Okay... Im not much for writing but i just love this game soo i wanted to adress the complaining part of the players.
People wanted walkthrough, but the game is pretty straight forward with the hints in the game.
I wanted the hard NTR and the masturbation scene, how i did it.....
1. Chosing 4th answer james losing all women.
2. You start with Amelia, you need to start the cookieshop fast.
3. Meantime Ava, you need her to start Pavani. Meantime, getting corruption points for all the girls, i diddnt care for love so much.
Then just follow the hints for the girls..... In 4 weeks you have the cookie shop and 3000.... I stayed under 3000 not to fuck up something.
Meanwhile Mina is importent for this path. You cant just "say no to everything and treat her like shit..." like somebody wrote.
1st question, i diddnt go with her.
2nd sms question if you wanna meet and help her, say YES. If you say no to meeting her, she will stop to contact you.
The questions were logical. If you answer correct and she pass the test, i got a BJ in the hotelroom, you can maybe get more i you have more love points, idk...
For my path, i chosed the most stupid answers and she failed, thats it...
4. Dont know if its a glitch, but it took me 6 wednesdays with Shrek in the bar before Pavani invite you run with her.
5. 5 times running with Pavani then gym.
6. Strengt goes in 2 3 days, you have those meals in the fridge.
7. Help Fang 5 times, 2,5 days, 2 a day
8. I worked with ramen 2 3 days plus cookies, you have 3000....
Then its straiight forward.... The new guy, they sleeping over, then Nora, Shrek and bathroom on second floor and thats it for chapter 1.
My known issuses...
1. Going to work.... i loaded a save or launched the game again and loaded from main menu.
2. Sometimes i diddnt get payed selling cookies.... Remember to upgrade the store and buy ingredients.
3. People dissapearing lol

Shrek and Nora... I could see them in 2 seconds then they were gone.... Hahaha

Solution the same as in going to work or be quick with your controller hehehe
4. Shrek in the bar , hint is saying 6pm, but he shows up 5pm for 2 seconds sometimes...
Got left, quest with Nora, im suppose to wait couple of days for her. Skipped 2 weeks , nothing happened.
Otherwise, great game EON, cant wait for chapter 2