A note for - TEAM BORSCH
I have definitely enjoyed playing your game, it would be a nice tweak if some of the events or tasks could be repeatable - such as the Cleopatra Bath and or Massages (if the events contribute towards Jack's Corruption, maybe the first few repeats would earn a smaller addition, before the advancement for said repeats ends), of course we would also need to be able to either - buy, gather or harvest - the needed Potion ingredients that are required for said Potions.
Of course we will also need to either see Boris or find another source for the Golden Nuts, to be able to make more Lunar Tea - both to take to Mina at the Brothel, and for Jack's use... after all we don't want to get Jack pregnant when Sam finally gets to begin fucking her do we...

since a pregnant Hunter would not be able to Hunt...
I love the artwork and the concept for the game. Keep up the good work.