As everyone else is on top of the bug reporting, I won't mention them as I would just be echoing what everyone else has said. However the sex mechanics feel a little too... empty currently. While I'm a huge fan of the pregnancy mechanics, it still feels bland as the FMC doesn't really comment on anything, she just kinda jumps right into fantastical creatures impregnating her and her being impregnated by her own offspring without comment. There's no real stakes present either, I would find the sex mechanics much more engaging if she had personal stakes in them. Like for example it would be interesting to hear what kind of internal monologue goes on in her head when she breeds with her own offspring, maybe some kind of aesthetic corruption progress where she's reluctant/mortified at first but gets more into it as she does it more. Another big aesthetic turn on I think would be some optional background you could choose for her, which would add flavour text to her actions an example of which could be a husband/fiance/bf she wants to get back to. Imagine the kind of thoughts she would have struggling with being used as breeding stock by the wildlife and this is going to affect her relationship upon be reunited, then add in the incest breeding and you have a very kinky subplot right there.
No idea if it would be possible for the Dev to add that kind of stuff and I know there are higher priorities, but there's some real good potential with just a little flavour text...