The game executable file on Windows supports 32-bit operations only (It's an engine limitation), and because of that, it cannot use more than 2 gigabytes of memory. In the future we will be experimenting with the Large Address Aware flag, and see if it's possible to implement it for Windows executable, which should raise the limit to 4 you possibly have low system memory to begin with? this game seems to use quite some part of RAM. wobbly when you have less than 4GB available free RAM for the game, not sure where the minimum sits.
Usually, the Out of Memory error is caused by reaching the 2GB memory limit of a 32-bit application rather than running out of system memory.
Mind you this is a windows-only issue, Linux, Mac and Android already support 64-bit operations, which allows the application to utilize the full potential of the available memory.
Would you mind posting the log.txt file, located in the main game folder? It should give us more insight as to why the game crashes on your computer.Only ever got a error message once, and it was about a 'Memory Error' according to it.
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