VN - Others - Completed - Wife's Pussy Transformed while I'm Away [Final] [ANIM.teamMM]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Maybe I have less discerning taste than the other reviewers, but I quite enjoyed this one. While it's still predictable if you've played any of Anim's other games (especially Homestay), it hit all of the good notes to scratch my itch.

    I was also very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the LLM translation. There were certainly errors but it was honestly better than some human translations I've played.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    As an ANIM.teamMM game, it's a 1/5. Easily one of their most bland products in recent memory. Bland story, only 2 story options, very few animated scenes. The interesting part is the "NG+" for the "new" character.

    As a general game on here? Eh it's a 2 or 3/5. There are hundreds of generic DAS clones, or RPG games, with worse CG, worse animations and worse plot.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This is quite a boring and bad game, to be honest. The story is classical japanese VN with all the tropes as predictable as they come. I like the flexibility it allows in order to move from one point of view to another, but the story is not compelling or interest enough to actually make it mean something: it's more or less a kinetic novel so no choices can be made that matter much, and also the events follow such a predictable route that there is no suspense or mystery hidden in any way behind the things the husband doesn't see.

    Art is decent but not incredible. Animations are too few and don't have as much quality as one would expect. Sound is nice, japanese voiceacting always adds a plus, but I found the music annoying. And the (I'd say fan-made) translation has some bugs and problems, just like the game changes the whole resolution of my screen if I set it to fullscreen.

    All in all, only worth it for a quick fap, skipping through the scenes themselves without bothering to read them.