There is an config.xml inside the main folder where nearly everything is set up, resolution, folders for the girls, items, saves and so on.
I suggest using Notepad++ for editing this file, it shows everything nicely colored
(comments/info in green, Settings in red and blue)
There are 3 presets for the resolution, you only need to set the comment markers so only the one you want is active.
You can also adjust the Width and Height in the preset you use.
For Laptops the Resolution="J_1366x768" should be the right one
The Standard Settings for the folder may be a bit confusing, it is meant to be a main folder and inside of that folders for each version of the game for example \Whore Master\WhoreMaster.06.02.57
the Characters folder would be \Whore Master\Characters
It is made like this so you can test and use different game versions without the need to move or copy your Character folder around or overwrite the older game version.
The game files themself without the characters are rather small, so you can have the last 3 versions or more in your main folder and if you discover bugs, just play an older version with the same savegame, because the save folder is organised the same way, \Whore Master\Saves so you see your savegames in all gameversions you have installed.
In the config.xml you can also adjust difficulty settings like the gold you start with, income multipliers
So you can make it easier or harder to your liking.
You can also adjust pregnancy settings there, chances, times they take and so on.
Most settings have descriptions, about what they do.
Regarding items, they have rarity levels and you can buy the more common items in the shop.
All rare items can only be found by sending gangs and/or girls in the catacombs.
Having as much well trained gangs with full members is important in this game (at least for me and my style of playing this game)
With girls, girlpacks don't only add pictures, each unique girl/girlpack also has at least an xml file (.girlsx),
without that the girl doesn't appear in the game. This xml file is like an roleplaying character sheet.
If you want to change the name of girls, you can edit this xml file.
Random girls have the .rgirlsx file extension and are templates for girls,
these girls can appear several times in the game with random names and randomised stats/traits.
If you don't like these random names, you can edit the files in \Resources\Data\
and delete the names you don't like and/or add new names.
There is also an editor for girls and items but it may be a bit complicated to use at the start.
A game folder with the standard config file should look similar to this
with the interior of the Characters folder like this
Of course you can name the folder with the game files (WhoreMaster.06.03.07 in the picture)
whatever you like, the other folders must be named like they are set up in the config.xml
Advertisement: The girlpacks in the "
Ohki's Girlpacks" thread (my own) can be directly accessed in
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