fuck all.

If I was of a mind to do this shit I'd create multiple patreon accounts and write shitty stories that take me half an hour, then make some shitty renders and publish the shit and rake in the money. then abandon each and every project only to release more shitty version 0.1 "games" a few days later: Win Win!

I get it that development of any kind requires time and resources but this "become my patreon and I might update my game to something more than the piece of shit that stops mid game it is right now" attitude is fucking shit and should be stopped.

The more people become aware of this type of scam the better.
Good luck with your project. Conquer your fear, or whatever is holding you back, and do it.
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Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Misconceptions about... "Support an artist"
You don't throw money in a tip jar, because you hate what the artist is doing, you do it because you like their work, and maybe you want to see more of it.

Think in terms of "street art" where an artist paints a building, or sidewalk. This isn't a business transaction, where you give a tip, and you get to take the sidewalk home with you... you aren't paying for physical goods, you're just tipping the artist for the privilege and enjoyment that you got out it... or if you were allowed to watch the artist work, the educational, and entertainment value.

As an artist, typically OTHER people make more money off my work, than I do. I would make art and get paid for it, then it was used in advertising, to sell products, those advertisers made a hell of a lot more than I did. I'm not complaining, I like being used, I like getting my work out there, having it seen by millions of people.

"check you privilege" I was given a gift, a talent... that most people don't have, and I'm glad to share it with others.
I've fucked a lot of women... some of you have fucked none... I'm grateful, I appreciate it, and I give back to the community, by sharing my experience with others virtually through art and games.

Support starving artists.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
Yeah and when I was young a cone of icecream was 50pf instead of 1€ now.


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
If there were no 0.01, w.i.p, early access, or whatever you want to call it- there would be almost no games at all (adult market).

All the games you love and enjoy would not exist. In fact, there be almost zero games. Maybe a couple of finished games would be released but that would be after several years and it wouldn't be noticed since there won't be sites for them. What sites want to be empty until 1 or 2 adult games come out after several years?

The reason for why there be almost no games- who in their sane mind would be willing to spend years on their life making a porn game without knowing if it'd be a hit or not. Who would even get into the market if it is not attractive to get into?
Ironically enough, what you hate (the idea that devs make money) is also what keeps not only the games alive, but the whole adult market. (our niche market that is)

I for sure would never have ventured into this lifestyle if it was 'only completed games' were allowed. I ain't that crazy. I have a life.
And I know many of my devs friends and colleagues are the same.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
In fact, there be almost zero games. Maybe a couple of finished games would be released but that would be after several years and it wouldn't be noticed since there won't be sites for them. What sites want to be empty until 1 or 2 adult games come out after several years?
Remember the Flash days? No idea where stuff came from but there would still be "new" games every day, and people like Zone stuck around for years. Actually some of those sites are still up, most of them seem to be reposting excerpts from F95 or its sources nowadays though.

The reason for why there be almost no games- who in their sane mind would be willing to spend years on their life making a porn game without knowing if it'd be a hit or not. Who would even get into the market if it is not attractive to get into?
Ironically enough, what you hate (the idea that devs make money) is also what keeps not only the games alive, but the whole adult market. (our niche market that is)
Some people work on this stuff as passion projects, on commission or as part of art trades and actual crowdsourcing. And just as with non-porn games I honestly feel those tend to be better experiences than devs working FOR THE PURPOSE of making money as opposed to receiving proper rewards for a job well done. Early access scams, paywalls for "bonus" content or supplementary materials (walkthroughs, cheats), "micro"transactions and "games as a service" (which Patreon basically is too) all seem to have originated from the greed-driven corporate side of things not the desires of passionate artists/devs.


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
Remember the Flash days? No idea where stuff came from but there would still be "new" games every day, and people like Zone stuck around for years. Actually some of those sites are still up, most of them seem to be reposting excerpts from F95 or its sources nowadays though.
The flash days? You mean those 5 mins games? No offense to anything related to flash, but those can't be compared to the current markets adult games. Flash games had a different purpose and, even tho they would take skills to make, did not take as time to make.

Also, wouldn't most 0.01 and 0.02 be around the same length as those old flash games and hence defeat the purpose of the current discussion?
About the money, I am pretty sure there was money involved back then. Especially the sites that hosted the games. Full of ads.
But there is probably a reason why there are fewer nowadays than back then.

Some people work on this stuff as passion projects, on commission or as part of art trades and actual crowdsourcing. And just as with non-porn games I honestly feel those tend to be better experiences than devs working FOR THE PURPOSE of making money as opposed to receiving proper rewards for a job well done.
Why does one cancel the other? Can't you be passionated about your project while at the same time want to make a living out of it?

"...I honestly feel those tend to be better experiences than devs working FOR THE PURPOSE of making money..."
You feel? I feel the opposite. But feelings won't change facts. So instead of talking about feelings, can you tell me which games have given a better experience than those games that sell their products for the purpose of making money?

Let me give you an example. Cd project red is a well known and beloved game studio. As passionated and great as they are, in the end, they make their game for the purpose of making money. This is not a *hidden* agenda or any secrets. Everyone knows that. But they still like them because they are not scumbags about it. (Like EA)

Now, which game company or just games, in general, do you believe that gives a better experience than what the team from Cd project red does?

No matter how passionated you are and how nice and great you want to be- in the end, you still want to make a profit. Why is this such a frowned upon thing?

Early access scams, paywalls for "bonus" content or supplementary materials (walkthroughs, cheats), "micro"transactions and "games as a service" (which Patreon basically is too) all seem to have originated from the greed-driven corporate side of things not the desires of passionate artists/devs.
You are going to the extremes.
Either you are "I am passionated and money is not on my mind!"
or "I am money lover and I will scam everyone!"

In reality, most devs are in between. They are a passionate bunch that does it because they enjoy it but at the same time they want it to be their careers. Something they can make a living on. And who doesn't want their living to be as good as it can get?
What kind of real-life job would you stop a raise because you don't want to 'hurt' some people that don't like the idea that you are now making a decent amount?

It is true that there are scammers. But I have yet to see people actually attack the scammers but mostly go after the devs that simply makes a living out of it.
Honestly, the real scammers are just used as a smokescreen effect to be able to attack the nonscammers because it would make it more acceptable to do it that way.

Like, look at the OP. He wants to have the games wait 2-3 years to be fully done before release (average game time for an average adult game length).
Why? Because he doesn't like the idea that the dev gets money while making the game. Why? Because the money isn't going to him.
It's mindboggling stupid.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
The flash days? You mean those 5 mins games? No offense to anything related to flash, but those can't be compared to the current markets adult games. Flash games had a different purpose and, even tho they would take skills to make, did not take as time to make.
Honestly I got more enjoyment from a Zone reskin than I do from most v0.01 demos. Most of the added "content" isn't porn in any way, shape or form and mainstream still does non-porn content way better (not blaming porn game devs for most of that though).

Regarding time, skill and other effort involved I beg to differ. Look at Slave Maker (3?), Super Deepthroat (+mods) or Legend of Krystal. If you just pose existing assets in something like Honey Select and slap the screenshots into a Ren'Py VN that's arguably easier than producing 2D animations and many of the present demos are little more than that.

But there is probably a reason why there are fewer nowadays than back then.
Adobe killing of Flash, for a start :rolleyes:

Why does one cancel the other? Can't you be passionated about your project while at the same time want to make a living out of it?
If you produce with the PURPOSE of making money, rather than any dreams and desires added to your innate passion, you submit yourself to the whims of your paying "customers". The game changes because those people want it, not because it suits your own vision. At the same time all these projects still are "closed source" so any real crowdsourcing remains impossible.

You feel? I feel the opposite. But feelings won't change facts. So instead of talking about feelings, can you tell me which games have given a better experience than those games that sell their products for the purpose of making money?

Let me give you an example. Cd project red is a well known and beloved game studio. As passionated and great as they are, in the end, they make their game for the purpose of making money. This is not a *hidden* agenda or any secrets. Everyone knows that. But they still like them because they are not scumbags about it. (Like EA)

Now, which game company or just games, in general, do you believe that gives a better experience than what the team from Cd project red does?

No matter how passionated you are and how nice and great you want to be- in the end, you still want to make a profit. Why is this such a frowned upon thing?
It's more of a sliding scale. But on the extreme end Violated Heroine and Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead are completely free and open and Minecraft (plus mods) is so cheap for the amount of content it offers it may as well be free. Starcraft and Warcraft 3 custom games also come to mind especially since modern ActiBli$$ specifically changed their EULA to milk dry the next DotA if it ever comes.

You are going to the extremes.
Either you are "I am passionated and money is not on my mind!"
or "I am money lover and I will scam everyone!"
I highlight the extremes intending for most things in between to be interpolated. And the "I am passionate" extreme is not meant to be "I will never ever take any money, ever" but "I demand no money for my works".

Like, look at the OP. He wants to have the games wait 2-3 years to be fully done before release (average game time for an average adult game length).
Why? Because he doesn't like the idea that the dev gets money while making the game. Why? Because the money isn't going to him.
Where did OP voice that last sentiment? Ultimately the "waiting time" only becomes relevant when first introduced and for major innovations because in a stable market you'd have a steady stream of those games which began development 2-3 years ago. On a pirate site like this one such a rule wouldn't make much sense but if enforced on the actual finance level it certainly has its benefits. Just like pre-orders hold no real value to the consumer unless the production of individual units of product needs to be determined well in advance but opens the floodgates to scammers.


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
....books, games, albums etc were released when they were ready, not in a half assed "preview" form. What the fuck is it with all the shitty version 0.1 releases on this website, clearly just chancers wanting money for fuck all.

If I was of a mind to do this shit I'd create multiple patreon accounts and write shitty stories that take me half an hour, then make some shitty renders and publish the shit and rake in the money. then abandon each and every project only to release more shitty version 0.1 "games" a few days later: Win Win!

I get it that development of any kind requires time and resources but this "become my patreon and I might update my game to something more than the piece of shit that stops mid game it is right now" attitude is fucking shit and should be stopped.

The more people become aware of this type of scam the better.
Game development has always costed money, in some instances a group of friends with various skillsets gathered and developed an idea for years, some would get dropped over the time and others would actually see a release. It is how many studios formed.

Nowdays you have more options, you can kickstarter an idea and people will pitch in to help that idea come to light, you can patreon and slowly progress an idea with other people's input and support or you can still use a publisher.
There are many ways to do something, none of those ways is more or less wrong than the other, just different.

If you want to play complete games, use the completed prefix.


The Godfather
Game Developer
Dec 21, 2017
Honestly I got more enjoyment from a Zone reskin than I do from most v0.01 demos. Most of the added "content" isn't porn in any way, shape or form and mainstream still does non-porn content way better (not blaming porn game devs for most of that though).
I don't see how your personal enjoyment is relevant to anything? My personal feelings and enjoyment, as well as yours, are not relevant. Nothing constructive can be gained from that.
For example, you talk about *way better*... Well, someone else may find what you like as bad and what you think is bad as *way better*.
This idea that we can use our own selves as the de facto of what is right and wrong regarding facts is a bit foolish.
Facts are what should be looked at.

Regarding time, skill and other effort involved I beg to differ. Look at Slave Maker (3?), Super Deepthroat (+mods) or Legend of Krystal. If you just pose existing assets in something like Honey Select and slap the screenshots into a Ren'Py VN that's arguably easier than producing 2D animations and many of the present demos are little more than that.
Okay, this example makes me think you are a bit biased and not really here for a rationale discussion but rather just want to be *right*.
To give it a bit of contrast. It'd be the same as showing kindergartens playing football and then professional playing ice hockey and be like "See! Football is easy and kids can do it but ice hockey is skills and for pros!"
To stupidify even more; you showing the lowest effort from one part to a high effort on another part to justify your beliefs. It is purposely twisting facts which I am not a huge fan of.

Something Unlimited, Summertime sage and Four Elements Trainer are all 2dcg. You think those are easier to make than a copy-paste java code with a 2 frames animation?

Milfy City, Being a DIK, CoBD, Strive for power, and the list goes on and on.
There are so many games out there and you say that the involved skill and time effort is lower than the average java game? And let us be honest here, the average *known* java game is typically 5 mins in length where the average *known* f95 game is several hours.

Adobe killing of Flash, for a start :rolleyes:
Perhaps. But a lack of money is another.

If you produce with the PURPOSE of making money, rather than any dreams and desires added to your innate passion, you submit yourself to the whims of your paying "customers". The game changes because those people want it, not because it suits your own vision. At the same time all these projects still are "closed source" so any real crowdsourcing remains impossible.
Again, why can't it be both the purpose of making money and for passion as well?`You keep separate the two like it is two opposites. It's not.
In fact, many times the passion increases the profit gained (people can tell when someone is passionate and want to support), and also many times the profit increases the passion. (people enjoy when someone support them in what they are doing)

It's more of a sliding scale. But on the extreme end Violated Heroine and Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead are completely free and open and Minecraft (plus mods) is so cheap for the amount of content it offers it may as well be free. Starcraft and Warcraft 3 custom games also come to mind especially since modern ActiBli$$ specifically changed their EULA to milk dry the next DotA if it ever comes.
Violet heroine and Cataclysm is not made by a single person. It is open source and made by several people.
I have a hard time why you are even using those as an example? What's your point? That people who do open source are good people that don't think about money? How does this say anything to an adult dev who is alone. Handle everything himself, compared to open source where there are several people adding to it.
How does it prove anything to what you orignal quoated? The CD project red.
So many weird things in this whole quote that I simply am scratching my head to get around what you are trying to say here.

I highlight the extremes intending for most things in between to be interpolated. And the "I am passionate" extreme is not meant to be "I will never ever take any money, ever" but "I demand no money for my works".
But it's not how it is and hence the whole point is negligible.
My game, as an example, is free after a week or two after release. It's a way to say thanks to the ones that pledge. After that, it will be available for the public. This is a common method for most devs out there.
How is this demanding something as you try to proclaim? No one is forced or coerced into pledging. They do it because they want to support.

And even for the devs that are the type who keep it hidden behind a paywall. Or have bonus content or whatever.
So what? Why are they not allowed to make a profit out of their passion? They are not forcing anyone or using illegal means.

What is it about devs earning money that you dislike so much? It's so weird how you try to make it sound like they are these kinds of evil beings that only think of money and nothing else.
Using example of people that don't make money and be like "See, these people are so good-hearted. They make free stuff to me."

Ultimately the "waiting time" only becomes relevant when first introduced and for major innovations because in a stable market you'd have a steady stream of those games which began development 2-3 years ago. On a pirate site like this one such a rule wouldn't make much sense but if enforced on the actual finance level it certainly has its benefits. Just like pre-orders hold no real value to the consumer unless the production of individual units of product needs to be determined well in advance but opens the floodgates to scammers.
What does it matter when it becomes relevant or not? The main point was that not many devs would be willing to make a porn game for 2-3 years before release. Especially when 95% of them are amateurs that have never tried it before. It is such a gamble to take all because you don't want to hurt some people that get hurt by other people making money. Of course they wouldn't take such a gamble.
Again, it is so weird in my mind.
You avoid watching youtube videos because you afraid that the one that made the videos will get money from it?

You keep comparing it to the productions of all kinds of things. But again, these are amateurs who are sitting at home thinking about making a game or not. As mentioned before, they wouldn't start. And your whole sentence after that falls apart due to that.

Now, there probably be a few that would make games (just like the 5 mins java games). But it would not be a serious project but rather a hobby. Time of release would be effected, quality would be affected and quantity would be affected.
Like it or not. The more money that goes into an industry the better it will flourish. That is common sense.

About the scammer thing again. Like I said. Smokescreen effect to attack the legal ones.

Where did OP voice that last sentiment?
By reading the comments and replies it is pretty obvious what is what. If his only point was that he hated the scammers and the devs that make 0.01 to purposely leave and make more of it, then most of the devs would like him for it. No one likes the scammers.
Using the scammers is just a smokescreen. Same as you are doing.
Read your whole posts and your points. 99% of it is aimed towards the normal devs and your dislike for the patreon style of earnings. Smokescreen/Red herrings.


Jan 10, 2020
By reading the comments and replies it is pretty obvious what is what. If his only point was that he hated the scammers and the devs that make 0.01 to purposely leave and make more of it, then most of the devs would like him for it. No one likes the scammers.
Using the scammers is just a smokescreen. Same as you are doing.
Read your whole posts and your points. 99% of it is aimed towards the normal devs and your dislike for the patreon style of earnings. Smokescreen/Red herrings.
Interesting that you would flag this up as it's clearly a contentious issue and not one I'd meant to get into in my OP.

I wholeheartedly agree that a platform for artists creating original material to promote themselves and recieve donations is a good thing.