Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Slammed for the big content change? How so?
I don't know how it was for his paetrons of course however, here a lot of people here took issue with the changes (myself included) made in ver 0.8 speaking only for myself it seemed ill advised. He released not long after a message addressing the heavy criticisms and the tone and attitude of his post suggested that he took peoples concerns very seriously. Someone posted his reply here a couple of pages back, I would suggest reading it for yourself to see what you think :)


Apr 28, 2019

Hi everyone, I haven’t shown you anything about the game for a long time and finally decided. Here are a couple of new costumes for Irma, many wrote to me that they would like to see her in the game in this outfit, and I decided to add. This outfit appeared once in the 13th episode of the first season and since most of the update is related to this series, why not. I drew two options, but most likely only one will get into the game, I haven't decided which one yet, but I like it better in a fur coat, but what do you think?

Привет всем, я давно не показывал вам ничего об игре и наконец решил. Вот парочка новых костюмов для Ирмы, многие мне писали что хотели бы увидеть ее в игре в этом наряде, и я решил добавить. Этот наряд появлялся один раз в 13 серии первого сезона и так как большая часть обновления связана с этой серией, почему бы и нет. Нарисовал я два варианта но в игру скорее всего попадет только один, я еще не решил какой, но в шубе мне нравится больше, а как думайте вы?
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New Member
Sep 4, 2018
i like both the stories, if the price to get more content of her was a new story then i take it, maybe they will be merged in some way in the future but i boubt it


Oct 22, 2017
Admittedly, the main thing that hampers my interest is the presence of Cedrick himself. I'd rather play as an OC similar to what's done in Four Elements Trainer. Not demanding the dev change it, just getting my opinion out there, and I am still interested.
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