2.90 star(s) 60 Votes


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2021
Bugfix update

A core system broke without me noticing, making multiple parts of the game act unreliably.
It seems this only triggered after certain conditions (like loading the game) which made me miss it in testing.
I apologise for the many issues this caused.
Hopefully most of them should be addressed with this update.
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v (10.8 Go) :

Jhony234 here
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May 5, 2019
Bugfix update

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v (10.8 Go) :

Jhony234 here
Performance is still Omega busted, i got 120 fps with LUMEN ON with the old build but this new one runs on 18-20 fps on minimum graphics.... well to be honest it doesnt matter it runs on 18fps even on ultra....
Another bug: The breast size and body shape somehow resets to default when you get pregnant and iff you give birth...
And the close up automatic lighting iff zoomed in TOTALY kills the FPS it drops to single digits....


Confused Demoness
Dec 1, 2017
I'm not having any issues running on ultra. Also seems to be a lot more stable and working. Its not perfect, but its playable.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2023
Ok. Two things:

1)please FIX THE BUILDING MODE: with the mouse is a fucking mess to place EVEN A SINGLE PIECE at the right height/distance. You can't delete the already placed objects, and you can't even step on the floor because the moment you come near the foundations/stairs, they react like the building mode is still active. Please, please fix this thing or redo totally the building mode.

2)the campfire, which's supposed to produce coal after burning wood....doesn't produce it. so, how can i solve that? there's another source, for coal?


Confused Demoness
Dec 1, 2017
Ok. Two things:

1)please FIX THE BUILDING MODE: with the mouse is a fucking mess to place EVEN A SINGLE PIECE at the right height/distance. You can't delete the already placed objects, and you can't even step on the floor because the moment you come near the foundations/stairs, they react like the building mode is still active. Please, please fix this thing or redo totally the building mode.

2)the campfire, which's supposed to produce coal after burning wood....doesn't produce it. so, how can i solve that? there's another source, for coal?
Mine it by the large rocks. Yeah, I know. it doesn't make sense.
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Mar 26, 2020
Ok found another bug. When you enter/leave the portal into the tower it seems to bugout the quest log and resets it back to the "craft boots". Also bugs out any active pregnancy.


New Member
Aug 29, 2019
After being full-term for a while, the birth scene triggers automatically but is glitched-- actually giving birth/finishing up doesn't work, and the scene restarts every few seconds.

Edit: birth scene also loops infinitely when triggered manually.
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Active Member
Aug 18, 2017
Somes bugs:
1. The grey button in the top right-hand corner of the construction menu doesn't close the window and is useless for the time being. You need to close the window with the right mouse click.
2. There's a bug with the yellow square that appears when you select a construction item in the construction menu. I can select several items and they turn yellow. What's more, even if I select just one element, it doesn't appear to place it (the 2nd time I wanted to build it only, the 2nd time worked).
3. Another bug: with the campfire, I place it on the ground and it doesn't light when I put 40 wood or 15 branches and meat, I placed 4 on different types of ground, none worked.
4. There's a bug with the "campfire" name in the quest menu, it says "Craft a" with nothing afterwards.
5. Another bug: sometimes I hunt deer/doe and they end up disappearing, which is annoying when they don't have many hit points left and my weapon loses durability, ending up with no food at all.
6. Certain enemies, such as wolves, sometimes teleport (I don't know what causes this).
7. When you attack in a vacuum with a weapon that doesn't have much durability, you lose durability.
8. When you're at a very high level, e.g. level 80 (I've tested it), your character is too fast, and you can avoid every attack from every enemy without losing a single hit point.
9. Green Trolls (those with a bow and arrow) don't have a name, just "Character".
10. Our character doesn't have a name, he has the name of the computer, for example: PC-XNAME-915432 (if that were the name of our computer).
11. I attacked a Great Troll, another one appeared, then I backed off because my weapon broke, I launched the production of 4 Wooden Spear, once produced: I equipped it and I attacked again the Great Troll (he had remained in front of me, without doing anything, without attacking me...), a stone was behind me, I backed off and when he attacked me, I remained stuck without being able to move (I could attack however, but the camera remains blocked near the character).When I was blocked, the enemies no longer spotted me... NB: OK, I've got it: The body of a dead troll was raised in the air above my character, and that's what was blocking me.
12.I was in the forest at night, several monsters appeared at the same time. I lost the fight because they surrounded me, it was impossible to run. they raped me, then I got pregnant. I moved away, I took care of myself. the same thing happened. after the 2nd rape, my character was no longer pregnant....
13. In the forest, I hit with the pickaxe on a deposit of medium stone, and a huge one appeared in the same place after the first hit.. This happened 3 times. The 2nd time, same thing: a huge stone appears. The 3rd time I got stuck, and so did the camera (I was FPS view)... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: this probably happens because my character has high attributes, 80 points in each attribute
14. I saw a Werewolf jump, and get stuck in the air... there were no obstacles (no trees or rocks or other monsters). It can move with the jump animation while in the air. Arms are raised, and he moves through the air. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Ideas + gameplay improvements:
1. Branches are hard to find because the decor and ground textures already feature branches, which is confusing.
2. You should be able to make an arrow bow right from the start, because it's too hard to kill a doe/deer. The bear should give more meat than the doe, because it's a bigger animal. Werewolves should also give some meat, but less.
3. There's too much blur on the screen, which is annoying for the eyes. It's as if the blur were a "mask of misery", present to hide poor-quality details in the game. If that's not the reason, it's poorly implemented and should be reduced...
4. When you set the graphics settings, then play the game, if you go back to the graphics settings menu, it doesn't restore the saved settings. We're forced to go back to the beginning if we just want to adjust a small parameter. This is annoying.
5. Hunger doesn't go down fast enough. Logically, in real life, you have to eat between 2 and 3 times, and I've been able to spend 2 days in the game without eating anything at all... it's not realistic (and I've only just started the game).
6. It would make sense to be able to harvest branches using the axe, but in a different way, or to reinstate the previous mechanic of using the pickaxe to harvest branches from trees.
7. I didn't see any difference between meat food and carrots; it seems that carrots fill the life gauge in the same way as meat... logically, meat should + fill. This will encourage players to stop hunting and gather lots of carrots, as they're easier to harvest and less dangerous.
8. To give poo a useful purpose, it would be a good idea to take inspiration from well-known survival games, which add a mechanical system that transforms poo into manure, by letting it ferment for example, which can then be used in the future as fertilizer to grow vegetables (carrots, for example).
9. I'm looking forward to H scenes with animals that have already been added to the game but are only there to be a difficulty (by attacking us), like flying insects for example. once babies are born, there should be a stage before they become adults. for example, an evolutionary stage (or several). the future of the game will also allow you to add more advanced features (there are plenty of ideas for this).
10. Dead animals should disappear (saves resources).
11. Animals should be butchered with the axe to obtain food (+ realistic, but + difficult to implement).
12. Monsters should fight with animals (deer, bear, etc.)
13.The game should be harder, it's too easy (that's my opinion): to make the game harder without adding monsters or animals: you could add traps, make survival more difficult, weather could give + debuff (and reduce debuffs with certain clothes or consumables that you could implement in future updates).
14. In my opinion, I don't like the crouching position of the character when she's holding the weapons. It looks a lot like Asian MMOs or Final Fantasy...
15. The night is expected to be pitch black. But you should add a torch or some means of light, to enable you to see at night.
16. Enable FPS view with the character
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New Member
Nov 13, 2017
This game is starting to feel like ark survival with crafting and building not being finished, and that makes me kinda sad. The NSFW animations are also very veneer to me, there is 1 position for every enemy and getting the sex animation to start seems to be hit or miss. Building needs a lot of work as well as performance, it would seem DLSS does help but not as much as it should. If I were to play this game for the game itself, it would need to be polished up a lot, to much deserted area, aka not enough content at this very moment. I do hope in the coming updates there is at least a game to play while we wait for more updates, I personally would focus on filling the world and fixing what you can do. I can spend hours just building or collecting crafting items however the battle system is still coming up short and finding the bags enemies drop is a little difficult with them falling through the world and the grass covering it (i'm color blind so its hard to see for me) the nsfw idea is good (assuming u ahve a baby it grows up into a follower) however i was to upset with the building situation to continue any farther then i have.

I'll try this game again in a few updates, good luck with the game boys and i hope it turns out great!
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Active Member
Feb 22, 2023
This game is starting to feel like ark survival with crafting and building not being finished, and that makes me kinda sad. The NSFW animations are also very veneer to me, there is 1 position for every enemy and getting the sex animation to start seems to be hit or miss. Building needs a lot of work as well as performance, it would seem DLSS does help but not as much as it should. If I were to play this game for the game itself, it would need to be polished up a lot, to much deserted area, aka not enough content at this very moment. I do hope in the coming updates there is at least a game to play while we wait for more updates, I personally would focus on filling the world and fixing what you can do. I can spend hours just building or collecting crafting items however the battle system is still coming up short and finding the bags enemies drop is a little difficult with them falling through the world and the grass covering it (i'm color blind so its hard to see for me) the nsfw idea is good (assuming u ahve a baby it grows up into a follower) however i was to upset with the building situation to continue any farther then i have.

I'll try this game again in a few updates, good luck with the game boys and i hope it turns out great!
At this point, i'll do the same. At least, i hope they'll fix the building mode.


May 7, 2017
This is the first time I tried this game. There is very much sadness. I will delete and return to see if this is abandoned. It's obvious the devs are in way over their heads.


New Member
May 15, 2018
It's a buggy mess, but I still actually enjoyed it.

The combat is super basic, but it's responsive and being able to customize all the inputs to my liking is a big plus.

Showstopper issues that need fixed asap before this is playable:
  • Enemies falling through the floor
  • Crafting fireplaces, buildings, etc. just doesn't work. The build plan thing is super bugged.
Minor issues:
  • Bears just don't attack.
  • PC's head does like a 180 in the dialogue screen
  • Pubic hair selection doesn't seem to work
  • Quest popup text to "Craft a campfire" just says "Craft a"
Other stuff:
  • Escape key doesn't bring you out of the inventory and other screens, which is annoying.
  • You should add some basic resources to the cheat menu - or the ability to increase the drop rate while harvesting. I don't want to one-handedly farm rocks and trees for a half hour, you know? Nm, I realized I'm a fucking moron and was mining with my axe and chopping wood with my pickaxe... I think the numbers are fine.
  • Fighting werewolves in the open field is really really easy. They need a quick attack that they randomly mix in with their big attack.
  • Dodge is OP and Blocking is pointless. Blocking should negate more damage - probably all damage, if you time it right.
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Dec 24, 2017
The latest update said the monsters you can't attack shouldn't be able to be lewded either. Though this should then also include, if the defeat sex is off, them to join you. I also wasn't able to make them cum, despite pressing num8 or what ever was required for that. The stats didn't show any of it.
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May 4, 2017
Well I was able to get the campfire working, along with the cooking pot, crafting table and furnace.
Bed, torches, chair, chest and other crafted items not so much. As in, I could craft them and set them down, then they would just --- poof --- into nothing taking the crating materials with them.

I was able to cook meat and fish (which still goes bad just as fast as the raw stuff) but the fisherman never gave credit so that quest got stuck open.

Got trapped in cycle of childbirth (4 Werewolf pups in approx 15 minutes) before I just shut down the title.

As mentioned in several other posts here, bears would just walk up and stand there, have not seen any wolves since installing 08.41

Not trying to be critical just; as stands this is not playable for the intent advertised.
2.90 star(s) 60 Votes