Who else likes good old wolesome romance?


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
Hey guys. Just felt like having a discussion about what I'm looking for in adult games. Feel free to share what you're lookign for if it's something else or high five if you're like me, I dunno.

The main reason I like playing h-games more than watching porn videos is the dialogue, the buildup, the interactivity. It's easy to immerse yourself and roleplay but of course that's not always possible when a game's content goes against what I like. I like stories in which characters genuinely like each other and like having sex with each other. It's a bit more complicated whne there's more than one character you can romance/fuck but harems are cool with me. It's fiction, it's ok to have seird scenarios that wouldn't happen IRL in a million years.

Corruption, NTR, forced, etc are all fine and good once in a while but really I find women who like sex and are comfortable with it hotter. I assume most devs are men or I just have very unique tastes because I don't mind a girl being Sluttimus Prime as long as that's not her only defining trait. I'm also kind of a cuddly bear type I don't like hurting people and sometimes situations that are too cruel are just a turn off for me.

In conclusion, I like a game that strokes my ego by having 6 girls all want me at once because I'm just the greatest guy in the world. Do I have issues? Anyway, have agood night and fap responsibly.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
some players can't handle competition. If you make a normal game where you try to romance a girl, all the haters scream NTR. Say the game setting is a college campus, you have a few classes, you participate in some sport, and you belong to 2 clubs that have meeting and events.
You can't neglect you schoolwork, or you fail. You have to workout to improve yourself physically, and competing in a sport increases your popularity. inbetween doing all the things you need to do, you find time to see the girl.
It can be a challenge, just like real life. If you fall behind, the girl is going to find someone else.

Romancing a girl is complex. It's mostly about proving yourseft to her. Showing her that you are worthy, that you are dependable, capable, you have plans for the future and a chance of being successful. Your plans aren't always going to be compatible with her interests. You might think your STEM degree is a good idea, but she pictures you working in the same cubicle for 30 years. She's not the only girl in the game, find another. Maybe she was cute, but if you have different goals in life, it wouldn't work out. It's not NTR, it's just common sense. Try the next girl.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
I find it interesting that you both talk about romance in terms of "proving yourself" to someone. Which, and I might be too much of an idealist, I don't think is true. I don't think love has much to do with what you can bring to the other person. And if someone absolutely wants you to work in a cubicle for 30 years regardless of your wishes. I'd say at the very least they don't love you.

Regardless, though, I'm talking about romance in games, it doesn't have to be that deep. Just lovey dovey, hand holding, cuddling in bed, mutual support kind of cheesy shit. Take a game like Eroge, for instance. Some of the kinkiest sex but still picking the same girl a bunch of time leads to a love story that's kind of adorable. And it's not like the main character of that game is a "catch". He's just starting working. He has about as much personality as my ceilling, and it's not like he's particularly smart either.

It doesn't have to entirely make sense or be realistic is my point. I just like cute yet kinky people, I guess. In stories with a happy ending. (besides the sexual kind of happy endings)


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
I find it interesting that you both talk about romance in terms of "proving yourself" to someone. Which, and I might be too much of an idealist, I don't think is true. I don't think love has much to do with what you can bring to the other person. And if someone absolutely wants you to work in a cubicle for 30 years regardless of your wishes. I'd say at the very least they don't love you.

Regardless, though, I'm talking about romance in games, it doesn't have to be that deep. Just lovey dovey, hand holding, cuddling in bed, mutual support kind of cheesy shit. Take a game like Eroge, for instance. Some of the kinkiest sex but still picking the same girl a bunch of time leads to a love story that's kind of adorable. And it's not like the main character of that game is a "catch". He's just starting working. He has about as much personality as my ceilling, and it's not like he's particularly smart either.

It doesn't have to entirely make sense or be realistic is my point. I just like cute yet kinky people, I guess. In stories with a happy ending. (besides the sexual kind of happy endings)

There are a lot of misconceptions about what love means. 10,000+ books on the subject, all different ideas, it's no wonder you're confused.

Love is only a part of the equation. You can love someone with all you heart while they hate you.
not a good foundation for a relationship.

There are many factors that are far more important than love.

Since we're talking about sex games I won't even get into genetic compatibility of a good host to raise you spawn inside. IRL that's a deal breaker for some people. Yeah she's hot, but you don't want your kids being born with the defects that run in her family.

Some guys think they should get together with a girl, because she's pathetic. How crazy is that? "She needs me, she couldn't survive without me" run, and don't look back, there are other girls who can be trained to give good blowjobs.

Sexual compatability is a big issue. There was a girl that I loved one time, but then she said she was a virgin. I aint got time for that shit. Call me in a few years, after you've been with a few guys, and / or popped out a few babies.

Love is good, but you have to think with your head, and your heart... look at the big picture, and beyond.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
There are a lot of misconceptions about what love means. 10,000+ books on the subject, all different ideas, it's no wonder you're confused.

Love is only a part of the equation. You can love someone with all you heart while they hate you.
not a good foundation for a relationship.

There are many factors that are far more important than love.

Since we're talking about sex games I won't even get into genetic compatibility of a good host to raise you spawn inside. IRL that's a deal breaker for some people. Yeah she's hot, but you don't want your kids being born with the defects that run in her family.

Some guys think they should get together with a girl, because she's pathetic. How crazy is that? "She needs me, she couldn't survive without me" run, and don't look back, there are other girls who can be trained to give good blowjobs.

Sexual compatability is a big issue. There was a girl that I loved one time, but then she said she was a virgin. I aint got time for that shit. Call me in a few years, after you've been with a few guys, and / or popped out a few babies.

Love is good, but you have to think with your head, and your heart... look at the big picture, and beyond.
Ok, if I wasn't confused before, I am now.Not every couple wants kid. As for reasons for being attracted to someone, as wrong as it may sound to me that someone would date another person just because their pathetic. It's also non of my business, especially if it works out and they're happy.

But none of this has to do with games lol. I never asked what love is or how it works. I'm only saying I find romantic scenarios hot.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Ok, if I wasn't confused before, I am now.Not every couple wants kid. As for reasons for being attracted to someone, as wrong as it may sound to me that someone would date another person just because their pathetic. It's also non of my business, especially if it works out and they're happy.

But none of this has to do with games lol. I never asked what love is or how it works. I'm only saying I find romantic scenarios hot.
There are over 100,000 romance books. spoiler ... the nice guy doesn't get the girl.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2019
There's rare cases, where a game has good "romance" story and actual h-content, that I find interesting myself. I honestly avoid many VN games but personally my favorite are FreakilyCharming, all his work to be exact. Its weird new discovery to me, but so far the best for me, sad all those games are short. They lack alot interactions, dialogues, but dont miss h-content, it's weird more of those games aren't around or perhaps I suck at locating them :). But overall, taking care of someone fragile, even without happy ending (yes that ending) is what I seem to find pleasing for myself the most.
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Nov 26, 2019
Romancing, a good compelling story with character development and a little grind make the reward much better in my opinion.
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Dec 17, 2018
I have a lot to say about this topic.

I absolutely love good romance. I love to see it develop from small bud to full bloom. One of my favorite writing tropes is the enemies to lovers trope where two people start out hating each other, then slowly through the course of a story, start to fall in love. It's extremely satisfying watching the gradual transition of the characters. I feel like it makes a romantic relationship much more powerful when the characters experience growth together.

Now I will begin my rant, feel free to tune off from here on out.

There are so many things western devs do wrong in regards to romance.

Firstly, instalove and instant attraction is an absolutely terrible form of romance. In real life, for guys, it might be easy to fall in love with a girl at first sight since we are more visual focused than women. But women are not the same. Biology dictates that women only chose the best specimen of men that they can to mate with, and since our(men's) best traits for survival are intelligence and the ability to socialize (traits of a leader), they are more attracted to people who exhibit those traits. You can be the world's most attractive guy, but if you are awkward as shit, you'll turn off a lot of women. Which brings me to my next point.

Second, half of the fun in romance is the courtship. I'm not sure most of these developers understand how to court a girl in real life because their knowledge on the subject, if any, does not transfer to their stories. Where's the flirting with the godawful pickup lines, the posturing of both the man and the woman to seem better than they are to one another, and the playful banter to tease one another?

Third, romance without conflict is painfully boring. I recently played WVM where the MC has a girlfriend, and their relationship is all sunshine and giggles. It's feels really unnatural and pointless to continue with their story. It's like reading the following, "And they lived happily ever after. Happily ever after. Happily ever after. Happily ever after... Happily ever after...". You need to introduce conflict to test the strength of their relationship; every triumph they obtain makes the relationship that much more powerful. Which leads me to my last point.

Lastly, relationships are a bumpy hill, not a diagonal slope. A huge problem I have with games that grind for relationship points is that they assume a relationship goes from 0 and keeps incrementing until it gets to 100. The truth is real relationships, and the interesting ones, go up and down constantly, but overtime you end up with a net positive (or else the relationship breaks up). Two individuals never match up perfectly and their differences will cause problems that slightly hinder their relationship. But once they work through those differences together, their relationship is usually in a better place.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
and their differences will cause problems that slightly hinder their relationship. But once they work through those differences together, their relationship is usually in a better place.
this is also a great easy way to make your audience care about your characters. shared hardship makes people bond with each other. no hardship == no bonding.

If I could delete characters from games, ones like the girlfriend from WVM would be gone so fast...


Jun 8, 2017
Romance in games must be different from reality. That's why I play games in the first place, to evade reality and experience something different, something exotic.