I found a bug, Atleast it is for me, Once I go to the map to the general shop, I try to return to the petal office and it loads me the but I dont get any menus whatso ever, and even when i hit escape to try to save or load that doesn't pop up and i find myself having to manually exit the game without saving. at this point i have avoided going to the general store now and just office management. Not sure how to fix this issue if anyone could point me in the right direction on attempting to fix it.
Literally hit the map to go to the store, I sold some of the loot from the initial loot from progressing to get home with all the fights, once i sell the items i dont need, I purchased a fan or two. I leave and go right to the petal and once i get there into the office Nothing shows up I just see the back ground image with all the books, but no menu, when i hit escape to save/load games it doesnt show either. I hear the notifications ya know when you hit escape of click on the stack of books for tips/ patreon code/cheats you hear the audio clips but no menus cant even see the box to end day and go into the night phase. This only happens again once you go to the general store, sell/buy and go back to the petal.