This game has potential. An annoying common sentiment at this point, but it's true in this instance. Unfortunately, that potential is buried under a mountain of frustrations, from awful, awful UI design, to poor english and inscrutable plot, to pixel hunting gameplay, to vague quests and horrific implementation of the quest chain, to a plethora of gameplay elements and ideas that serve little purpose and waste a lot of time, and just a mountain of grind (even after - I'm guessing - it was improved by giving more starting gold).
So what is the good? The art is hand drawn and unique. The glossy drawing of the bodies is particularly appealing, and the variety of characters, boobs, and faces on offer is pretty great. There are some issues, particularly in the early characters and cgs, like really odd looking faces, dicks, mouths etc. The mouths in general are really low on the face, chins are not a thing women have in this universe.
The animations vary from above average to horrific and broken. Most of the animations just loop really terribly when the MC orgasms, cum splattering into and out of existence over and over. The way the penis and orifices interact in general seems unnatural. As if the penis phases through the orifices rather than opening them.
Now the english is a problem. Most of it is understandable - if INCREDIBLY obtuse and awkward, but it is incredibly simplistic, and, because of that, everyone sounds the same. There is some very, very limited characterization, but its all one-note kind of stuff. Amelia likes magic, the assassin girl likes alpha men, silvia values friendship, the blonde likes you too much. I literally just closed the game and Im honestly unable to remember the names of these characters because I literally just didnt take anything in due to the amount of grinding and total lack of actual interaction. A good editor could fix a lot of these problems, but only if the below issues are fixed.
Now for the main issue(s): The intersection between plot, quest structure, gameplay, and technical implementation. This is where the game moves from a fun, light, varied, comical VN with good art, to a massive, unreasonable chore. And the big problem is that all of these issues have been integrated together, so you can't just fix them individually, you'd have to pull everything apart and re-implement it in a way that doesnt make the player want to blow their brains out.
Ok, so the basic plot is that you are a lazy mage from a good family being sent on a mission that he has to finish before coming back. You also, of course, like sex with the womenfolk. But then the game immediately loses focus and sprawls into a non-linear nightmare of grinding and gathering quests.
The game has this ui button that you can open to see all the active quest chains. That is fine. It shows you all the active quests. That is fine. But when active quests can't be advanced for no real reason, because you have to advance another entirely unrelated quest before the interaction unlocks then you have problems. When you have 5+ unrelated quest chains that can only be completed in an arbitrary order, its a BIG problem. When you add that to the fact that random advancements of quests unlock interactions to start new quests that the game doesnt tell you about, its a massive problem. And then you add arbitrary, pointless, wait times to many quest steps, most of which aren't telegraphed. And then you add people a morning/midday/afternoon/night system where many characters are only available for one of the four. And then you add a UI that requires you to go through sometimes 10+ button presses to get from certain areas to other areas. And then you add untelegraphed pixel hunting sections for things when your game has like 30 or so areas. And then you add fade times between interactions with objects. And then you add people appearing out of nowhere in one of your two sleeping areas but only at one time of day. And then you add unreasonable money costs to everything. And then you add 2 separate crafting systems that add almost nothing to the game and take many, many clicks to deal with.
And then you put a gun in your mouth.
Fix the UI - places like the bar and magic college should be WAY easier to navigate:
-Something like a box of buttons in the top right corner which has a picture of each room on the top floor - below that the second floor - below that the bottom floor. Having to press dozens of oddly positioned buttons to go anywhere, having multiple hallways that are only ever used as hubs, all of that is bullshit.
-Put a button on the main screen to teleport to and from the college, and make the college a map similar to the village. The way its laid out adds nothing except time wasting and frustration.
Remove pixel hunting sections. To get panties, ask the girls you control for them. EASY.
Make people more available. Having many of them only available at one time is bullshit.
Add notes to every quest icon in the log if it is currently unavailable, and note what other quest steps will make them available.
Get rid of wait times, like days of travel for Disar and the making stuff in the forge, AND the waiting two plus days for each of the quest steps with patricia, the assassin, and the angry girl you kidnap.
Add better ways of making money. Disar could control your family's finances and give you shit whenever you make progress as a reward. The grind adds nothing, and making indignant comments to players in and out of the game about it is insulting to the audience.
Get rid of the crafting systems. Have recipes be unlocked by reading and then just spend gold on the potions at the crafting table, the MC can say he sent for the ingredients through the portal or disar. The potions are only used a couple of times anyway. The goblin system is worse. Making you buy silver from the goblins in order to buy tools is just pointless. It costs the same amount of gold, it just adds like 20 button presses to get each robot mining thing. It doesnt add challenge, its just busywork. Same with the forge stuff, just increase the gold cost, dont make us buy a bunch of pointless trash AND pay gold.
Fix the animations.
Hire an english editor. the use of the word agree in this game is probably the most memorably egregious and repetitious.
Make it so you can't sequence break the plot. I told the angry treasure hunter girl Id killed the demon guarding the ruins before I had done it. Most of the stuff with patricia can be done out of order.
Give the players more information about the overarching plot. The game took me hours to play but I have no more information about the mystery than when I started. Which is just not good writing.
If you fix all of that the game will be great. Unique setting, good art, varied characters and situations. Until then its like bashing your head against a wall in hopes that youll find some good shit behind it. But there are only ever more walls. And an occasional boob.