VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Wife at All Costs [v0.9] [Stef Story]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    My Rating (C-):

    + Graphics Nice
    + Dialogs OK
    + Story is OK

    - Husband Figure Misplaced
    - Some Spelling Errors

    Just to let you folks know that the game seemed interesting for me, until I saw that the bald headed chubby guy was her husband, it would have been better if Cristian would have been the husband to Lucrezia, and Augusto would have been the Tenant.
    The Characters renders are made pretty good, and the Story about the Colleague is also nice.

    I wish the Dev all the Best with his Game, he does have Talent...
    but the father figure as here husband just kills it for me.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A game that goes out of the ordinary.
    When I downloaded it it looked like a classic. I'll have my wife thrombosed at all.
    Instead it has feeling.
    A tip if you can do some animation would be fabulous
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    v.04 Update:
    The writing seems to be improving somewhat, however the reality quotient is still off the rails. Does she really have to be suffering from schizophrenia in order to be a slut? Just make her a former slut being tempted to her old ways. Much more organic conflict than what we see emerging here.

    The writing is really terrible. Not just bad dialog, but the actual interactions are very unrealistic. Motivations are unclear and responses are wooden. These aren't fleshed out characters, but puppets following a disjointed plot. There doesn't seem to be a redeemable or likable character in the lot. Considering this is a straight VN with virtually no choices, it lives or dies on the writing, and that's poor. The graphics border on disturbing with some weird, uncanny valley animations here and there.

    By the way, it's not NTR if he gives her away - but it is interesting.

    As a matter of fact, the premise does border on being a great idea. Here's an suggestion, dump the resistance to a potential hotwife/cuckold fantasy, and have the couple embrace it. Then the company can be ironically thwarted, because willing participants cannot be exploited.

    This would also address my major complaint. Considering the poor level of writing, all the non-consensual content comes off as flatly distasteful and not very erotic.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It´s not so bad. Content is small but normal for a 0.1 version. I had some "picture not found" errors during the game but nothing too serious. There are a lot of changing pictures during the dialogue which I usually prefer. The story is at the border of being too simple, a slower development would be more believable.
    I´m a fan of NTR content so I can gently accept some lacks of quality in such games. I really want to encourage the author to keep going with his work.
    I think I´ll check back on 0.4 - all the others: give it a try.
  5. N
    4.00 star(s)


    Story: A sexually frustrated wife with a pre-mature ejaculating husband move in with a strapping young lad. However the husband slowly awakens to the concept of sharing as his sexual fetish of choice.
    Dialogue is fixed and amazing! Whoever is on board is doing great work!
    Keep up the pace and this can be one of the best NTR games on the site.

    Art: Dev took the advice to heart and has been working onf the character models as well as the rendering and shot composition. We are entering a new age of Adult VNs so competition is fierce but I think that if they keep playing on their strengths and don't try and emulate or compete with those at the top. Focus on this and you will succeed.

    Gameplay: Dev has explained they want to set up the story first so it is a Kinetic Novel at the moment. Therefore I will treat this as such until it is established where the choices start to matter.

    Play it!
    This has been the biggest jump from v0.1 to v0.2 I have ever seen. So many things were fixed and everything that was good has been improved upon. I am pre-emptively giving this a high score expecting greatness.