About the Harem path... I agree that it would probably be difficult to achieve with most of the women in the game if a prerequisite is that all the women are thrilled about the idea and love each other almost as much as the love the MC, considering how jealous many of them are already, without them knowing anything about what the MC has done with the other women.
But there is nothing saying that any member of the harem has to like the fact that their love interest is fucking the other members. In the real world, these kind of relationships are many times fraught with jealousy and conflict (at least if we're talking about a real harem as in one man having several wifes who has to share him, rather than an open relationship or a polyrelationship were everyone involved can fuck whoever they like).
So, I can se a possible harem path even for some/all of the jealous women, as long as the MC can get them to love-worship him so much that they are willing to do almost anything just to be with him (for instance, accept that he gets to fuck other women to sate his unquenchable lust). It probably helps if he by that time has adopted a more dominant attitude, going full alpha male on them, because this is not going to be an easy sell...