Why i play incest games...


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
I completely agree with you....but they can't just act like wild animals...the story must have some realism or it's just another Sunday morning game...they need to feel guilty..they need to realise it's wrong....the consequences need to be shown....the changes they undergo in their behavior and emotions that are tied to other characters must be viewed...the more details... even if they are small it should be shown.
When I wrote: "Why haven't any of them started from there? Exploring how the family have been torn appart and what they'll do from there on in their life? Plenty of room for creative writting and drama.".
Or all the other times when I asked for more creative writting, I wasn't exactly against the characters being explored. I'd like to add that in the heat of passion you are not that different from wild animals, but I understand that wasn't what you meant.
Simply having her say "ohh I can't. We are X and Y, but he is so [insert adjective]" Z number of times until she goes down on the goofy stick, isn't exploring a character (not that you said that, but that is sadly all too often the results which I'm against).

How often does the MC himself ever have those thoughts? Or at least to a degree where it wasn't contradicting his actions... something that only sometimes happens in the very start of some games. Didn't prevent you from playing those right? I'm not trying to be antagonistic (not that you said that), though I could have better worded myself. I'm trying to make a point and I think showing the writting for what it is, to be the best way. Too much leeway has been given simply because it's porn and a (growing) niche.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
I only agree half. Incest has to be a taboo within the setting, to make it interesting as fetish. Playing an Egyptian Pharao in an arranged sibling marriage would not be the best background for an incest theme.

What I don't agree on, however is the feeling of guilt when it comes to the MC. The MC can simply be a character who doesn't care about morality. In a taboo genre the protagonist can well be a villain. Maybe he is ruthless business man who could have any woman but seeks a challenge in sexually enslaving his mother and aunt. Maybe the women don't know they are related to him and he exploits their knowledge, only to blackmail them later and force them into an even more submissive role. He or she could be a cruel warlord demanding sexually services in exchange for protection. Anything is better than a teenage virgin feeling guilty about peeping on his mom.


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Nov 16, 2017
There will always be varying reasons why people like certain themes and/or fetishes... Sure, there is a very minute number of folks who may have actually had some real world thoughts and/or feelings when it comes to stuff like incest... But I think there are 2 primary reasons this particular theme seems to be "popular"...

1st primary reason is because the idea and feeling of reading/playing something so forbidden by society, gives this added sense of doing something even more naughty, to an already naughty theme of being an erotic/adult themed visual novel and/or game... In the same sense that some folks have an increased sexual pleasure when doing naughty things in public settings (exhibitionism)… It gives an extra umphh, to the already sexual naughtiness of a situation, for some people...

2nd primary reason is because at one point, several years back, there was this key moment where just a couple VN/Games, that included incest as their story base, were crafted very well, pulling in a LOT of money... While at the same time, sites like Patreon were beginning to ramp up in usage by this niche (erotic/adult visual novels and games) of the porn industry... So you add in this new donation system that was easy to use and was subscription only... Then combine it with a few VN/Games making lots of money using this same system for their donations... And suddenly we began to get tons more developers coming out of the woodwork, using the same themes to try and get a piece of the pie... In essence. either riding on the coat tails of those big hitters, and/or copying some the same basic concepts to include incest... What we ended up getting was a shit storm of incest themed VN/Games, of varying quality and design, flooding the market for several years... With such a flood of the market focusing on mostly one over all theme, it was like a snow ball effect... Artificially creating this idea that Incest must be the most popular of themes, thereby you get even more developers wanting to use this same theme to perhaps get more paying fans, all because they used incest, so they could maybe make the same kind of money as those big hitters that sparked off this trend...

Of course, the market was also flooded with low to mediocre quality VN/Games, due to the influx of so many newer developers, with little to no experience with creating these things, let alone including Incest as the over theme... Many eventually became abandoned, a few did very well and eventually finished, while even more are still lingering in development limbo (still in development for what seems like forever)…

But I do think that we've already gone past the point, probably about a year or so ago, where this particular theme of incest has began to take it's tole... Mostly because too much of just one thing, has this tendency to lose it's luster when it is used too often and in the same pattern of use by too many developers... What keeps a market stimulated is variety... Too much of one thing or the other just stagnates the market... Sure, you will have some who will always want more and more of the same old thing... But the market, as a whole, thrives on variety and newness, not just more of the same thing, practically always done in the same way... That is why I think that we are finally seeing more developers shy away from this particular theme, if not shying away from how it is typically patterned for use... And we are seeing a rise in other themes, and/or content outside of this one particular theme of incest... Not that it's completely dying, but instead, the market is trying to even out the playing field a bit... Mostly in light of rules changes by sites such as Patreon and others, along with the over all playerbase/readership becoming a bit bored of seeing the same old thing all the time... Variety is the spice of life...

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Well-Known Member
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Nov 16, 2017
I completely agree with you....but they can't just act like wild animals...the story must have some realism or it's just another Sunday morning game...they need to feel guilty..they need to realise it's wrong....the consequences need to be shown....the changes they undergo in their behavior and emotions that are tied to other characters must be viewed...the more details... even if they are small it should be shown.
I see what your saying, as the a-typical way many of these VN/Games work, is on a slow buildup functionality... Some developers will throw in a few characters to try and appease folks along the way, but typically those characters are hollow and stereotyped... Such as having the primary love/lust interests as the slow grind, but a few stereotypical slut like characters were thrown in (usually in a very similar pattern of use) just to allow some early sexual events, in an attempt to appease nah-sayers that find the slow grind content, too slow...

How often do we see developers use practically the same exact pattern of characters and content build up? Way more then some people realize... A perfect example is the young Male Protagonist who is jobless, and is living with his single Mother, an older sister, and a younger sister... Either the father is dead, or is never around for whatever reason/s, and/or is around but not really involved much with anything that is going on... The MILF mother is always on the protagonist to get a job, she is also sexually repressed, loves her son, and is easily seduced by her son... Usually because he does so many things for her and pays her lots of attention, followed by seduction/corruption... The older sister typically treats her brother like crap, usually because she is trying to hide her sexual feelings for her brother... She is typically either corrupted/seduced by her brother, or possibly even blackmailed or bought off in someway by the protagonist, in exchange for sexual favors... The younger sister is typically this smart but shy/naïve girl who just turned 18 years old, she is either seduced/corrupted/tricked slowly into building up a sexual relationship with her brother... Usuallly because he treats her so well and pays so much attention to her... Of course, there may be variations of this, with perhaps the sisters exchanging basic dynamics... Or perhaps the MILF is the aunt, and the two girls are his cousins instead... And so on... How often do we see this very familiar and basic pattern? Over the years, it has usually been the primary basic pattern... Sure there have been other variations, and differences... But typically it's just more of the same with minor twists...

You also get some of the exact same patterns of slow build up... Usually starting with peeping, that comes in the form of things like walking in without knocking, or the bathroom lock is broken, or walking in while they change clothes to go somewhere with the protagonist... Then you get into sneaking around the house at night, peeping and/or performing somnophillia (having sex with or doing sexual acts on someone as they sleep)… Don't forget the oh so overused clothes shopping events, peeping on them as they change clothes, or having them show off all their skimpy clothing choices for the protagonist... And why is it always the same clothing shop with the same swirlly wall paper in VN/Games, most of the time? From there you get very similar patterns specifically based on the character and their role in the house...

Overall, so many developers use the exact same or very similar patterns of erotic build up, especially with Incest themed VN/Games... The lack of originality becomes tiresome and boring... Even when there are some other events or plot premises that may be slightly different between one VN/Game and another... It's still the same ole tropes and slow grind elements, over and over again... For me, I look at it as a sign of a developer that is lacking in any real sense of creative thought... And/or they are, in essence, just a copy cat, who is just trying to get their piece of the pie... And/or they just lack over all talent, and copying others ideas and patterns, is what works for them... Many of us are firmly aware, there will be some crossover now and then, but when the same basic patterns are used so often, in varying degrees, a pattern typically immerges and it doesn't help the themes cause at all... Same ole, same ole, gets tedious and boring...



The good thing about incest Games is that it forces the Dev to actually have some relationship-development in the Game. In a Non-Incest Game a Girl can just get horny and fuck the MC without knowing his Name. Thats kinda boring as fuck.

I want a decent Romance-Story where a Relationship is build between two Characters.

Although I agree with @Zippity that the basic son MC + MILF + 2 sisters is a way overused cliché, there are plenty of ways to differentiate.


Jul 21, 2017
Popularity of incest genre imho polluted western VN scene to an extent becoming obnoxious with expectations of being included by default.

Do you recall a game where is MC family portrayed sexually appealing (or not unappealing) and not expecting incest out of it?

I am aware that because of rendering, spent time, resources and etc. if something is in the game it most likely must have a purpose (why include family if there will not be scenes with them), but it lost to at least me a certain level of delicate taboo to a mere vanilla flavor - which is still good if made with appropriate effort.

Hell, I once told my coworker during coffee grind that incest is nowadays no longer a taboo at all since everyone is doing it. After his bewildered expression I shifted blame on GoT...

Deleted member 833007

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2018
Incest...bisexuals...trans... lesbians....gays...did they exist when the world started from big bang????? I don't think so....it's in the human's nature to experiment and when the experiment tends to give pleasure it becomes a habit then it becomes something else...something new... something different....my interest on incest began because of the lack of someone's absence nothing else...I wanted to be loved by that someone...but I never knew what that love makes you feel like or for it matters what it's to like to live with that person from day to day...to being cared for...and which in turn turned something so twisted without even realizing what it even means or how much taboo it is to the society.... :unsure::unsure:
Apr 18, 2019
Dude, purpose is just spicing up the thread. Not pointing a finger to anyone and call them with any names. :)

btw; i am personally neutral to existence of incest thing in adult games, i mean since it is a kink/fetish and some people may have a thing for it, it is totally natural to see it around here BUT i really started to hate seeing: In this game you play a young man just graduated from college and moved into his hot widowed mother's and attractive sister's house in a new city with full of opportunities(?)

Really? Ohh, veery original! -_-
Yeah that's not necessarily always THAT original. But you know it is kinda hilarious as well if you have such weird kind of humor. And I agree a bit more variation would be nice. Some VNs are really quite formulaic, that's true. That don't necessarily have to be a bad thing, though… if it is nicely done. I mean Marvel movies almost never have an original story as well, but people still love to watch them since they are mad with high quality. But generally I agree with you. More variation is always nice.

BTT: Also i think incest theme is popular by some people because it is even more intimate, the story, the dialogs. So you might immerse into the MC but the same time you also know it's not your real sister, brother etc. I do not think people would find incest theme that much arousing or arousing at all if it where too realistic and would let you think about your real relatives. It only works because you know it is fiction and the love interests do NOT look or behave like your REAL brother, sister etc..
Again like action movies with violence, humor, more violence and stuff. It is thrilling, even funny and hilarious, even the violence stuff where you can laugh when it is just over the top. But when you see a real video of or violence or even murder in the news television, which is even censored or you only hear about, even then it is the total opposite. Your feel no excitement, but sorrow, anger or incomprehension that people can do such things to each other. But when it is fiction we all like it. Game of Thrones. Who did not like the scene with the dragon flaming all those people down. That was impressive. Hint: Dragons aren't real. And incest games ain't real either.

sorry for my bad english, hope you get what i mean.
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