you would have an argument when that shit would get tagged, but frankly it isnt in 90% of the time. It only gets tagged if its so blatant that its the main theme of the game i have games on my ignore list where the dev said its NTR but that is not good enough for the mods.
A few things to note,
1) The more you exaggerate the more credibility you loose and 90% is a wild exaggeration.
2) As has been pointed out countless times, over
MANY threads, over
MANY years, games added are
NOT always played by the mod or uploader that uploads them. They take the tags they find with the game and rely on members to report if tags need to be removed or added.
3) The site uses a set definition for each tag, it would be
IMPOSSIBLE to use every definition that every member has for every tag. If the content fits the definition and is ingame
AND it gets reported to add the tag, the tag is added.
You guys also conveniently seem to forget the cycles, some games getting new content updates, some games get abandoned and then start again, some games get "reworked" and some games release extra content in patches not to mention the fan made patches and content. With over 20677 games on the site the staff and mods need the communities help keeping track of tags and changes.
4) Your assumption that "is not good enough for the mods" is laughable, the mods and staff already have their hands full dealing with the site, reports, tickets and adults unable to act like adults, to imply they would willingly give themselves more work by mistagging a game / games is ridiculous.
The tagging system is just weird and needs vetting/community voting.
I think I got into an argument with a mod on an unrelated topic, and he hate-tagged my game AI. Just like that.
Making unsubstantiated accusations like that is NOT helpful and only contributes to a more toxic environment. Can you prove that NO tickets were made by members asking for the AI tag to be added? etc.
It finally got removed now, but that's kind of lame it can happen. If a mod has a grudge against you, he can tag/untag your game as he likes, and there's almost no accountability when it happens.
These kinds of comments are really uncalled for, as I pointed out above, it's ridiculous to think mods and staff would make more work for themselves when they as volunteers already have their hands full. Plus there is the fact that with there being a number of different mods, if one of them was doing this they would be let go because again, it is creating A LOT more work when there is already a heavy work load and it would hurt the site and the community.
You also claim there is "almost no accountability when it happens" unless you have actual proof, screenshot of meetings, recording when you were actually there etc. saying something like this irresponsible.
My posts have also been removed from my own game thread before. All because I dared to ask people to support me so I can continue making content.
Almost every time someone says "all because" or "all I did was" or "I was just" it turns out they were 100% in the wrong. Do you really want a mod to post what you
actually said here?
Meanwhile, posts complaining about an NTR game having NTR stay up. Just very weird and inconsistent.
Now giving you the benefit of the doubt here and assuming you are reaction typing and so not actually thinking it though, there are (as of me typing this) currently 227,791 threads, 15,065,231 messages and 8,370,066 members, with the handful of mods and staff do you really think they can monitor ALL of those without the help of the community?
So exactly how is that weird? With 1762 games tagged netorare, they are supposed to monitor every comment in every thread? When do they handle site management? answering tickets? answering reports? adding / removing tags, providing assistance in the helps sections, uploading games etc. etc. etc. and now what about the comments in other game threads?
Maybe try be a little, just a little understanding?