This review is based with my personal experience with the actual Version of the game at Episode 11 , with my specific opinions and feelings .
Where the Heart Is begins in a sad way , telling about the death of the protagonist's mother , many years ago , with the MC that have to leave his childhood house and the best mother friend with her two daughter , to go live with the father in another place . So for many years there was anymore contact with past family , till the death of the father many years after. So at begin the game begins in a really sad way and this make thinking at player how it's possible to be so unlucky .
But all change when he comes back to his old house to meet her old family ; this will open a new world a plenty of new characters , situations. The pace change completely and the Developer decide to write with a comedian style , to give to all future development an unexpected rhythm , with some dialogues really hilarious and funny . This is the best part of the game , the kind of writing , so different to other , the Author explicitly wants to give more importance in which way will be developed the story , with a specific customization of all character , to make all of them more Real; this thins is a peculiar thing not easy to find in other adult games
-Plot e Writing : Like I've already wrote in my preface , it's the best part of the game ; comedian style with some hilarious and funny parts that give to game a touch of reality ,; for the player it's like to be in the real world not in a Adult game fiction
-Characters : All characters have their own personality , each one completely different from the other ; but most important thing , all relationships grew in the right way , not in a hurry , like in normal life , day by day . All character are like all normal , common people , to obtain the effect like to meet a neighbor In the normal life.
-Choices : Choices are crucial and have a big impact in the future relationships , whatever personal or sexual ; every choice will bring the player to different paths ; romantic , corrupted ,lust , flirting choices , every player can choose what is better for his personal taste .
-Renders : Great quality of the pictures , graphic are absolutely of high quality, amazing
-Girls renders : The author imaged all girls to be real , true and this effect is completely successful ; every girl have a real , perfect style , different from some other games , where there are a plenty of similar all equal models.
Neutral :
-Animations : Single frames animation , in my opinion a little shorter to be compares to other top games . But this is another specific author's choice to be with animation at same rhythm with the development and the writing. So also this choice is perfect for the pace of the game
-Music and sound : Actually there are no music and sounds. ; this think in a game with a comedy style and in some particular events ( like for example the party or in the swimming pool ) , the lack of the music is really important : with the rights musical accompaniment I'm sure this game , would have another big improvement
Overall this is a game , absolutely worth to play , with my personal rating that would be between 4 and 5 stars , but I decided to give the maximum 5 stars , for his uniqueness , for the high quality of the art design , so realistic and particular and for the storytelling , interesting , hilarious , with so many jokes inside in all dialogues between characters . This is not a completed game so I'm sure that in next releases the author will be able to improve the small faults that actually games have , to make his work at the top of the market of adult games.