Why is NTR so Popular?

May 19, 2021
This is one of the questions I have been asked the most since I started my channel. In I try to address the possible psychological, sociological, and paleo-anthropological answers that may shed light on this highly controversial flavor. I also try to address why this flavor has such a strong negative response from a large portion of the community. Here are the studies that I mention:

The Influence of Fantasy Proneness, Dissociation, and Vividness of Mental Imagery on Male's Aggressive Sexual Fantasies

  • doi: 10.1177/0886260517691523
The nature of women's rape fantasies: an analysis of prevalence, frequency, and contents

  • doi: 10.1080/00224490802624406
Male dominance rank and reproductive success in chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii

  • doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.12.014
Adult sex ratios and partner scarcity among hunter–gatherers: implications for dispersal patterns and the evolution of human sociality

Gestural Communication and Mating Tactics in Wild Chimpanzees

Social competition and selection in males and females

  • doi: 10.1098/rstb.2013.0074
Regional Brain Activity in Women Grieving a Romantic Relationship Breakup

The light in the shadows: therapeutic explorations of fantasy and fear*

Women’s Rape Fantasies: An Empirical Evaluation of the Major Explanations

  • doi: 10.1007/s10508-012-9934-6

I hope this helps and let me know what you think!

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2018
It is?
Seems more like an average fetish that gets artificial boost in visibility due to people complaining about it for no reason bumping the threads up 24/7
Most people don't care about it since it isn't thier fetish. The genre has it's fans and it has it haters. It has been artificially boosted by trolls and has now become a meme. Stop creating new threads on this topic, it's a tired subject.
May 19, 2021
It is?
Seems more like an average fetish that gets artificial boost in visibility due to people complaining about it for no reason bumping the threads up 24/7
I mean it definitely doesn't have the popularity of the big three flavors: heterosexual, harem, and corruption. But looking at sales and review data it does seem to rank pretty highly.

Most people don't care about it since it isn't thier fetish. The genre has it's fans and it has it haters. It has been artificially boosted by trolls and has now become a meme. Stop creating new threads on this topic, it's a tired subject.
I apologize. I wasn't aware that the topic had been addressed in this context before. I did search before posting and the postings seemed to all uniformly take a supportive or adversarial position on the subject.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2018
I mean it definitely doesn't have the popularity of the big three flavors: heterosexual, harem, and corruption. But looking at sales and review data it does seem to rank pretty highly.

I apologize. I wasn't aware that the topic had been addressed in this context before. I did search before posting and the postings seemed to all uniformly take a supportive or adversarial position on the subject.
No need to apologize. You do can do what you want. I'm just expressing my feelings.

Which is: Please stop with the NTR threads.

Here is an example of the amount of threads on this subject. (It's not all of them).
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New Member
Feb 18, 2019
because love is the greates think human can find so when someone get love betrayed its the gretest pain you can find
and in ntr genre there so much taboo you can find like rape, mind break, and corruption some pople like taboo.
fo some people i think they punish himself for his failure
because in ntr story the protagonist failure to protec her love and getting punished by the chad

sorry for my bad english
May 19, 2021
No need to apologize. You do can do what you want. I'm just expressing my feelings.

Which is: Please stop with the NTR threads.
View attachment 1320263

Here is an example of the amount of threads on this subject. (It's not all of them).
Lol-- I get your point, but I think there are even more posts about Harems, Corruption, and Impregnation. Seriously I'm doing a multi-part series on the history of the trainer genre and NTR is way more popular (with men) than trainer games are.

because love is the greates think human can find so when someone get love betrayed its the gretest pain you can find
and in ntr genre there so much taboo you can find like rape, mind break, and corruption some pople like taboo.
fo some people i think they punish himself for his failure
because in ntr story the protagonist failure to protec her love and getting punished by the chad

sorry for my bad english
I do try to draw a correllary between research focusing on females fantasizing about being raped and the negative associations that some attribute to it and to those who fantasize about NTR (and the negative associations that some attribute to that).
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2018
Lol-- I get your point, but I think there are even more posts about Harems, Corruption, and Impregnation.
It's not even close. Try searching the individual keywords and sort out the actual discussion threads and you will see what I mean.


Devoted Member
Sep 25, 2018
Lol-- I get your point, but I think there are even more posts about Harems, Corruption, and Impregnation. Seriously I'm doing a multi-part series on the history of the trainer genre and NTR is way more popular (with men) than trainer games are.

I do try to draw a correllary between research focusing on females fantasizing about being raped and the negative associations that some attribute to it and to those who fantasize about NTR (and the negative associations that some attribute to that).
You put a lot of thoughts and work into your video and it is better than everything that has been posted in this forum yet. Good work!
Oct 30, 2018
I think I'm going to petition the forum to add an auto-response bot that will post a Jerry Seinfeld "what's the deal" bit every time we get a "why is X so popular" thread.

I appreciate you doing the leg work and linking some studies to back up your hypothesis, amigo, but it seems kind've pointless when the cryptic reality of all fetishes is there's really no one cause for why any one person likes a thing.

I like NTR, quite a bit actually.
Not for any sort of rape fantasy reason, or because I want to see my wife get long duk donged by somebody, or because it has happened to me in the real world and that's my outlet for dealing with it (though I'm sure all these things are applicable to some). I like it mostly because you have a lot more wiggle room to write an interesting scenario around NTR, whereas I find vanilla stuff to be quite predictable.

Also, as a bunch of people have said above, it's not popular. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's unpopular but if it were incredibly popular then every game would have it in some capacity and every video on PornHub's most popular would be cuckold themed. Incest is the en vogue thing.
People talk about NTR a lot which makes it seem more prevalent than it is. And people talk about it because it's controversial, non-conventional and difficult for certain people to see the appeal in (which leads to a lot of "whats the deal with NTR" Jerry Seinfeld threads)

Not a chastisement of you, muchacho, I respect you putting the effort in and not just doing a driveby shitpost thread.
And I'll take a look at your YouTube channel when I get the chance. Best of luck and have a great one.
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May 19, 2021
You put a lot of thoughts and work into your video and it is better than everything that has been posted in this forum yet. Good work!
Thanks! I tried to be fair, but I am worried that either my message was not clear, or that some people replying just didn't watch the video.

I think I'm going to petition the forum to add an auto-response bot that will post a Jerry Seinfeld "what's the deal" bit every time we get a "why is X so popular" thread.

I appreciate you doing the leg work and linking some studies to back up your hypothesis, amigo, but it seems kind've pointless when the cryptic reality of all fetishes is there's really no one cause for why any one person likes a thing.

I like NTR, quite a bit actually.
Not for any sort of rape fantasy reason, or because I want to see my wife get long duck donged by somebody, or because it has happened to me in the real world and that's my outlet for dealing with it (though I'm sure all these things are applicable to some). I like it mostly because you have a lot more wiggle room to write an interesting scenario around NTR, whereas I find vanilla stuff to be quite predictable.

Also, as a bunch of people have said above, it's not popular. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's unpopular but if it were incredibly popular then every game would have it in some capacity and every video on PornHub's most popular would be cuckold themed. Incest is the en vogue thing.
People talk about NTR a lot which makes it seem more prevalent than it is. And people talk about it because it's controversial, non-conventional and difficult for certain people to see the appeal in (which leads to a lot of "whats the deal with NTR" Jerry Seinfeld threads)

Not a chastisement of you, muchacho, I respect you putting the effort in and not just doing a driveby shitpost thread.
And I'll take a look at your YouTube channel when I get the chance. Best of luck and have a great one.
I actually touch on your particular stated desire to watch NTR near the end of the video. I think a lot of the contention is from my use of the term "popular". NTR is not one of the most popular flavors, but going by sales and review numbers it is still a successful flavor. I do try to address the popularity and the infamy in the video.


Aug 25, 2020
No need to apologize. You do can do what you want. I'm just expressing my feelings.

Which is: Please stop with the NTR threads.
View attachment 1320263

Here is an example of the amount of threads on this subject. (It's not all of them).
That link you posted.... holy shit. Hahaha. Not many people back up their 'My opinion of x is because of y,' but your link knocks it out of the park.

I don't understand why I am not allowed to like NTR (which I love) and you are not allowed to dislike it. Like what you like, dislike what you dislike. Leave it at that. I know that is what you are already saying, I'm just agreeing... which is apparently forbidden.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2018
I don't like either of the popular forms of NTR, but I do like ReverseNTR >> Male MC gets blackmailed and stolen from GF by another woman. Now if only that kind of game would appear here and animated, that'd be great.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2017
What's even more fun is how people have no fucking clue what NTR actually is and try to label all cheating as NTR just because words and shit.

Like the dude above me who thinks Reverse NTR is a thing, like reverse rape. If you reverse it then it's NOT NTR or rape.

So to make this simple.

NTR includes both men and women both can be cheated on, if you reverse it then it's not cheating. NTR is about the emotional impact of cheating regardless of the relationship. If you reverse NTR then that means there is no emotional impact, so A you either don't give a fuck the S.O. is cheating, or B. theere is no cheating at all.

Rape happens to both men and women, if you reverse rape, then the rape never happened. Just as an example since it's a common "stupid" people have about the subject.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2018
What's even more fun is how people have no fucking clue what NTR actually is and try to label all cheating as NTR just because words and shit.

Like the dude above me who thinks Reverse NTR is a thing, like reverse rape. If you reverse it then it's NOT NTR or rape.

So to make this simple.

NTR includes both men and women both can be cheated on, if you reverse it then it's not cheating. NTR is about the emotional impact of cheating regardless of the relationship. If you reverse NTR then that means there is no emotional impact, so A you either don't give a fuck the S.O. is cheating, or B. theere is no cheating at all.

Rape happens to both men and women, if you reverse rape, then the rape never happened. Just as an example since it's a common "stupid" people have about the subject.
Opinion ^. In response to your edit >> Well it's still an opinion, much like you denying a reverse culture and fetish simply because you think that it doesn't fit. Men can be drugged, kept lucid, and given viagra, so no denying the hard-on and you still get r*ped whether you want it or not.

Thought of some more stuff >> emotional impact equals loss, loss can be experienced both ways. If you are with your wife or gf, love her, only want her, and you are blackmailed by another woman, you do not want to leave your wife or gf and are forced to do as the blackmailer says >> loss and emotional impact.
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Active Member
Sep 26, 2018
What's even more fun is how people have no fucking clue what NTR actually is and try to label all cheating as NTR just because words and shit.

Like the dude above me who thinks Reverse NTR is a thing, like reverse rape. If you reverse it then it's NOT NTR or rape.

So to make this simple.

NTR includes both men and women both can be cheated on, if you reverse it then it's not cheating. NTR is about the emotional impact of cheating regardless of the relationship. If you reverse NTR then that means there is no emotional impact, so A you either don't give a fuck the S.O. is cheating, or B. theere is no cheating at all.

Rape happens to both men and women, if you reverse rape, then the rape never happened. Just as an example since it's a common "stupid" people have about the subject.
I've actually got another scenario for you. Reverse R*pe >> If a gang of ten 320 pound women cornered you, beat you down, showed viagra pills into your mouth, and forced your mouth shut so you'd have to swallow them, and then proceeded to use you to sate their sexual appetites, is it Reverse? Or did you want it? and they won't be smelling like roses either, in my scenario or look anything like the BBW pictures in this site.