Seamanq, I glanced at your game's thread and I have to say that admire the way you handle feedback, even though some of it's harsh. Along similar lines, I recently praised the dev of Culture Shock for responding to a tidal wave of complaints with a sort of masterclass on how to take in criticism even though you have a strong vision.
That said, the latter example just draws a highlighted border around when it's useful to give negative feedback vs. when it's not. There was something that an apparent majority of players viewed as a stealth forced-NTR situation in a game that promised an alternative route. I'm not bothered by NTR in the least, but I agreed with the essence of the complaint. There was an initial period of resistance, but eventually the dev went back and looked at what he'd done with fresh eyes, realized it was a mistake, and fixed it.
Whereas with Because I Love Her the dev has not only dug his feet in (which is fine), he's concluded that the critiques are little more than undesirable negativity. Maybe some of them are. But a lot of them aren't. He's clearly going to double down on an abrupt left turn into violence, blackmail, and rape. Again, that's his perogative, but I note that he hasn't responded, or even engaged with, criticism of his latest release. That's a sign that criticism is probably useless, now and in the future.
DaScoot, I hear you. I leapt with all eleven feet into a somewhat feverish discussion about The Adventurous Couple because it was a game that was losing its way and that no longer made much narrative sense. Knowing that the dev was going to attempt a revamp to right the ship, I and others offered a massive pile of suggestions and comments, but all of mine were based on the idea that he wouldn't have to alter or add a single render. All the problems with the game are in the code, and they can all be fixed in the code, but even the greater unmet potential of the game is fixable simply through a combination of code and alternate or additional dialogue. I know very well that asking for more (or different) artwork is pointless and means that a revamp will never happen.