Everyone, little hints:
1) Irma will come in the shop after a meeting with headmaster of the school AND after progression in the Elyon storyline (you need to destroy her reputation through the gossips)
2) To unlock school you need to progress in the Will storyline till Collins death. Prior that point he is a history teacher, Cedric can not be hired.
3) I would suggest you to first finish Elyon + Will storylines (they go in pair), and than start with Tarany and Irma content.
4) To get Will father out of the house win poker game board from Heralt in Meridian tavern and come back to home, event will be triggered itself.
5) To progress Will storyline after she pick up the frogg come to the local supermarket at the morning or afternoon.
Also, to remove useless grinding:
inventory.gold = 9000 - gold
inventory.money = 9000 - cash
hpCedrick=900 (in the battle) - Cedrick hp