Is there a changelog i am missing or is it just bigfixes?
from Patreon
Hello everyone.. I'm posting a version with the next fixes
- Fixed animation with Susan in the new update (added anti-aliasing)
- Fixed a problem when the android version had a black screen instead of images from the new update
We also made a mistake with the work of saves in version What is the problem with Saving from 0.14 does not work correctly in And also saving from does not work correctly in subsequent versions.
Solving problems with saving:
It is not possible to fix the support for saves of version 0.15.0, if you encounter a problem loading saves in 0.15.1+ that were made in 0.15.0, then in your case it is better to load this save in 0.15.0 and finish the unfinished dialog, go to the bookshop and save, then you can load your save in 0.15.1+
If you haven't downloaded the new version yet, I highly recommend doing so before launching the new version.
You'd better skip the 0.15.0 version so that you don't have any problems with saving in the future. And run only 0.15.1+.
tl;dr = bugfixes for saves