After all these months, MadMerlin finally PMs me again......
My comp doesn't accept CAPTCHA , so I can't respond to PMs at this time.
Thanks for the message MadMerlin.
I respond here:
MadMerlin said:
We are open to add your content to the game if there is a place for it.
Your Luna sex animation for example is something I believe Mo might want to look into, as he's already mentioned to us that he'd like to add more animated CGs to the game.
Geez, that took four months to even acknowledge it was made.
I said several times I would make it into the game if people wanted it, but no one has spoken up yet.

Plenty of other scenes can be likewise altered to become animated.
The game can do with a bunch of new animations throughout.
MadMerlin said:
However, not everything is up to our standards. Your chibi clothing for example is something we are not going to add.
Taking high resolution images and scaling them to be chibi size simply won't do. And drawing all new chibi clothing for every chibi there is (standing, walking, groping, sex chibi,..) is work that simply isn't worth it to us, and will take way too much time to do right.
The outfit you equip on the sprite should not have any affect on Chibis or CG scenes in the game. That's the only way chibi clothing can be consistent.
So there will only be the one standard school outfit for the girls chibis.
Here I thought the Susan chibi in Silver was made precisely for doing just that?! Isn't it a higher res image with clothing items fitted specifically for walking?
I thought scaling chibis down is also a thing you guys are doing?
I personally like detail on the chibis they look really good running in game.
Sure, heaps of those clothed chibis I made are crappy - because I rushed them, intending to go back later and redo lots of things with my own art, I saw little point in making them all finished pieces when they'd simply be redone.
The choice to leave the chibis as they are, without any change according to clothing appearance of sprite, as many people have pointed out, looks offputting and breaks immersion.
Of course I understand the reasoning around this decision, though there are workarounds!
I have multiple chibi costumes reflecting the sprite's clothing - very easy to apply, but I suppose I haven't turned my WT mod into a massive Barbie dressup game (seriously, you gotta have content that has context!!!).
MadMerlin said:
Another thing is that the team will less likely want to communicate with you if you keep on criticizing their work, plans, or methods in your posts.
I am indeed critical of the child Astoria and Patreon begging, that will not subside - (funny how in the Discord you guys are now adamant to make her "age appropriate" so as not to lose your Patreon ....why not before!?!?! lol) otherwise I have no objections to make about the Silver team, don't know where you get that I am overtly critical of you guys - ha ha ha, the above sentence I made about "Barbie" sure is critical ...otherwise I do not really bang on like that, I am here to be positive and help to see this game become more than it is.
I remember having said quite a number of nice and appreciative things about you lot.
Some healthy constructive criticism is of course tenable for any person interested in excelling.
MadMerlin said:
I'm sorry about the lack of communication, but you have to stop pressuring us to add your content.
The LACK of communication is what is irksome, how can that abate if it is absent to begin with!? lol
I DO NOT pressure anyone about adding my content (which is only edits thus far)... WTF man!? Goodness gracious, what a claim! lol
I'm not begging to be part of Silver team or looking for accolades, I am joining in here to show some stuff to other fans of the game and most importantly to inspire (Snape stuff, chibi clothes, owl animation, CG animations, make alterations to main room, four girls for each house so relevance to proceedings, etc,.) other developers of Witch Trainer
...and soon to share original content that is applicable to Silver version.
MadMerlin said:
The team is busy getting the update ready, and there is simply no time reviewing and adding your content as well, for stuff we don't really prioritize or plan to expand.
Hence why I made a patch for that "hermione_animated_CG-sex_scene", as it was just going to waste otherwise (that was another quickly thrown together and hastily released edit effort - needs fixing, as it is in the wrong place, many faces aren't synched, some little tweaks, and it uses screens instead of an image picker like a c_c_u).
I can easily add more content as the need arises, as the Ren'Py coding for Silver is quite straightforward once you get yer teeth into it. I'll see what inspires me.