Why is NTR so Popular?

May 19, 2021
I've actually got another scenario for you. Reverse R*pe >> If a gang of ten 320 pound women cornered you, beat you down, showed viagra pills into your mouth, and forced your mouth shut so you'd have to swallow them, and then proceeded to use you to sate their sexual appetites, is it Reverse? Or did you want it? and they won't be smelling like roses either, in my scenario or look anything like the BBW pictures in this site.
I'm pretty sure I learned from Futurama that that is called snu-snu.

That link you posted.... holy shit. Hahaha. Not many people back up their 'My opinion of x is because of y,' but your link knocks it out of the park.

I don't understand why I am not allowed to like NTR (which I love) and you are not allowed to dislike it. Like what you like, dislike what you dislike. Leave it at that. I know that is what you are already saying, I'm just agreeing... which is apparently forbidden.
This level of emotional response is at the heart of the contentiousness of NTR. I do try to touch on the why in the video, but I think this subject seems to elicit an almost religious level of passion and fervor.
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Active Member
Sep 26, 2018
Haha indeed it is, or a nightmarish completely forced version of it, because the women in my scenario will not be the beautiful BBW pics or the heavier, cute looking women often portrayed in these games. ;)


Game Developer
Jul 24, 2018
It's just "liked" a little bit, if it was really liked or even popular it would be in way more games than it actually is. The big big issue is that a lot of people don't actually understand what Netorare actually means in the same way that a lot of people still think Futanari is equal to Transwoman, since people don't actually understand what Netorare is they go on to accuse everything they slightly disapprove of of being Enn Tee Aru.

Netorare, the actual emotional suffering part of it, hits men particularly hard since in an average guy's life there is always the ever looming threat of your female partner cheating on you, getting traded by a better guy and things like that. Netorare isn't limited to just the emotional anguish of having your girlfriend or wife stolen however, it's supposed to be the feeling of loss felt even with a childhood friend that prefers the bad boy to getting your own mother caring more about some random dude she met than you her child. These things being said we could conclude that in essence netorare represents something that all men struggle with their whole lives, competition, and in this case not just any form of competition either, it comes in a form where another person WILL aggressively take away someone special to you. This creates an almost palpable hate and fear in people that are very vocal about it thus making it "popular" or talked about.

In H-Manga and specially in games(since they are interactive) it comes a point where you want something different from the hundreds of [Harem][Incest][New guy in town] combo experiences. Maybe you just want to watch a tragedy unfold, maybe you just want to see what happens if things don't go your way, maybe you just want to see a character emotionally betray her partner or maybe you just want to watch a girl being a slut. I think this is precisely why it gets some commercial success beyond the people already into the fetish.

I know you didn't actually asked a question but I just felt like dumping this here. I'm rambling. In any case, you did a nice job making a video analysis of the genre and showing the papers. One minor complaint I would have is that you use women's rape fantasies to make a connection with men who have this fetish, I personally dislike this but not for the reasons you might think.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2019
It's just "liked" a little bit, if it was really liked or even popular it would be in way more games than it actually is. The big big issue is that a lot of people don't actually understand what Netorare actually means in the same way that a lot of people still think Futanari is equal to Transwoman, since people don't actually understand what Netorare is they go on to accuse everything they slightly disapprove of of being Enn Tee Aru.

Netorare, the actual emotional suffering part of it, hits men particularly hard since in an average guy's life there is always the ever looming threat of your female partner cheating on you, getting traded by a better guy and things like that. Netorare isn't limited to just the emotional anguish of having your girlfriend or wife stolen however, it's supposed to be the feeling of loss felt even with a childhood friend that prefers the bad boy to getting your own mother caring more about some random dude she met than you her child. These things being said we could conclude that in essence netorare represents something that all men struggle with their whole lives, competition, and in this case not just any form of competition either, it comes in a form where another person WILL aggressively take away someone special to you. This creates an almost palpable hate and fear in people that are very vocal about it thus making it "popular" or talked about.

In H-Manga and specially in games(since they are interactive) it comes a point where you want something different from the hundreds of [Harem][Incest][New guy in town] combo experiences. Maybe you just want to watch a tragedy unfold, maybe you just want to see what happens if things don't go your way, maybe you just want to see a character emotionally betray her partner or maybe you just want to watch a girl being a slut. I think this is precisely why it gets some commercial success beyond the people already into the fetish.

I know you didn't actually asked a question but I just felt like dumping this here. I'm rambling. In any case, you did a nice job making a video analysis of the genre and showing the papers. One minor complaint I would have is that you use women's rape fantasies to make a connection with men who have this fetish, I personally dislike this but not for the reasons you might think.
I like your explanation, its one way to look at it.

Conflict gets really heated because the opposing side is most of the time undiplomatic; some have disconnection with others, no empathy nor taking the other side's view.
Anti-NTR person: "I don't like NTR"
Opposing person: " I don't get why people are getting worked up, stop self-inserting"
Then the fire of conflict is started
Same Opposing person: "I really love (particular) LI, she's so nasty"

Problem above is the type of opposing person is telling people not to "feel" while in other threads the person is telling people he/she is enjoying the content and/or the LI and showing various emotion. Heck some of the opposing type of person is white knighting certain games, dismissing valid criticism; some of the devs even insert those same opposing type of people in their game, problem is the people are not the friendliest nor the most mature hence why people are turned off. I went off a little bit but that type of person is licking Dev ass which involves emotions and interacting.
Also there are those same type of persons but has advanced age, clearly made of the same stock as those who probably disciplined (AKA physically abuse) their children before it was made illegal. They clearly are not considering other opinions other than those similar than theirs. "I'm a __ years old, I have experienced things in my life hence why your opinion is incorrect".

Also a problem here are the mods, they just delete not mediate and delete, it fosters hatred in people. Not to mention they warn their friends; "Hey stop _____ or I will delete your post", but doesn't warn other people whether it be their first time having their post deleted or not.
Honestly a few times I did their jobs and go to NTR game threads to defuse the tension with words and diplomacy, it works and PERHAPS if it is happens more then it will lessen future NTR conflicts on threads.

Overall its just that the opposing people think they are so smart that they lack diplomacy, lazy Mods with no diplomatic skills, and the occasional Anti-NTR person going overboard with insults.

BTW I'm Anti-NTR but a reasonable and diplomatic one, also an open-minded christian but not the preachy and in-your-face hypocrite.

Deleted member 964092

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
NTR is not popular. Devs who focus on NTR are on lower end when it comes to income showing a lack of general interest in such games.
Most asian NTR games are low quality games showing stagnation in the genre because of lack of interest = no budget to push for innovation or quality.
It's a fetish, has its own fans but it is nowhere near popular to call it mainstream or something close to it.
On F95 its popularity is boosted by people arguing with each other over it, but it doesn't translate into actual "fans/popularity" numbers.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
In I try to address the possible psychological, sociological, and paleo-anthropological answers that may shed light on this highly controversial flavor.
What if I tell you that NTR is not popular ?

There isn't this much games that effectively have NTR content. There's less than 800 games threads with a NTR tag, against around 1.000 with the "female protagonist" one. And while people complain about the lack of games with a female protagonist, we should believe that NTR, that have less games, is something popular ? The same can be said about their supposed success. Some have it of course, like any game with unusual fetish, but they don't stand out, they don't reach the success level that a game can achieve if it don't include NTR.
Of course, there's people who like NTR, but what can be seen in threads talking about NTR, and threads of games having NTR is not a proof of liking. You are on internet, in a forum that, by its nature, hosting both about porn and piracy, is highly controversial ; what can be seen with NTR is that internet never change.

As you said, NTR imply an emotional response that tend to goes near to hate for those who dislike it. Start talking about NTR, and you'll see a bunch of people letting this hate speak. Put a NTR tag at the top of a game thread, and you'll see a bunch of people letting this hate speak. Put into your game something that can possibly, from a long distance, looks like the start of a NTR route, and you'll see a bunch of people letting this hate speak.
Are they right or wrong ? It doesn't matter. Their disliking being near to hate, when not effectively hate, they react fast, and they tend to react strongly. Fast and strong reactions have a particular smell, a smell that attract the beasts who feeds from the anger of the others, from their rage ; trolls.

And it's what you see on all exchanges regarding NTR. It's not a war pros/cons NTR ; it's a hunt. Someone write the word "NTR", and immediately the trolls goes out of their caves and start to hunt their preys. Oh, there's not just trolls, obviously. There's also people who, like I said, effectively like NTR. There's also those who don't care and try, time to time, to put some reason into the debate. But if NTR feel like something important, it's only because it's the subject that make the more noise. And it happen not because it's popular, but because trolls are noisy when they feast.


I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017
I truly did not expect a topic about NTR with thought put into it.

From what I see in my moderation patrols, I do agree with the feeling that people care way more about bitching about NTR or lack of, than about it. Or at least that the people who like NTR are usually not the ones that loud, those are the haters and the trolls on both sides.

And although I can't say if it's popular in terms of money, it might be worth on security a smaller but loyal pay base, these days where we get 5-10 news games every day one can never pass on buzz and fetish appeal. Plus, I have this growing question in mind, about just how much support comes from internet partisanism, it's a good way to rationalise the likes of Icstor, one cannot just like a game, you have to support it (financially) to be one of the cool guys who support artist endeavour and believes in quality, in opposition to the haters and trolls who just want all the sex all the time.
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Devoted Member
Sep 25, 2018
Thanks! I tried to be fair, but I am worried that either my message was not clear, or that some people replying just didn't watch the video.
As I already mentioned in my previous post you put some reasonable thoughts into your research and this is why I want to give you my full feedback on it.

Please keep in mind that I'm not an English native speaker and that I might sound rude or offensive, but that's not my intention, because same as you I think NTR is an interesting topic that needs to be discussed with an open mind and in polite way.

You try to shed light on the popularity of NTR by backing your argumentation from psychological, sociological, and paleo-anthropological angles and the research that had been made in those fields. While you were able to show why people fantasy about certain scenarios and their reasons behind it, your analysis fail to show the link between a taboo fantasy and its rise in popularity. There are no information provided from your side that shows that there is a potential positive correlation between a taboo fantasy and its rise in popularity. The question: Why is NTR is so popular remains unanswered based on your argumentation.

Now we know that people fantasies about taboo topic and that they never want that to happen to them in real life, but did that lead to a rise in NTR's popularity? Have sales for NTR content increase over that last 10, 15, 20 years? Do more and more artist implant or even switch completely to NTR content in their projects?

Some numbers would be nice that could go hand in hand with your argumentation, showing if popularity of NTR went up or down, or even stagnated over the past few years.

While your scientific search looks impressive on the first glance, it doesn't shed light on the initial question. I could simply switch the question to: "Why is loli content so popular?" And use the same scientific research to back my argumentation. "It's a fantasy; it's a taboo topic; no one would do it in real life; shadowplaying to overcome a trauma; etc."

Would I judge purely on your video I would say you didn't understand what NTR (netorare) is about and that you only scrapped on the surface of it.

Because you didn't make a distinction about the scope of your research field I don't know if you meant that NTR's popularity in general (including Japanese porn videos, Hentai manga/anime) or only in adult games is on the rise.

Even then, you would need to define what "NTR" (netorare) is. From Xando's link you could get a first idea of how vast and complex the whole NTR debate is. Different people have different definition about NTR and what they think it included.
Here is an example of the amount of threads on this subject. (It's not all of them).
If we limit the question about NTR's popularity to F95, then the answer would be easy. NTR's popularity is on the rise due to the buzz it cause. And by that I only mean the word "NTR" and not the game/comic behind it.

The social and psychological impact of NTR is an interesting aspect in my opinion, because if you look into Japanese's society (same goes for China and South Korea) you will come across the "social face".

A person that lose their public/social face is a failure of society, an outcast with no honor. NTR builds on this emotional breakdown to maximize its impact on the consumer. Therefor, it might be possible that non-Japanese/Chinese/Korean can't really understand and comprehend the sheer emotional impact of NTR.

There are a lot of things that need to considered when it comes to NTR, which can't be easily narrowed down to: "it's a taboo and people fantasies about it".

However, thanks again for your video and research on NTR and hopefully my feedback didn't scare you away from the topic.

Take care.
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May 19, 2021
It's just "liked" a little bit, if it was really liked or even popular it would be in way more games than it actually is. The big big issue is that a lot of people don't actually understand what Netorare actually means in the same way that a lot of people still think Futanari is equal to Transwoman, since people don't actually understand what Netorare is they go on to accuse everything they slightly disapprove of of being Enn Tee Aru.

Netorare, the actual emotional suffering part of it, hits men particularly hard since in an average guy's life there is always the ever looming threat of your female partner cheating on you, getting traded by a better guy and things like that. Netorare isn't limited to just the emotional anguish of having your girlfriend or wife stolen however, it's supposed to be the feeling of loss felt even with a childhood friend that prefers the bad boy to getting your own mother caring more about some random dude she met than you her child. These things being said we could conclude that in essence netorare represents something that all men struggle with their whole lives, competition, and in this case not just any form of competition either, it comes in a form where another person WILL aggressively take away someone special to you. This creates an almost palpable hate and fear in people that are very vocal about it thus making it "popular" or talked about.

In H-Manga and specially in games(since they are interactive) it comes a point where you want something different from the hundreds of [Harem][Incest][New guy in town] combo experiences. Maybe you just want to watch a tragedy unfold, maybe you just want to see what happens if things don't go your way, maybe you just want to see a character emotionally betray her partner or maybe you just want to watch a girl being a slut. I think this is precisely why it gets some commercial success beyond the people already into the fetish.

I know you didn't actually asked a question but I just felt like dumping this here. I'm rambling. In any case, you did a nice job making a video analysis of the genre and showing the papers. One minor complaint I would have is that you use women's rape fantasies to make a connection with men who have this fetish, I personally dislike this but not for the reasons you might think.
So I used female fantasy about being raped for two reasons. The first is that it is likely the most researched part of this space, where there just isn't really a body of work that covers specific male dominated ideations like NTR. The second was an assumption that like people who fantasize about being raped, the majority of people who enjoy NTR would never want to see that type of destruction happen in reality.

There seems to be extreme pushback on my usage of the term "popular." I've used this term before for subjects that are less "popular" than NTR with no pushback. If the word is so objectionable feel free to use "liked" in its place. This does strike me as a potentially disingenuous distraction from the core question of why people enjoy it, but the fervor shown by detractors does support the premise that this is a contentious subject.

I do want to thank everyone who has posted. You all have given me a great idea for a completely new topic to explore and I really appreciate everyone's feedback!
May 19, 2021
As I already mentioned in my previous post you put some reasonable thoughts into your research and this is why I want to give you my full feedback on it.

Please keep in mind that I'm not an English native speaker and that I might sound rude or offensive, but that's not my intention, because same as you I think NTR is an interesting topic that needs to be discussed with an open mind and in polite way.

You try to shed light on the popularity of NTR by backing your argumentation from psychological, sociological, and paleo-anthropological angles and the research that had been made in those fields. While you were able to show why people fantasy about certain scenarios and their reasons behind it, your analysis fail to show the link between a taboo fantasy and its rise in popularity. There are no information provided from your side that shows that there is a potential positive correlation between a taboo fantasy and its rise in popularity. The question: Why is NTR is so popular remains unanswered based on your argumentation.

Now we know that people fantasies about taboo topic and that they never want that to happen to them in real life, but did that lead to a rise in NTR's popularity? Have sales for NTR content increase over that last 10, 15, 20 years? Do more and more artist implant or even switch completely to NTR content in their projects?

Some numbers would be nice that could go hand in hand with your argumentation, showing if popularity of NTR went up or down, or even stagnated over the past few years.

While your scientific search looks impressive on the first glance, it doesn't shed light on the initial question. I could simply switch the question to: "Why is loli content so popular?" And use the same scientific research to back my argumentation. "It's a fantasy; it's a taboo topic; no one would do it in real life; shadowplaying to overcome a trauma; etc."

Would I judge purely on your video I would say you didn't understand what NTR (netorare) is about and that you only scrapped on the surface of it.

Because you didn't make a distinction about the scope of your research field I don't know if you meant that NTR's popularity in general (including Japanese porn videos, Hentai manga/anime) or only in adult games is on the rise.

Even then, you would need to define what "NTR" (netorare) is. From Xando's link you could get a first idea of how vast and complex the whole NTR debate is. Different people have different definition about NTR and what they think it included.

If we limit the question about NTR's popularity to F95, then the answer would be easy. NTR's popularity is on the rise due to the buzz it cause. And by that I only mean the word "NTR" and not the game/comic behind it.

The social and psychological impact of NTR is an interesting aspect in my opinion, because if you look into Japanese's society (same goes for China and South Korea) you will come across the "social face".

A person that lose their public/social face is a failure of society, an outcast with no honor. NTR builds on this emotional breakdown to maximize its impact on the consumer. Therefor, it might be possible that non-Japanese/Chinese/Korean can't really understand and comprehend the sheer emotional impact of NTR.

There are a lot of things that need to considered when it comes to NTR, which can't be easily narrowed down to: "it's a taboo and people fantasies about it".

However, thanks again for your video and research on NTR and hopefully my feedback didn't scare you away from the topic.

Take care.
I intentionally avoided anthropological points like the ones you brought up specifically because that is well trodden ground. It is also full of racial and cultural land mines regardless of position because of the highly subjective nature of the discourse. This was an attempt at a cross-cultural explanation that bypasses the last 12 thousand years of civilization. This was not an attempt to dismiss the real impact that culture has, just my acknowledgement that it is too perilous a conversation for me to have.

As for defined terms, I mentioned my previous videos where I spent a much longer time with the definition of the NTR flavor and its associated variants. I try to keep these videos around 8-10 minutes, so there is never going to be a level of detail or comprehensiveness because of the brevity. This was an attempt to create a dialog and to maybe inspire a new generation to actually actually study and research in a space that is currently seems to be highly discriminatory of all males who consume pornography in any form.

That's the saddest part of this debate: researchers whose work impacts all of our lives don't see a difference between people in this space who like or dislike NTR. They effectively see all of the males who consume pornography as requiring "clinical assessment and treatment." This is why it is so important to stress the tangible benefit of the healthy outlets of all fantasy. If pornographic consumption really increased sexual violence, then we would have seen a massive increase in the numbers over the last 20 years with increasingly unfettered access to pornography on the internet. Instead we're seen a massive drop in sexual violence.

That's the reason why Sex Positive Gaming exists. To help normalize adult content in gaming. I try to cover as many flavors as I can get away with on YouTube and this past week it was all about NTR. In a few weeks it'll be the Yuri flavor. I do appreciate your feedback and thanks for watching the video! I mean let's be real: I'm not going to be able to normalize anything unless I continue to grow the channel.
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New Member
Nov 21, 2020
I don't like NTR myself but it's not that difficult for me to see the appeal for others. It's pretty easy to sexualize an emotion as intense as that.
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Active Member
Sep 26, 2018
There are 20 pages of ntr games in the latest updated games list, 40 pages of ntr games in the game search list. The fetish has a fan base but is only viewed as popular or infamous by many, because it has a constant amount of threads talking about it and because of the content that makes ntr ntr. Popular is subjective. In reality, there aren't many games with the ntr tag and many are abandoned games; the search doesn't differentiate between the two.

If you're wondering about the responses is because, in most cases, the OP never or rarely looks in the topic search to see if the thread has been posted before, or the OP decides to start yet another thread about it. I'm not into NTR, however my stance is to each their own. There is no reason that ntr, a long known about fetish, shouldn't be on this site as well as any other legal fetish.

Deleted member 964092

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
As I already mentioned in my previous post you put some reasonable thoughts into your research and this is why I want to give you my full feedback on it.

Please keep in mind that I'm not an English native speaker and that I might sound rude or offensive, but that's not my intention, because same as you I think NTR is an interesting topic that needs to be discussed with an open mind and in polite way.

You try to shed light on the popularity of NTR by backing your argumentation from psychological, sociological, and paleo-anthropological angles and the research that had been made in those fields. While you were able to show why people fantasy about certain scenarios and their reasons behind it, your analysis fail to show the link between a taboo fantasy and its rise in popularity. There are no information provided from your side that shows that there is a potential positive correlation between a taboo fantasy and its rise in popularity. The question: Why is NTR is so popular remains unanswered based on your argumentation.

Now we know that people fantasies about taboo topic and that they never want that to happen to them in real life, but did that lead to a rise in NTR's popularity? Have sales for NTR content increase over that last 10, 15, 20 years? Do more and more artist implant or even switch completely to NTR content in their projects?

Some numbers would be nice that could go hand in hand with your argumentation, showing if popularity of NTR went up or down, or even stagnated over the past few years.

While your scientific search looks impressive on the first glance, it doesn't shed light on the initial question. I could simply switch the question to: "Why is loli content so popular?" And use the same scientific research to back my argumentation. "It's a fantasy; it's a taboo topic; no one would do it in real life; shadowplaying to overcome a trauma; etc."

Would I judge purely on your video I would say you didn't understand what NTR (netorare) is about and that you only scrapped on the surface of it.

Because you didn't make a distinction about the scope of your research field I don't know if you meant that NTR's popularity in general (including Japanese porn videos, Hentai manga/anime) or only in adult games is on the rise.

Even then, you would need to define what "NTR" (netorare) is. From Xando's link you could get a first idea of how vast and complex the whole NTR debate is. Different people have different definition about NTR and what they think it included.

If we limit the question about NTR's popularity to F95, then the answer would be easy. NTR's popularity is on the rise due to the buzz it cause. And by that I only mean the word "NTR" and not the game/comic behind it.

The social and psychological impact of NTR is an interesting aspect in my opinion, because if you look into Japanese's society (same goes for China and South Korea) you will come across the "social face".

A person that lose their public/social face is a failure of society, an outcast with no honor. NTR builds on this emotional breakdown to maximize its impact on the consumer. Therefor, it might be possible that non-Japanese/Chinese/Korean can't really understand and comprehend the sheer emotional impact of NTR.

There are a lot of things that need to considered when it comes to NTR, which can't be easily narrowed down to: "it's a taboo and people fantasies about it".

However, thanks again for your video and research on NTR and hopefully my feedback didn't scare you away from the topic.

Take care.
Text of wall which I didn't read, but again. NTR is not popular, that's it. It has its niche, but it's not a popular genre to call it "popular". You could take out NTR from 90%+ games found on F95 and the game wouldn't lose its identity because NTR is just thrown in afterthought with only a couple of scenes. That's not an NTR game. Same as harem games with 2 girls licking each other in a couple of scenes, that does not make it a lesbian game.
Know of any successful NTR games with a focus on it and doing well on Patreon etc? Apart from some RPGM games (1-3) which make 2-3k on Patreon, and a couple of renpy games which make similar, and the seed of chaos which makes 10k which had a hard start of first 1-2 years? I wouldn't call this genre overwhelmingly popular and successful compared to harem/incest where even Honey select games surpass them or/are equal with a ratio of like 10:1+.
If I'm wrong, let me know. I don't play them (like sakura games who focus on NTR(is it sakura?), same plot every time), except maybe seed of chaos for nice art and corruption. That's my observation.


Devoted Member
Sep 25, 2018
Text of wall which I didn't read, but again. NTR is not popular, that's it.
Maybe you should read my text of wall before you decide to quote me, because then you would know that I never said that NTR is a "popular" genre. ;)

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Know of any successful NTR games with a focus on it and doing well on Patreon etc?
On the Western side, the only author I know who do real 100% none avoidable NTR games is (Swing & Miss, and Building our Futature), and with a max at 146 patrons, no one can say that it's a successful author. Even with the inclusion of futa, that is more popular and have a strong fan base, in is last title, he isn't at the same level that author in the same range in terms of quality.
So far, like you said, NTR games that effectively succeed either have NTR as avoidable fetish, or come from the Asian scene.

Deleted member 964092

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
On the Western side, the only author I know who do real 100% none avoidable NTR games is (Swing & Miss, and Building our Futature), and with a max at 146 patrons, no one can say that it's a successful author. Even with the inclusion of futa, that is more popular and have a strong fan base, in is last title, he isn't at the same level that author in the same range in terms of quality.
So far, like you said, NTR games that effectively succeed either have NTR as avoidable fetish, or come from the Asian scene.
Romcoms still dominate the market by popularity and quality. Most (Asian) NTR games are just made for quick fap and cash stuck in the early 90' with static backgrounds, busts, and linear stories. Only a couple are made with a higher budget like , , . All made by Alice soft which is highly successful for making the Rance series and probably has enough money to take risks on games like these. Meanwhile, multiple quality high budget romcoms with live2d and modern game requirements are released every year. So I think it's telling about popularity (demand and supply).
The others are just like this " ".
Bland commercial products following the same formula to make quick and cheaper games. 5-15 backgrounds, some static busts, 10-20 sex CG, some texts, same plot. You play 1, you play all. They just don't have that budget/creativity/originality as usual harem games. Most are the same. And this is done because probably there's not enough demand to go over the top making these games. Can't blame the companies for not spending more than they make to innovate the games. I imagine if the genre was popular enough to attract more players/customers there would be a higher amount of companies trying to outdo each other innovating the games with stuff.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I imagine if the genre was popular enough to attract more players/customers there would be a higher amount of companies trying to outdo each other innovating the games with stuff.
Or just investing more time in the story, instead of recycling. What is perfectly possible.

After all, the only difference between corruption games with a female protagonist, like Good Girl Gone Bad by example, and NTR games is the point of view, and the fact that those games tend to limit the role of the boyfriend/husband to the one of a moral compass. But make a step back to place the story from his perspective, or at least make him effectively been involved into the story, and you now have a NTR game.

Deleted member 964092

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
Or just investing more time in the story, instead of recycling. What is perfectly possible.

After all, the only difference between corruption games with a female protagonist, like Good Girl Gone Bad by example, and NTR games is the point of view, and the fact that those games tend to limit the role of the boyfriend/husband to the one of a moral compass. But make a step back to place the story from his perspective, or at least make him effectively been involved into the story, and you now have a NTR game.
There's also a marketing thing. Would you recommend the game to your friend to get cucked? :LOL:
And I would be surprised if some reviewing site that reviews general games would write a post recommending to play a game where your girl gets kidnapped and rapped by 10 dudes. :LOL: Well, that's a rape, but when it comes to Jap games, most games are about rape. Probably 80% of NTR games are forceful against the heroine's wishes where only in the end she enjoys it and such.