Just at first glimpse there are some bugs. Its starts with russian text (after I loaded my 0.1 save at the end) and when you decide not to take Phillip with you to the concert, he is still there in the image and Leo says that his wife has made new friend
And that's it. There is maybe 2-8 min (based on choices) new content from base version .... and quite buggy and the text looks cheep. A lot of problems with with upper and lower case. In example, Philip is sometimes called fillip and the guy you meet when you dont take the bus or taxi - is named Jake in the textbox at first but calls himself Jeremy, then the textbox name changes to Jeremy. The writing itself is really basic and sounds more like something a child would write. Maybe thats a problem with the translation, I have no idea what problems there might be from Russian to English. The art is ok - sometimes it looks quite good, but some pictures are not good.
This look quite good compared to the rest.
This one of the weakest imho
There is a lot of work needed, especially the quality control has be better for a "final" update. This looks more like a bughunt or alpha version. The text need proofreading and better translation and most of the art could be better with more polish, because I think the artist is capable of more and can do better.