although, I definitely don't mind to hear some new ideas, which might send my own imagination into an inspired boost of creativity (like that one with pirate)
this is what i would propose, which needs way more work than what i'm about to say, let's say you pick the 7 point plot structure:
You basically need 5 alternate scenes, a starting point and an ending. A quick example, Sam finds an ancient artifact, something with a phallic shape to make it funny. Let's rip off a popular theme here for fun, for example the Avengers with Thanos, you have a golden dildo with 5 holes for emeralds. So the dildo talks to Sam, tells him he needs to go back to the past, change the outcome of 5 fateful meetings Jack had that he interfered with, and by not stopping them but instead helping the others this time, everytime he gets one gem, at the end when he completes all the gems, the dildo can grant his wish to fuck Jack. So here's the hook, and also the resolution.
For the 5 scenes you can pick 5 of whichever you want. For each of the 5 scenes we can use a simplistic model, like save the cat, that's basically a simplified 3 act structure (i can help with all of that btw):
And we pick 5 characters, for example: Boris, the old man, the inn keeper, the zombie squad and at the end we need someone more challenging, like Cupid, someone Sam really has a problem letting him fuck Jack, but he's really close to completing the quest and he needs to accept it. The example of the characters are random, just a simplistic example. And the we add twists, we add cliff hangers, we add comedy elements and surprises. The more emeralds he gets, the more abilities he can use with the dildo, that gets him some action. And for each of the 5 scenes, with alternate scenes or ideas that Team Borsch has discarded, we can adapt them into the save the cat structure to create a separate act, and then make that work with the general idea since each scene will be 1 point of the 7 point structure, so after some scenes Sam has to end up with a victory, other times with a big loss etc.