2.90 star(s) 60 Votes


Jun 2, 2017
Wanted to try this game but fucking hell its a peace of broken shit. Start the game, talk to fishing guy, "make yourself some clothing" ok, get fiber and try crafting, nothing happens, cant make cloth, cant make clothes, everything stuck in crafting que and says 5 sec to make but ive waited 10 min. am i missing something? am i retarded?


Jan 29, 2019
I am guessing that you are talking about the bottles of semen you can collect from monsters when you defeat them.
I was. I was calling them that because I'm pretty sure that's what they're called ingame. Thanks for the info.

It's a shame the bottles get autofilled if they're in your inventory when you kill something, so it's pretty hard to collect semen for specific creatures if you're doing a dungeon for example. The UI's half done at best of course, so I guess managing them will be a thing in the future.

As far as I know, there really isn't much you can do with the female slaves you can free.

You are not alone in that issue. I encountered the exact same thing when I tried entering the tower. If there is a trigger for it, I don't think it was listed in the patch notes. I think something 'bugged out' and made the tower inaccessible.
Yeah, I seem to remember there being some bug in the earlier builds that blocked you from entering the tower but that one got fixed. I guess there's a new one then. I get a loading screen if I try to enter, but get respawned right back at the portal.

I was going to check if the mage had any way to breed the slaves, since that'd be the most logical place for it if it was implented. But I guess that needs to wait until the next build.
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Jan 29, 2019
Have you ever met this bug?your mc's breasts just reset back to the default size once you got killed or finished your pregnancy?
I don't think I've ever noticed that one myself. It's been several builds since I last played, and my new character has pretty standard settings for the breasts, so I doubt I would notice.


Feb 14, 2021
Ok at this point the dev needs to just get this game optimized. I have everything on low turned of shadows and bloom and after 5 minutes it becomes a unplayable mess this game has potential but the dev needed to stop adding new thing and work on fixing it. My best guess on why it lags hard is because all the creatures are spawned in even if you can't see them.


Dec 6, 2020
Game brakes when You use cheat menu : ).
Anyway, in the castle dungeon i could enter but, could not get out..
I haven't tried to teleport to Isabelle's tower, but i had no issues with using other cheats, like spawning items and changing time.


Dec 17, 2020
Game brakes when You use cheat menu : ).
Anyway, in the castle dungeon i could enter but, could not get out..
I delete my temp folder of this game (%appdata%) and delte my save games to do a real fresh start to do a sort of work around for possible issues. But isabella portel is bugges so cheat menu as mentioned did it on my side)
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May 15, 2024
I delete my temp folder of this game (%appdata%) and delte my save games to do a real fresh start to do a sort of work around for possible issues. But isabella portel is bugges so cheat menu as mentioned did it on my side)
Yep, it is common practice, not only with this game : )
After using teleport via menu, game seems to become more laggy.. But since there is no other way :D

Does somebody knows, what lays behind Sanctuary? Are there any quests here, or plans for quests?
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New Member
Apr 16, 2018
The only thing that comes to mind is that there is a prerequisite setup that the Unreal Engine needs.
Go to this location: WickedIsland\Windows\Engine\Extras\Redist\en-us and there should be a file called UEPrereqSetup_x64, run that file and try launching the game again.
The WickedIsland.exe and the exe you found in that win64 folder should both launch the game, unless you are having some specific problem, you should not need to use that file in the win64 folder.

I am guessing that you are talking about the bottles of semen you can collect from monsters when you defeat them. To find those vials, you need to have empty bottles in your character's inventory and then defeat monsters in combat.
If you have a research table, you can use 10 of any one type of semen to craft a summon/follower. Instead of needing to get your character pregnant and have a baby, you can use the semen to make a follower.

As far as I know, there really isn't much you can do with the female slaves you can free.

You are not alone in that issue. I encountered the exact same thing when I tried entering the tower. If there is a trigger for it, I don't think it was listed in the patch notes. I think something 'bugged out' and made the tower inaccessible.

thx for the info it worked , you learn something new everyday thanks again :)
2.90 star(s) 60 Votes