Youre kind of throwing up the think of the children nonsense vibe. These are games first and foremost. If someone cant seperate fiction from real life than its on that person not the game. A rapist is still going to rape, a murderer is still going to kill someone. You can find plenty of research on the effect of games on behavior and most if not all support that games have little to no influence on behavior. But this is going off topic so Im just going to end this discussion here Feel free to disagree if you want.
I very clearly defined the difference between the think of the children nonsense vibe and the very real social impact of art on culture. I don't think these games create sexual predators. I simply think they reinforce dangerous stereotypes that allow a normalization of certain behaviors in the public consciousness. For instance, think of the whole movement over sexual assault in the world right now. Its not like sexual assault suddenly became worse, its simply that people stopped ignoring it. When you look at media though, you see that we've been normalizing sexual assault for years. In every single Indiana Jones adventure he forces a relationship on the female lead. In Blade Runner he boxes her in a corner and makes her beg for it after she has clearly said no and attempted to leave multiple times. Even the Romance between Han and Leia is full of clear no's from her and an obvioius wearing down of Leia.
Now, I'm not singling out Harrison Ford for this, he doesn't have enough influence in hollywood to force that into all his movies. Instead I believe he was type cast as an ideal masculine idol. Writers and directors forced their ideas of sexuality into their scripts and onto the screen. As a result there's a whole generation or 3 that grows up seeing this as normal. And it is designed to look normal. The music after the characters relent all of the sudden becomes romantic, the relationship continues at least till the end, etc. It also isn't just Ford's characters. I can't think of a single Bond who isn't guilty of at least one sexual assault. Take for instance the scene from the most recent Bond film where he corners the widow of the man he killed, which of course hangs in the air between them, as she brings it up. In her home after breaking in, he forces himself on her, with an implied threat of violence.
There's a very simple concept out there called the Bechdel Test. In this test the only requirement is that there be two women in the movie who interact with one another and who don't use this interaction solely to talk about a man. Only about half of all movies in hollywood pass this test. As a result, art influences culture, women are treated as supporting characters in their own lives. They are treated as if their purpose is to serve men. Boys grow up with the impression that a girl is an object to be won.
Aside from actual sociopaths, no one goes out of their way to hurt other people. For the most part, sexual assault occurs not as a physically violent act, but as a response to the subversion of the expectations of people. As I said, boys grow up with the impression that they just have to win a girl. So they do things for her, get her alone, and assume that they have in fact won her. This doesn't not affect women though, there is a nagging feeling of guilt for them, do they owe him this? Couple that with the fact that many times when sexual assault actually occurs its based on a power dynamic, ie politicians, big movie producers, executives, bosses at work, etc., and you have a powder keg of men who are generous to women with the expectation of sex and the power to destroy their lives if they don't go along.
Now, you're going to say that its all fiction, we know that. But do we really? Most of us don't really have parents who feel comfortable talking to their children about something as personal as maintaining a healthy relationship. Hell, more than half of us aren't capable of doing so, according to divorce rates, so in the end, we take our education in a roundabout way. We watch romance in movies, we try to date on our own, we figure out what works. Some of us are quick to figure out where the boudaries are, so many more of us are not. We try to get a woman drunk so she won't be as likely to say no, we lie and trick people into sex, we manipulate and subvert.
Now, again, these things are not necessarily always bad. Alcohol is a great social ice breaker, in moderation. A few white lies to get someone to talk to you aren't going to hurt them. But it is always in moderation. And these games are so over the top that moderation is thrown out the door. If they had better writing they could give us engaging and representative stories that are far hotter than the bullshit we see in BB and the like. There are two ways to get you to an invested end, appeal to your kinks, and appeal to your emotions. If you are emotionally invested in an outcome then when it comes it is so much better than if you just walk up and watch some fucking. Add your kinks on top of that and...
That's why for me, dreaming of dana will always be better than BB or MotH or even Dreams of Desire, which I enjoyed, because not only did I have a story with a goal of fucking my sister, but I was able to get emotionally invested in doing so.