Why does Patreon keep banning creators?

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
A few? There are literally hundreds of patreon creators that violate at least one of these in their games.
And there's . So, yes, hundreds is still "few". Even if there's 860 who violate the Terms of Use, it would still be only 10% of them.

When the rules are enforced at extreme randomness, [...]
Add to those 8,686 creators, the who create adult animations, the who are doing adult photography, who make adult videos, the who create adult comics, and the who make adult drawing or painting, and you get 55,176 creators.
Yet there's still thousands creators that fall in the other adult categories, what lead easily to 70,000 creators, or more, just for the adult content.
And of course, this is without counting the hundreds of thousands creators who do not make adult content, but still have to comply with the Terms of Use.

In the end, there's , and therefore that need to be controlled.
By the way, globally one creator out of five fall under an adult category, so the famous "Patreon don't like porn" is pure bullshit.

I'm not really sure that you understand how many peoples would be needed to control them all. Especially since their content evolve with time, what mean that you need to regularly go back to their page.

Let's assume that one person can control 10 creators by day. With 8 worked hours by day, it's a reasonable guess, some content like games or videos would need more than one hour to be controlled, while content like photography or drawing would need only only few minutes.
If each creator was only controlled once every six months, it's still 225 persons that would be needed, and who would do nothing else of their days than this.
And of course, with a control every six months, you would still claim that Patreon do no efforts to enforce their rules.

Now, if you want, I'm sure that they can train an AI to do this. Each creator would then be controlled once a month without real problem.
At least, "without real problem" for the AI, because for the creators it would be something else seen how AI are absolutely not reliable when it come to content moderation. It's not a handful of creators that would be banned, time to time, for their actual violation of the Terms of Use, but dozens that would be suspended each day, due to false positive detection. And I'm not sure that it's a better solution...


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
A few? There are literally hundreds of patreon creators that violate at least one of these in their games. Let's just call their rules what they are, 100 percent absolutely and completely arbitrary.
When the rules are enforced at extreme randomness, then they aren't really rules are they? That is the point, and don't think it's absurd people to bitch about it.

The law says there are speed limits and drivers may NOT exceed the speed limit. Drivers who exceed the speed limit ARE breaking the law. The traffic department replies on traffic police, speed cameras and the public to help enforce the law.
Some get caught, some don't, that does NOT make the law "arbitrary" or make it "NOT a law"

Saying "some people break the rules and get away with it, so they are not real rules" make NO sense and is based on cartoonish logic and NOT the reality of the real world.


As for your "arbitrary" remark...

1 a: existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will

Is it "random or by chance"? No, if found or a report is received then the account is placed under review.
Is it "capricious" (impulsive / unpredictable)? No, it is very predictable, if there is banned content and it is found the account goes under view.
Is it "unreasonable act of will"? No, patreon also has rules it NEEDS to follow in order to use certain services and to remain a competitive and profitable business, to protect the other rule abiding patreons and subscribers.

b: based on or determined by individual preference or convenience rather than by necessity or the intrinsic nature of something

Is this the case? No, there is a necessity for patreon to follow the rules of the partners, services they use to remain a competitive and profitable business, to protect the other rule abiding patreons and subscribers.

2 a: not restrained or limited in the exercise of power : ruling by absolute authority

Is this the case? No, their authority is very limited, proven by the fact they had to introduce rules dictated by others.

b: marked by or resulting from the unrestrained and often tyrannical exercise of power

Is this the case? No, not only do they allow many kind of adult content BUT they also allow banned content UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES

3 law :
depending on individual discretion (as of a judge) and not fixed by law

While not a law, IT IS fixed by rules. banned content = review, refusing / not removing banned content = ban

Too many people CHOOSE to form opinions WITHOUT first gathering the necessary information or learning about a subject or topic and then act as if their opinions are reality and fact.

No live porn.
No bestiality (live and fictional).
No nonconsensual content (live and fictional).*
No incest content (live and fictional).*
Not sure why you chose to add an asterisk next to those two?

At the end of the day you are 100% wrong, not just in your assertions but also in your understanding of how patreon, the business world and business in general works.

You would be doing yourself a favor by gathering the correct, factual information so that, not only can you make valid points but more importantly blame the correct people / entities. To start, look up how, why and when patreon added the rules and go from there....


May 12, 2023

The law says there are speed limits and drivers may NOT exceed the speed limit. Drivers who exceed the speed limit ARE breaking the law. The traffic department replies on traffic police, speed cameras and the public to help enforce the law.
Some get caught, some don't, that does NOT make the law "arbitrary" or make it "NOT a law"

Saying "some people break the rules and get away with it, so they are not real rules" make NO sense and is based on cartoonish logic and NOT the reality of the real world.


As for your "arbitrary" remark...

1 a: existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will

Is it "random or by chance"? No, if found or a report is received then the account is placed under review.
Is it "capricious" (impulsive / unpredictable)? No, it is very predictable, if there is banned content and it is found the account goes under view.
Is it "unreasonable act of will"? No, patreon also has rules it NEEDS to follow in order to use certain services and to remain a competitive and profitable business, to protect the other rule abiding patreons and subscribers.

b: based on or determined by individual preference or convenience rather than by necessity or the intrinsic nature of something

Is this the case? No, there is a necessity for patreon to follow the rules of the partners, services they use to remain a competitive and profitable business, to protect the other rule abiding patreons and subscribers.

2 a: not restrained or limited in the exercise of power : ruling by absolute authority

Is this the case? No, their authority is very limited, proven by the fact they had to introduce rules dictated by others.

b: marked by or resulting from the unrestrained and often tyrannical exercise of power

Is this the case? No, not only do they allow many kind of adult content BUT they also allow banned content UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES

3 law :
depending on individual discretion (as of a judge) and not fixed by law

While not a law, IT IS fixed by rules. banned content = review, refusing / not removing banned content = ban

Too many people CHOOSE to form opinions WITHOUT first gathering the necessary information or learning about a subject or topic and then act as if their opinions are reality and fact.

Not sure why you chose to add an asterisk next to those two?

At the end of the day you are 100% wrong, not just in your assertions but also in your understanding of how patreon, the business world and business in general works.

You would be doing yourself a favor by gathering the correct, factual information so that, not only can you make valid points but more importantly blame the correct people / entities. To start, look up how, why and when patreon added the rules and go from there....
Comparing state and local enforced laws with physical barriers in place prevent the breaking of the rule is a truly comical comparison. If I speed going 20+ MPH everyday on the way to work, I'll get caught once out of three times. There are games on patreon for 5+ years with 60,000 members breaking their so called rules. The OP provided you with a prime example in the first post. Arbitrary might not be the perfect word for it, but you get the gist.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
There are games on patreon for 5+ years with 60,000 members breaking their so called rules. The OP provided you with a prime example in the first post.
Count Morado and me answered this.

But, absolutely not surprisingly, you preferred to address Morphnet post... It's almost like you don't care about facts, nor about discussions, being only led by a bias of confirmation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Comparing state and local enforced laws with physical barriers in place prevent the breaking of the rule is a truly comical comparison.
It is almost impressive how much of reality you are willing to ignore to hold on to your misinformed opinion. You do understand how contract law works right? or the legal fall out for breaking clauses right? Patreon is NOT enforcing their rules randomly as you claim, they have a contractual obligation to enforce the rules they were forced to added or the finacial services will pull out AGAIN.

Your claims are also baseless as they clearly come from second hand gossip, proved by you parroting many of the same mistakes those others have made.

Do you have knowledge of the inner working of patreon?
Do you know the numbers for adult dev's who have been contacted by patreon and were able to solve the problem?
Do you know the numbers for adult dev's who have been banned?

You don't even have half the story and clearly understand even less than that and are still willing to make sweeping statements about their actions as a whole.

There are games on patreon for 5+ years with 60,000 members breaking their so called rules.
This has been addressed already....

The OP provided you with a prime example in the first post.
OP provided a name, nothing more.... They gave NO information as to whether the name had ever been reported, contacted by patreon or any other issues or problems that might have cropped up, you know factual information that actually backed up his point.

Arbitrary might not be the perfect word for it,
Perfect doesn't come into it, it was NOT, is NOT and NEVER will be the correct word or even come close.
It is wrong, just like you are on your stance about patreon.

but you get the gist.


You would be doing yourself a favor by gathering the correct, factual information so that, not only can you make valid points but more importantly blame the correct people / entities. To start, look up how, why and when patreon added the rules and go from there....


May 12, 2023
Count Morado and me answered this.

But, absolutely not surprisingly, you preferred to address Morphnet post... It's almost like you don't care about facts, nor about discussions, being only led by a bias of confirmation.
Sorry, some of us work. However, to your point, if Patreon was serious about enforcing the so called rules, they could quickly filter the creators by paid subscribers. Narrow the field down to adult games, then by monthly revenue of $1000+. Now you have a very manageable list that could be reviewed more than, say, once every ten years to catch the main culprits abusing their platform.
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May 12, 2023
It is almost impressive how much of reality you are willing to ignore to hold on to your misinformed opinion. You do understand how contract law works right? or the legal fall out for breaking clauses right? Patreon is NOT enforcing their rules randomly as you claim, they have a contractual obligation to enforce the rules they were forced to added or the finacial services will pull out AGAIN.

Your claims are also baseless as they clearly come from second hand gossip, proved by you parroting many of the same mistakes those others have made.

Do you have knowledge of the inner working of patreon?
Do you know the numbers for adult dev's who have been contacted by patreon and were able to solve the problem?
Do you know the numbers for adult dev's who have been banned?
Do you have knowledge of the inner working of patreon?
No and neither do you. All we can do is base our understanding on results we see happening on the ground in the adult game field. Some games are getting yanked after a month, some are humming along doing the same thing for seven years.

Do you know the numbers for adult dev's who have been contacted by patreon and were able to solve the problem?
From the dozens of cases I've read in the last year, some are, some are not. This just further goes to proves my point of their randomness. My personal opinion is they have a "too far gone" rule that comes into play when the intern or whoever makes the decision.

Do you know the numbers for adult dev's who have been banned?
Nope I would be curious to know percent that get banned.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Do you have knowledge of the inner working of patreon?
No and neither do you.
Actually I do and so does EVERYONE else who bothered to do a search on the topic. Patreon, mastercard and visa have talked about patreons inner workings and the changes mastercard and visa demanded be made to those inner working. There are press releases from patreon, mastercard and visa on this and you can find other news stories where all three have given quotes regarding this matter...

All we can do is base our understanding on results we see happening on the ground in the adult game field.
No, that is all YOU are doing, some of us prefer to have factual information instead of making wild assumption and making stuff up.

Some games are getting yanked after a month, some are humming along doing the same thing for seven years.
This point has already been addressed and it's been pointed out to you that it has been addressed twice and this makes the third time.... clearly you either are NOT reading or NOT understanding....

BUT seeing as how you wish to keep ignoring facts and making baseless claims while NOT researching your examples, let me help you...

First you search helius patreon ban so you can confirm your information about "unaffected"

Helius ban.png

So I guess not so UNAFFECTED as claimed...

Now instead of second hand gossip, you have factual information... see how that works?

Do you know the numbers for adult dev's who have been contacted by patreon and were able to solve the problem?
From the dozens of cases I've read in the last year, some are, some are not. This just further goes to proves my point of their randomness.
Remove banned content and abide by the rules = keep account
Refuse / do not remove banned content and do not abide by the rules = loose account

Your use of randomness is as incorrect as was your use of arbitrary.

My personal opinion is they have a "too far gone" rule that comes into play when the intern or whoever makes the decision.
This part of your reply further solidifies the fact that you are clearly lacking in information and understanding, what you call "too far gone" the rest of the world calls a second chance, good community relations and good business practices. They could just ban every account the moment they find it breaking the rules. Instead the safety team NOT an intern, contacts the creator and notifies them of the issues and gives them time to correct it. You would know this if you had bothered to take a minute or three and actually look it up. It is also PROVEN by the example above!

Here is more information for you...

"Can I appeal the Trust & Safety decision?
If you believe that no violation occurred, you can reply to the email notification from Trust & Safety with additional evidence supporting your claim and your case will get another look from a member of the team."

"Why are similar creators not suspended?
Our apply equally to all creators. If you believe another creator’s content violates our guidelines, you can report their page for review by following the steps outlined in ."

Do you know the numbers for adult dev's who have been banned?
Nope I would be curious to know percent that get banned.
So you are basing your misinformed opinion on what exactly? So far you have admitted to having zero factual information and all of what you know is second hand gossip...

So far you have not gotten a single thing right and all the information I have linked here took me less than 2 minutes to find.

There is no excuse for this level of ignorance when you have access to the internet, to search engines and clearly more than enough time on your hands. Your time would be much better spent looking up / researching factual information rather than joining the gossip crowds.


Keeping Families Together
Mar 5, 2019
Most of those rules are dictated by payment processors who claim that porn accounts for nearly all the chargebacks. Course that doesn't explain why they only ban 'small' developers.

It's probably more to do with potential profits than any concerns about morality. There's not much of that in business.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Sorry, some of us work.
Don't think that you're special because you have a job, it's also the case for Count Morado and me... To just name the two you decided to not answer too, because it's the case for a very large majority on this forum, dev included.

However, to your point, if Patreon was serious about enforcing the so called rules, they could quickly filter the creators by paid subscribers. Narrow the field down to adult games, then by monthly revenue of $1000+.
Limiting this to adult games creators is totally ridiculous. Every single creator, whatever he create, have to respect the Terms of Use, while the said ToU don't limits to forbidding some adult content.
Therefore, even if they limits to creators that earn at least US$ 1,000/month, it would still mean more than 50,000 creators to control, therefore, with a control every six month, still ~40 persons dedicated for this.
And, of course, while not being arbitrary, it would be more unfair than the actual "act on report". Any creator who isn't really successful would then be gave a blank check to just not care about the rules.


May 12, 2023
Actually I do and so does EVERYONE else who bothered to do a search on the topic. Patreon, mastercard and visa have talked about patreons inner workings and the changes mastercard and visa demanded be made to those inner working. There are press releases from patreon, mastercard and visa on this and you can find other news stories where all three have given quotes regarding this matter...

No, that is all YOU are doing, some of us prefer to have factual information instead of making wild assumption and making stuff up.

This point has already been addressed and it's been pointed out to you that it has been addressed twice and this makes the third time.... clearly you either are NOT reading or NOT understanding....

BUT seeing as how you wish to keep ignoring facts and making baseless claims while NOT researching your examples, let me help you...

First you search helius patreon ban so you can confirm your information about "unaffected"

View attachment 4383594

So I guess not so UNAFFECTED as claimed...

Now instead of second hand gossip, you have factual information... see how that works?

Remove banned content and abide by the rules = keep account
Refuse / do not remove banned content and do not abide by the rules = loose account

Your use of randomness is as incorrect as was your use of arbitrary.

This part of your reply further solidifies the fact that you are clearly lacking in information and understanding, what you call "too far gone" the rest of the world calls a second chance, good community relations and good business practices. They could just ban every account the moment they find it breaking the rules. Instead the safety team NOT an intern, contacts the creator and notifies them of the issues and gives them time to correct it. You would know this if you had bothered to take a minute or three and actually look it up. It is also PROVEN by the example above!

Here is more information for you...

"Can I appeal the Trust & Safety decision?
If you believe that no violation occurred, you can reply to the email notification from Trust & Safety with additional evidence supporting your claim and your case will get another look from a member of the team."

"Why are similar creators not suspended?
Our apply equally to all creators. If you believe another creator’s content violates our guidelines, you can report their page for review by following the steps outlined in ."

So you are basing your misinformed opinion on what exactly? So far you have admitted to having zero factual information and all of what you know is second hand gossip...

So far you have not gotten a single thing right and all the information I have linked here took me less than 2 minutes to find.

There is no excuse for this level of ignorance when you have access to the internet, to search engines and clearly more than enough time on your hands. Your time would be much better spent looking up / researching factual information rather than joining the gossip crowds.
You do not have knowledge of the inner workings in regards to scheduled reviews of accounts. Relying on the rules to be enforced by "tattling" ultimately leads to inconsistent enforced rules despite putting up a link to tattle on someone else (again, doing their job for them).

Here is how their rules/terms should be written:

Patreon prohibits your creation from causing a microaggression against anyone viewing your content. If your content is reported, it may be reviewed or taken down if it contains any of these elements.

No live porn. 10% chance
No minors in compromising situations (live and fictional). 100% chance
No bestiality (live and fictional). 20% chance
No nonconsensual content (live and fictional). 30% chance
No incest content (live and fictional). 30% chance

There are no game developers agreeing with your here. Before you call them morons, consider why you are so heavily vested in a adult gaming site that exists only because of said adult game developers.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
You do not have knowledge of the inner workings in regards to scheduled reviews of accounts. Relying on the rules to be enforced by "tattling" ultimately leads to inconsistent enforced rules despite putting up a link to tattle on someone else (again, doing their job for them).

Here is how their rules/terms should be written:

Patreon prohibits your creation from causing a microaggression against anyone viewing your content. If your content is reported, it may be reviewed or taken down if it contains any of these elements.

No live porn. 10% chance
No minors in compromising situations (live and fictional). 100% chance
No bestiality (live and fictional). 20% chance
No nonconsensual content (live and fictional). 30% chance
No incest content (live and fictional). 30% chance

There are no game developers agreeing with your here. Before you call them morons, consider why you are so heavily vested in a adult gaming site that exists only because of said adult game developers.
Your entire response is 1) based on cartoon logic, 2) Once again ignores ALL the points where you have been proven 100% wrong, 3) Continues to drift further from the initial topic into made-up / fairytale land.

You do not have knowledge of the inner workings in regards to scheduled reviews of accounts.
I never said I did, I said I and EVERYONE else who bothered to search into the topic had knowledge of the inner working of patreon in the context of WHY THE BANNING happens, you know, the actual topic here.

Relying on the rules to be enforced by "tattling" ultimately leads to inconsistent enforced rules despite putting up a link to tattle on someone else (again, doing their job for them).
Again showing your ignorance, reports are relied on, they are NOT the only way patreon monitors and enforces it's rules...
Also, trying to childishly vilify the reporting system is ridiculous and clearly shows you have no clue the amount of harm it has helped to prevent.

Here is how their rules/terms should be written:

Patreon prohibits your creation from causing a microaggression against anyone viewing your content. If your content is reported, it may be taken down if it contains any of these elements.

No live porn. 10% chance
No minors in compromising situations (live and fictional). 100% chance
No bestiality (live and fictional). 20% chance
No nonconsensual content (live and fictional). 30% chance
No incest content (live and fictional). 30% chance
Do you work for disney?

There are no game developers agreeing with your here.
Never implied, directly said or thought there were, also not sure what that has to do with anything.

Going off on tangents just because your points don't have a leg to stand on is pointless. None of your imaginary side trips will change the facts.

Before you call them morons, consider why you are so heavily vested in a adult gaming site that exists only because of said adult game developers.
Firstly, trying to lump ALL game developers together is ignorant.
Secondly, I never called them morons. Making up stuff and putting words in people mouths just shows you can NOT be taken seriously or trusted.
Thirdly, How do you know how lightly or heavily I am invested in anything?

Yes because bloggers, artists, painters, and musicians are always slipping in bestiality and incest into their works when they can....are you serious with that?
I think the better question here is ARE YOU serious with that? There are A LOT more rules than just those that apply to adult content ranging from hate speech to swatting to encouraging self-harm...

The more you reply, the more you only end up showing you ignorance and proving why many if not all of these rules need to exist because of people like you.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Yes because bloggers, artists, painters, and musicians are always slipping in bestiality and incest into their works when they can....are you serious with that?
I wonder, do you even have the starts of a clue regarding what you're talking about?

Of course that I am serious. As I said, Patreon's Terms of Use include prohibited practices/contents that apply even for bloggers, artists, painters and musicians, as well as dancers, gamers and so on. Adult content do not even represent a tenth of those Terms of Use.

So, I'm returning you the question:
Are you serious when you complain that Patreon is lax in the way they enforce their rules, while in the same time explicitly saying that they should exempt from all controls the four fifths of their members, because they do not create adult content?
As if the nine tenths of the rules that do not regard adult content was something that shouldn't matters.

Or as if the lucky idiots who break the rules, but are still unnoticed, should pay because the idiots who are behind your favorite game(s) have been caught...
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Count Morado

Fragrant Asshole
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
Most of those rules are dictated by payment processors who claim that porn accounts for nearly all the chargebacks. Course that doesn't explain why they only ban 'small' developers.

It's probably more to do with potential profits than any concerns about morality. There's not much of that in business.
They don't. Uberpie was a top 20 adult game developer on Patreon and they banned him in the spring.

Several other higher profile and profit creators (top 100) were also banned in the past year or so after being reported/spot checked.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I never said I did, I said I and EVERYONE else who bothered to search into the topic had knowledge of the inner working of patreon in the context of WHY THE BANNING happens, you know, the actual topic here.
I agree. It's not like we lack of discussions regarding this topic, nor like Patreon never addressed it. They even wrote a press statement when they outsourced this task.

Firstly, trying to lump ALL game developers together is ignorant.
Secondly, I never called them morons.
I'll do it for you. Those who are caught by Patreon's hammer are morons...

It's been a bit more than seven years now that the four major bans regarding adult content exist. Seven years that dozens of "how do I make a [whatever] patch" threads exists. Seven years that hundreds of games with such "fan made patches exists". Seven years of shared experience regarding how a "fan made patch should be done to avoid the ban hammer".

Of course, there's dev who openly have banned content funded through Patreon, but there's twice, if not three time, more who have that content thanks to fans. Therefore, when a dev still achieve to be hit by the ban hammer, it's purely his fault. He was either too lazy, or too stupid, to read the Terms of Use and find a way around them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
I agree. It's not like we lack of discussions regarding this topic, nor like Patreon never addressed it. They even wrote a press statement when they outsourced this task.
Very true, plus mastercard has a news section where they state when they add or change rules for all those using their services.

I'll do it for you. Those who are caught by Patreon's hammer are morons...
(y) thanks :D

It's been a bit more than seven years now that the four major bans regarding adult content exist. Seven years that dozens of "how do I make a [whatever] patch" threads exists. Seven years that hundreds of games with such "fan made patches exists". Seven years of shared experience regarding how a "fan made patch should be done to avoid the ban hammer".
You are 100% right, not to mention all the "should I use subscribestar or patreon for my game" and all the variations of it that have been made over the years. Between forums likes this one, social media, news sites, chans, dev's sites/blogs etc. there is no excuse.


May 12, 2023
I wonder, do you even have the starts of a clue regarding what you're talking about?

Of course that I am serious. As I said, Patreon's Terms of Use include prohibited practices/contents that apply even for bloggers, artists, painters and musicians, as well as dancers, gamers and so on. Adult content do not even represent a tenth of those Terms of Use.

So, I'm returning you the question:
Are you serious when you complain that Patreon is lax in the way they enforce their rules, while in the same time explicitly saying that they should exempt from all controls the four fifths of their members, because they do not create adult content?
As if the nine tenths of the rules that do not regard adult content was something that shouldn't matters.

Or as if the lucky idiots who break the rules, but are still unnoticed, should pay because the idiots who are behind your favorite game(s) have been caught...
Yes because those categories offend far less than adult devs and you know it. Here are the top 10 games by replies with an incest tag at least 2 years old from F95. All contain incest of some sort, some multiple offending content. 9 out of 10 have Patreon accounts up and running. They are most serious about fulfilling their contractual obligations fair and even.

A Wife and Mother
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest
Patreon active account: No

Milfy City
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest, rape
Patreon active account: Yes 3,084 paid members

Summertime Saga
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest
Patreon active account: Yes 34,247 paid members

Dating My Daughter
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest
Patreon active account: Yes 2,049 paid members

Harem Hotel
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest
Patreon active account: Yes 4,662 paid members

Treasures of Nadia
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest
Patreon active account: Yes 11,752 paid members

Man of the House
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest
Patreon active account: Yes 1,187 paid members

Peasant's Quest
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest, rape, bestiality
Patreon active account: Yes 3,054 paid members

My New Life
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest, rape
Patreon active account: Yes 781 paid members

Love and Sex: Second Base
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest, rape
Patreon active account: Yes 3,624 paid members
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Yes because those categories offend far less than adult devs and you know it. Here are the top 10 games by replies with an incest tag at least 2 years old from F95. All contain incest of some sort, some multiple offending content. 9 out of 10 have Patreon accounts up and running. They are most serious about fulfilling their contractual obligations fair and even.

A Wife and Mother
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest
Patreon active account: No

Milfy City
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest, rape
Patreon active account: Yes 3,084 paid members

Summertime Saga
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest
Patreon active account: Yes 34,247 paid members

Dating My Daughter
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest
Patreon active account: Yes 2,049 paid members

Harem Hotel
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest
Patreon active account: Yes 4,662 paid members

Treasures of Nadia
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest
Patreon active account: Yes 11,752 paid members

Man of the House
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest
Patreon active account: Yes 1,187 paid members

Peasant's Quest
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest, rape, bestiality
Patreon active account: Yes 3,054 paid members

My New Life
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest, rape
Patreon active account: Yes 781 paid members

Love and Sex: Second Base
Patreon prohibited content (by tags): incest, rape
Patreon active account: Yes 3,624 paid members
Seriously, you should have done some proper research before posting games like Summertime Saga, Milfy City or Dating my Daughter as examples of Patreon not doing anything against creators who break their rules. All of them (and probably some more in your list, as I'm only talking from what I remember) had to make important changes to their 'base game' to stay on Patreon after the platform gave them a first warning, and all the forbidden content you may find now is published by some other 'independent' part. So things work exactly as other people have already told you in this thread.