Yes it was and i did not like it at all, i play those games to have some fun not to watch the painfull story of a traumatized girl.
And the guy in that cube is getting more and more disgusting and a stupid asshole so zero fun for me, i think i'm done with this game.
Sadly, I find myself in total agreement with everything you say. It was clear from the start that this was never going to be a "romcom" , but WC (no comment) has, in one episode, become a very harrowing experience, too harrowing in fact for me, especially after having seen Emma's flashback, realising that the odd-sounding, odd-behaving and odd-looking mc appears to have begun channelling that s.o.b. by whom her desperate mother and family became entrapped.
At this point I really don't care whether or not this is some kind of a cockamamie morality tale or a "life lesson", I just have no desire to see any more and so I'm ditching it and moving on. I do not consider myself righteous or a snowflake or (heaven forbid) a righteous snowflake, but as with "Point of No Return" and unlike, it seems, a fair few punters around these parts, this is only the second title to actually make my skin crawl watching women and girls threatened, bullied or to be politically correct "dominated", traumatized and humiliated by these stereotypically selfish, narcissistic, sociopathic bottom feeders which quite a few find, for some unfathomable reason, "entertaining".
Everyone is entitled to their own judgment and sadly I find this to be mine, so I'll be putting this experience behind me and making sure that the door doesn't hit me on the way out into the sunlight and fresh air.