Not a lawyer
For US IP law porn games are parody and transformative. So as long as the dev stays away from IP protected terms that would create confusion to general market or take money away from the IP holders. Doubtful the feminist JK Rowlings will create a porn game.
The char doesn't look like the actress
Voice is British but is it Emma's and as far as I'm aware legally there are no voice protections in IP Law
While none of that stops a cease and desist letter (paper is cheap) and pressuring third parties, actually going to court would a different situation
Reminds me of this fake porn interview of Emma that was all over the internet some years ago there the guy asks "Most boys that have grown up with you still have a crush on you, there are a lot of people that wrote fanfictions and lewd perverted storys about you, are you aware of this ?" And she says "Sure, I am happy to make all these people happy. A lot of woman have fantasys about men. And men have fantasys about woman. Just natural. The internet allows new ways to explore your fantasys in a healthy way." So he asks her " So all this does not bother you ?" And she "Why would that bother me, makes me feel good, if boys have to rub one out and start jerking off as soon as they see me, you can do it right now if you want to. It is not healthy to suppress your urges for so long." So he starts jerking off and she sucks his cock, while they are looking at some fake porn of her.
Was a funny meme. Whatever. People should not be prude. The actress of Luna Lovegood even made porn. You know pictures, sadly no films but she made this naked shooting for magacines ones. As a way to show that she is proud of her body. As long as sexuality exists people will have fantasys about sex. It is just natural. So let us have our porn parodys. Life is hard. But thanks to porn games like this at least I have a reason to stand up and go to school. Do not take this away from me.
The funny thing is there are countless genres of sex storys, femdom, maledom, romance, trippy, complex story, horror.. and well trainer is just about this "girl has to learn to accept sexuality, starts out as a prude conservative, boring person that is hiding and suppressing her natural lust, gets trained to become a proud whore that makes everyone happy, a real strong woman that is not afraid of her nature. That is what trainer genre is all about. The desire to liberate from shame and prude point of views.