Like the alpha version of this game i would say it look promising but i seen a lot of prominsing game to not have too high hope.
Some question:
1) how will you manage the updade ? i know that 95% of game that go somewhere are regular game that update every x time you say you want do a monthly updade can you give more detaille : will you do a every x of the month even if it a small update or one days in the month ? what is your patreon politique ? have upade beford ?
2) so far the combat systeme look good and i think have a combat systeme for a bordel is good idea since bordel in japan == yakuza but what use will it have ? will it be use to mak money ? to kill people ? to take people ?
3)can i hope to have nekomi as at oirat? i hope so
4) how will i have more girl ? will i need to do quest? will i need to buy they ?
some stuff i notice
1) skip buton do not work
2) in turn one i use repaire but after i have scene where i repaire even if it 100% goodyou will probaly need to link paid for a repeir with scene where i repaire
3) would be good to have girl size like height (in meter i hope since 90% of world use it) or bust...
4) the talent tree need personalyse for each girl i think and be divided into trait , personality and talent
the difference will be trait you born with it , personality how you girl are and could be change by choice and talent unlock by point
for exemple if you make one days nekomi it my idea no need to use it i would give her this trait strong and huge breast
and her personality if you do one choice disillusionment : she once belive she could be somemting else now she know she cannot... or if you do anoter choice determinator : she decide to do anyting for her revenge ...
and talent just be relate of think beford ...
for exemple with nekomi
talent with strong , huge breast and disillusionement
helly paizuri her breast will send you to hell
sadic after lost all hope she wil be hapy to made other suffer
and her talent for same but with determinator
motherly paizuri : she will reconforte the sad
masoshiste she will suport everythink for her cause...
++ some standard stuff share
finaly what i advice:
1) be regular
2) stay focuse : your game is a bordel simulator and the story is a revenge story i do not think it need more genre
3) lisen the critique but do not try to pleasse every one because no one wil be happy if you try and you will just burn your developeur reputation so if some like your art but do not want to prostitut the girl do not try to pleasse they that would just hurt your core audience that want it