Ren'Py - Abandoned - Wizards Adventures [v0.1.36.0] [AdmiralPanda]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply great game it needs a bit clearer directions where things are. But else it's great game

    Though it would be nice to get warning when the forced part would happen. Was not prepared for it. Aside that small thing everything was well done and hot.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 718458

    This game is truly fantastic! Girls are so great and sexy. So far Amelia is my favorite. Game is also very long, so a lot of content to explore! I feel like I finally have found the place that is immersive enough to spend a lot of time and read all the dialogues!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had a good pace at start but now, almost a stand still
    And holy crap the MC ain't worth much (Fucked if he do, fucked if he don't) and we shouldn't start talking about the other characters even
    This game should be tagged as Multiple Protagonists, since all other characters buttfuck the MC, that is so so so week to the level it's not even fun anymore
    To call MC Merlin is totally not right, MC is just a little boring errand boy for the other characters
    I know this is a so called VN, but to narrow path to keep interest up and the "quest map" or what to call it tend to frustrate me to pieces
    When i started to play the game, I was close to becoming a patreon, but now I'm REALLY HAPPY I didn't
    Starting to think 1 star even
    I'm on the Amelia & Demon part and it makes me wonder shouldn't MC be called Buttyboy instead of Merlin
    LOL finaly MC Merky grew babyballs
    Not putting it on ignore just yet, but at 99% for ignore now
    99.2% and counting
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really fun game! There is a lot to do and a bunch of stuff to find. My favorite !!! A very detail game. The story is interesting and gives good hope on where the journey is going. The models are beautiful and the overall aesthetics are quite stunning. Each character seems to have their own little secret which I like and it adds to the realism and mystical. There is a nice amount of locations to visit and things to do in this current version. Really looking forward to what happens next.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall fun experience, probably needs a bit more direction at some points of the game. Decent quality character building. My only criticism is that the game seems to have derailed from a nice village/fantasy RPG into some sort of college drug dealing simulator towards the end of the current content. Would be nice if the story comes back to a more fantasy RPG setting as the college section concludes. Over-all worth the time invested!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I played this game for few minutes and got really bored and upset, i see potential in this game and art style but there are a lot of issues.

    - Art style is nice
    - Has potential for a good storyline, the universe of this game is neat with monsters, mages.
    - MC has learning trees
    - Game has Gallery! its always nice to have gallery

    - The game is very straight 1 line, you can not do anything other than what the developer wants you to do
    - Many conversations and actions don't have options to choose between, and MC does things we would not want him to do
    - There are not enough options to do with characters
    - Certain areas feel like they should not be accessable at any time (example: MC can enter Amelia's room when she is asleep, maybe implement event she gives a key to MC thing, or breaking in)
    - Player has no lifebar / energybar there is no combat system
    - Player does not have inventory, or something easily accessable where he could see resources, and items. (i recommend resources are always visible as well as the status of MC: life, energy)
    - Characters lose mood becouse MC mindcontrols them, or talks to them, their mood decreases, but does not increases at any time, it can go to negative values and it can only be change via Mood Potions
    - Combat system should be expanded, added new abilities with icons, display enemy health bars, be able to have companions, allies in battles (i did not get that far in game to know if it is possible, if it is my mistake)
    - Display what the things are when cursor is on the thing (for example: i accidently went in to the golem boss thing and maybe died? it didnt tell me exactly, and there were no penalty, but the thing is places, curios, objects could have name popup)
    - Player death event does not appear to have any penalties, or any ways to knowledge that the player actually did die. Confusing (example: Golem says "Intruder eliminated" continues to play like nothing happened?)
    - Blackscreen delays are really annoying, especially becouse the game doesn't seem to do anything different if it is speeded up by other program.
    ((- MC has fix name that i could not change so far, altho it isnt big of an issue))
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    A miserable gaming experience.

    So. Many. Hours. Of grinding. For nothing.

    Be prepared to put in dozens of truly unhappy hours, even if you use the cheats, even if you use console codes, you're going to experience so many hours of frustration before you can even -- if you're lucky -- unlock a PG-13 scene. The game developer is clueless. There is ZERO fun, and ZERO sexiness in all this boring, repetitive grinding.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This game would have a lot going for it. Unfortunately it is plagued with bugs, the grind is unreal. The quests are confusing with no guided to lead you through the grind. The artwork us great as well as the soundtrack. But until the kinks are worked out and the horrible grinding aspect is fixed, you should skip this one.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of promise, good drawings and the creator is making decent progress.

    I played it when it was first released and thought there was a decent amount of content and I'm really happy to see them continuing.