My only question would be, can I rape Circe and turn her into a cock-crazy whore in Little Finger's stable? Because much of the evil done can be placed on her and her family's shoulders. Except for Tyrion of course. My fantasy would be an invading force from the far west primed with information gained by travelers they kept from coming back until now. A more democratic government with more sophisticated weapons and warfare. They quickly infiltrate the cities and imprison or execute the highborn. Jeoffrey is beheaded for his crimes on the very block he betrayed Ned. Circe is fooled into thinking she can slut her way out of trouble but ends up stripped, used, abused and back in her cell naked. For her crimes she is sold into bondage as a pleasure slave. She earns her living pleasuring the people she looked down on. This andvher beloved Jeoffrey's death breaks her mind and she becomes the whore see always wanted to be. Even Jamie is repulsed by how quickly she learned to love her new life. Arya becomes a happy assassin killing those who misuse power. Jon and the Mother of Dragons join forces with the invaders to break the wheel. Along with new weapons they have better agriculture and medicine. Less people starve and die of simple diseases. There is no need for slaves. And it is outlawed except for criminals. They also have weapons that can fight the white walkers and a form of Valerian steel they can mass produce. The Ice King is killed before he gets near the wall by a rain of Velarian arrows ending his threat. Cities are ruled by an elected central government. Smaller towns and holdings can keep their rulers if they pass a panel of judges to weed out the bad ones. All citizens are under the same laws. And for most it is paradice. You still have to work for a living but you have rights and upward mobility. New jobs and new resources mean better times for most.