
Jan 2, 2018
Did anyone catch the talk with both Elaine and Bella regarding Monica? (Our dear MC should have given a noogie to both to have them spill the beans). Then we look back on the conversation with our hot blonde coffee barista in regards to the figure of the person who sent the email to our beloved MC. There is something a mist here. Could it be, dear I say.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2017
Excellent point, and I think I remember it like that as well.
So Bella, and Monica, both know that he was married to Elaine, so that rules them out.

Which only leaves Jolina!
I suggested she lied about the description of the email sender, and she needs money for her café.
Has to be her, by a process of deduction!
I kind of have my own theory, and it's based on the fact of what I read in the posts a while back. Cheekygimp made a offhanded remark, when there was a similar debate about the second gold digger, and everyone was accusing every character in the game.
He basically said, that it was possible that she has not even made an appearance yet....At that point all characters where in except Elaine, so it may be possible it's no one that we have seen yet.

I know Cheeky loves these debates...or even our masturbates...Lol! He also seems to love twists that can't be gotten easily or seen right away. I think he puts in shit like red herrings and misdirects (stories that would be so close as to make you think, Hey it's her!!).

My thoughts tend to make me believe that Dizzy is one of the biggest plot twists that will be in the game.

Since we're given no description of or even an actual name....and would be the biggest upset in the game, because you would want to hate her, and love her at the same elevate a new type of plot and game play moving forward.
It would also not turn Jolina into a liar either, and give you insight as to what she will look like when she's introduced.

Remember the MC's father is a complete bastard....and had an arrangement (for the son's development) and like the MC's will conditions, she had something similar before.

The MC's actual mother, no description was ever given, and she could have been his first gold digging whore. That she thought that she trapped him by getting pregnant.
That's the reason he had his lawers fight so hard to keep her from getting anything....till she had the good graces to die.....or so we're led to believe.
Remember he doesn't want no female mothering the MC, his mother, Elaine, and Momica. So he may have released her money in exchange for MC.
He then still had an arrangement to bang her, to keep track that she doesn't violate the agreement, still would make her your dads whore.
Also, since Elaine was only with the dad for the last six years, neither would have knowledge of the other.

Just a possibility to consider...…………………..Peace!!

Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
I'm pretty certain that the Dad said that "neither one of the whore gold diggers, knew of the other one", and if they did they would have killed him before his gut rot did.
I'm 100% sure that Bella could not be his second gold digger, because I believe that she just might suspect that her sister hung around....not only for free child abuse, but for the House, Beach House, his car and his money...all under the pretense of having fallen in love with the bastard.
So she already knew he was having a thing for Elaine....Lol!!

I think, Bella is guilty, of already falling in love with the MC, even before he got kicked out. I think she is actually being genuine and trying hard not to go to overboard so she doesn't sound creepy. She just knows she has to work a little faster, due to a possibility of losing her chance....since he now has multiple women he lives with and are now direct competition to her. She no longer can afford to tease and take her time to get him, and it comes off weird (like she's a pot smokin hippie).

So no, Bella is not the second gold digger...………………...Peace!!
I hope you're right about Bella, but the Father never said that the 'gold diggers' didn't know each other. In fact, just the opposite. He said, "... if Elaine found out about the other gold digger, she would have murdered me even if I was broke!", which implies to me, that the two gold diggers must have at least known of the existence of the other person. But, Elaine didn't know that the other one was sleeping with the father. Obviously, everyone who knew the Father, also knew that Elaine was shacked up with him.

So, if you want to cozy up to Bella, go ahead [I certainly have]... just make saves. :cool:


Active Member
Aug 20, 2018
I still would put my money on that heart-broken secretary and wanna-be-mode (or was it actress??) ... Angela I think is she called? ... she would fit the description too ...
But she isn't a middle aged MILF as Jolina described, nor is the wannabe model.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
I will say again "Bella, short for Isabella, could also be shortened to Izzy, then affectionately modified to Dizzy". Elaine, the Dad's girlfriend, never married to the dad, would definitely kill him if she found out he was also shacking up with her sister.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2017
Yeah well but who says that Jolina is speaking the truth? Maybe she is deliberately derailing the MC in giving him false information ...?
Yes, but you have to remember that the whole point of the e-mail in the first place, was to contact Monica and give the MC's info and phone number.
Non of those Bitches knows jack squat prior, only (at that point in the story)the MC, Elaine, and Bella knew his info and Monica's.
The MC...who couldn't be mistaken as a hot MILF, unless Jolina was lying again...but the MC already said he didn't do it.
Bella doesn't have SHORT dark hair, and neither does Elaine.

All assuming that the mystery e-mailer is even the second gold digger at guess is she isn't and is still the MC's real mother, as she would still know Monica's address and she may have secretly kept tabs and info on her son (under the father radar) or maybe the father gave her that type of info as a way to fuck with her mind, to have to choose her Son or Money even after his death.

With CheekyGimp never assume anything....Lol!!………………….Peace!!


Active Member
Sep 8, 2017
it would be pretty far-fetched if the supposedly dead Mother turns up.
That would certainly bugger up the incest patches.
I know right?
Even though cheeky said to not play with the I patch and play the game normally. Must be something to it ;).
As for the mother, not to any kind of info of her death except...."she died suddenly" nothing on how she did, no funeral shit and crying or clawing at her gravestone, no Monica nestling the MC in her arms trying to comfort him until his dad grabs him by his throat and crotch...ripping him away from Momica.
Makes you wonder why those details were left out *wink, wink*…………………………..Peace!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2018
I still thi k it's Zarah. No facts or suppositions, just a gut feeling based on her personality.


Engaged Member
Jul 28, 2017
ripping him away from Momica.
I still hope its not Momica, if she ends up being his mother it would make the story lose it's charm.
I'm going with Rob's (I think it was his) theory of Jolina being the gold digger, based on the Jolen song, it would be smart as fuck.
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Active Member
Sep 8, 2017
Well, all the theories and speculations aside.
I like CheekyGimp story so far...……..he's awesome!!

It doesn't seem like he's the type of writer to go too dark.
Sure he's going to have plot twists and struggling (like the incredible amount of blue balling with each girl/woman) Lol!!

I don't look for him to have all the chicks meeting at "Cuppa Jo's" to have a women's night out, only to have the MC come rolling up on the place to see it engulfed in a raging inferno. Where he will rush in and only be able to save half of one girl...Lol!!

I'm kind of hoping, for the more "Happily ever harem after" know the one, where both gold diggers can't meet their end of the Will and it all defaults to the MC (being the only living heir).
Right off the bat, he'll get the money transferred and buy a huge ass mansion. Walking into the place already with Dad's two gold digging whores latched to each arm, and treating him like he's the greatest thing since the invention of air....Lol!!

Then move all the other hoes in, having multiple hot sweaty monkey sex, each day. Until the house, huge yard, and pool area is filled with the pitter patter and laughter of dozens of children running around.....Fuck! holidays and backyard grilling will be epic then….Lol!!……………………….Peace!!


Mar 26, 2019
Is good to see all these theories about the plot... This prove that all we love this game and want to see how proceeds :)
I was thinking exactly the same thing; this is one of the best threads on the board because of these discussions instead of a bunch of whining about the length of time between updates, which dominate many other threads.

I don't have an opinion in the "second gold-digger" debate...I'm just looking forward to see how the story unfolds ;)


Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
Do you think there will be real consequences for the MC going after so many girls at once? I don't want a bad ending

Also is it just me or are the "side" girls way hotter, like Bella, Elaine, Lily, Debbie etc. are much better than Monica; Katie and Jenna for me
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