Working On A Game


Oct 15, 2016
Working on a porn game with dom and sub elements as well as bondage and training in order to learn more about game design and stuff i wont be releasing it for like afew months because i hate releasing things before i think its half decent but figured i'd share some cut scene stuff and some images as i go and see what people think and get some feed back about it while i was at it. Dannyintro.png Dannyintro2.png Dannyintro3.png

I would like to show the full video at the bottom but i cant upload mp4s so i'll find a better way once i have more to show then a temp background and test animation render.
Also i'll most likely be using renpy for the game.


Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
I like the images and the gif at the bottom. :eazyHype:


Oct 15, 2016
Thanks for showing interest i'll update when i have more worth posting animations are annoying moving daz characters from daz to fbx format then into 3dxchange into iclone for the animations is wonky and then you have to fix most of the animations that are in iclone already but at least there is support there rather then in daz, My best bet would be working hard and saving up for a mocap suit and using that for the animations via live recording to save time in the future and then maybe learning maya and 3dmax like a studio would make me but i am lazy too lazy to learn new shit plus it has soo many features that would take me awhile z,z so for now its slugging it with iclone animation fixes and daz still renders till i can learn more about maya and 3dmax and save up into getting a mocap suit. So here's to alot of hard work and many hours of fixing animations and rendering stills on a 6k rig that really should be done on work station and if you any1 has any feedback let me know i'm open to seeing what ppl want and like or what ppl think about quality etc etc.


Oct 15, 2016
not happy with with the last 2 but placeholder till i can fix it and find a better pov or pose for the scene the hotel should be a simple fix bring the MC closer to the front scale him him up make him look more important in the render and the last one is is just off i might try a few different pov's and if i still don't like the look of it i might scrap it and change the scene a bit, also i need to fix that glass didn't catch that before fuck me x.x. Now to lose my sanity on trying to figure out how to delete frames and insert frames from animation clips i make in iclone badmeeting.png barscene.png Hotel.png Dannyintro4.png
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Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
Those are good pics, tho. Is this about a business dude who's into bondage? Or does he do a bad deal and gets some bondage done to him?


Oct 15, 2016
business dude into bondage. A rough outline of the story is rich kid chases skirts as a kid relationships fall through meets someone he actually likes and doesn't want to lose them so uses master/submissive relationship to try and make things last longer a few years pass you get bored of same routine and decide to add in a 2nd submissive to add spice to the bedroom and to help break hard limits of your wife think 50 shades of grey plus another submissive. A list of things that will be in the game are as follows, M/F & M/F/F as well as F/F ,bondage, master/submissive/master/slave relationships, bdsm (as in whips, bondage gear like stockades etc), anal, threesomes training/mental molding and pregnancy. I plan to try to pace the story and and the training and once i have the stills in i'll most likely add animations in for training/sex scenes depends on how nice iclone and daz want to work with each other and when/if i can get the the motion capture stuff working and learn in edit sections of the animations i do by hand so i don't waste 3 hours re making a section of a animation just to remove like 2 secs of it to add to the workflow of the timeline and its frames. I'm sure i'll figure it out sooner or later and get to a point i am ok with using it just a matter of when and weather or not i have the tools or time to make it work with this game or a new one. trying to go for decent looking as well as a half decent story not just half ass animations issue is getting used to new software i am the type that is super anal about making sure i know how things work before being ok with using it for something i plan to make into a job or for a project that i consider important, but we'll see how it goes worst case i use stills and use music files to make it sound better and work from there and worry about animation on the next one.
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Oct 15, 2016
Ok working on a sex scene animation that will run roughly 197 frames roughly in daz with the same settings i run the still renders at so that will be running in render for the next 45 hours or so hope to hell nothing goes wrong with daz in that time or i will have to re render it as a animation frame by frame then put each frame together in a movie or animation software for the full 197 frames so wish me luck. i feel for every small animation or film studio that has to go through this guess I'm saving for another system to render farm out animations in the future along with mocap suits no wonder triple a studios blow money like crazy per project. As a side note if anyone can explain how to add video formats like mp4s, avi etc to a post that'd be awesome saves me time coverting animation renders to gifs in Photoshop to post them to share progress with you all.
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Oct 15, 2016
17 hours 51 mins into my animation and only on frame 71 i feel for pixir and all animation studios out there that work on a large scale holy hell x.x heres to the hope it comes put as good as the still render did or this is a waste of 50 hours and my sanity


Oct 15, 2016
Thanks for the interest I'll keep everyone updated as I go and do more and once I get into actual content and game play not just intro and background into characters I'll throw it into renpy and post it up but ATM I am going one step at a time need to learn to walk before I can run and need to have content before I can call it a game.
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Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
17 hours 51 mins into my animation and only on frame 71 i feel for pixir and all animation studios out there that work on a large scale holy hell x.x heres to the hope it comes put as good as the still render did or this is a waste of 50 hours and my sanity
They chain multiple towers together to speed up the process and use the collective power of all the machines to crank it out. That is very expensive, though. :eek:


Aug 11, 2016
Hey, since you complained exporting from DAZ to 3DXg, have you tried using Realillusion's Character Creator for the models? I'd figure they would be more compatible since they are from the same company.


Oct 15, 2016
Yes but there is issues there as well ie. Lower character detail as well and you can make one but since I use daz for the stills etc it wouldn't make sense you wouldn't want animations from a character that looks too different from the person your trying to do from the game its not to get a character from daz into iclone the issues is some clothing and textures don't transfer well and you end up with a bent foot or a bend arm where you shouldn't but it fixes fine if you swap out that item when importing the clothing in as its own thing. The issues get into time for thing I am one person not a studio or a large co. animations take time to setup sometimes days even or weeks even if done by hand then you have to transfer over each piece of clothing and hair separate into 3dxchange then into iclone and then same with scene assets unless you make a scene asset in daz using images and use plan backdrops . this can be mainly avoided by different things and different ways but short and long is they cost money and not small ammouts either crazy talk 8 can use photos to make 3d model heads combined with the models in iclone you could make a OK enough model but then I am buying all my content and a lot time making assets or importing assets from one platform to iclone before I can even start the project. The 2nd would be use the daz character and then make my own HK rigged skeletons and use them but means I making a HK skeleton for each character with a lot of points of contacts and joints which again is time and then I still need to move assets from one to the other. Option 3 would be to use daz even with the lack of ease of use and support on their end for drivers and stop go render animations and just use pose to pose animation fixing where needed to and hand making animations till I can save for a mocap suit . there is a reason most ppl aren't doing good decent animations its not easy and its reasorce intensive. I just wasted the past 28 hours trying to do a decent animation and cuz of power outages do to snow I lost all 28 hours of work and need to start from scratch that's 28 hours gone I wish I had that render farm even 2 of the PCs I have now would have saved me and I would have completed my animations but not having that made me need to start over you can see why only a small studio or a large one which has money works on decent animations its hella work and resource intensive and even then its shared between computers and ppl to lighten workloads. So to sum it up yes I am insane and yes I plan to try to do animations for the game still and no I am not a huge studio but I like quality even if it might drive me more insane doing it . think I'll stick with still till I can get some animations presetup and ready for renders and maybe look into cloud render farms and their costs when I save up and use the stills as place holder which is what I planed before. Just thought I could get one done loop it in a few time and show you all but guess that will have to wait .


Oct 15, 2016
They chain multiple towers together to speed up the process and use the collective power of all the machines to crank it out. That is very expensive, though. :eek:
yup it is and even then you have to allocate sections of each different animation to the render farm ie. I have 4 renders let's say 5 mins long I have to split them to each render farm or use cloud render farm services I can trust its expensive and still a lot of work just cuts down on render times and workloads for ppl but I barely had the 6k to build the rig I had last year with 2 titans and a 5960x nvm 2 of them or a whole render farm of them and they use even more expensive ones like the quadto cards which are like 2k to 4.8k a card nvm for the whole system but hey I can dream about that hardware porn one day lol


Active Member
Aug 11, 2016
Yes but there is issues there as well ie. Lower character detail as well and you can make one but since I use daz for the stills etc it wouldn't make sense you wouldn't want animations from a character that looks too different from the person your trying to do from the game its not to get a character from daz into iclone the issues is some clothing and textures don't transfer well and you end up with a bent foot or a bend arm where you shouldn't but it fixes fine if you swap out that item when importing the clothing in as its own thing.

The issues get into time for thing I am one person not a studio or a large co. animations take time to setup sometimes days even or weeks even if done by hand then you have to transfer over each piece of clothing and hair separate into 3dxchange then into iclone and then same with scene assets unless you make a scene asset in daz using images and use plan backdrops . this can be mainly avoided by different things and different ways but short and long is they cost money and not small ammouts either crazy talk 8 can use photos to make 3d model heads combined with the models in iclone you could make a OK enough model but then I am buying all my content and a lot time making assets or importing assets from one platform to iclone before I can even start the project.

The 2nd would be use the daz character and then make my own HK rigged skeletons and use them but means I making a HK skeleton for each character with a lot of points of contacts and joints which again is time and then I still need to move assets from one to the other.

Option 3 would be to use daz even with the lack of ease of use and support on their end for drivers and stop go render animations and just use pose to pose animation fixing where needed to and hand making animations till I can save for a mocap suit .

there is a reason most ppl aren't doing good decent animations its not easy and its reasorce intensive. I just wasted the past 28 hours trying to do a decent animation and cuz of power outages do to snow I lost all 28 hours of work and need to start from scratch that's 28 hours gone I wish I had that render farm even 2 of the PCs I have now would have saved me and I would have completed my animations but not having that made me need to start over you can see why only a small studio or a large one which has money works on decent animations its hella work and resource intensive and even then its shared between computers and ppl to lighten workloads.

So to sum it up yes I am insane and yes I plan to try to do animations for the game still and no I am not a huge studio but I like quality even if it might drive me more insane doing it . think I'll stick with still till I can get some animations presetup and ready for renders and maybe look into cloud render farms and their costs when I save up and use the stills as place holder which is what I planed before. Just thought I could get one done loop it in a few time and show you all but guess that will have to wait .
Spacing makes things easier to read, even if it isn't proper spacing like i tried to make.


Oct 15, 2016
Fixed a few things with some images and I'll drop the full animation i posted at the top.

Sorry i am not the best with spacing and or being considerate about how i write normally i kinda just type as fast as i can get what i want out
and then fix it all later its a bad habit i have from work but I'll work on it if its that much of a issue.

test-animation.gif barscene.png Hotel.png
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Oct 15, 2016
Thanks I am working at transferring all the main characters into iclone and then moving poses and animations over to iclone to make renders for animation easier I'll upload a quick and easy animation for the 3 main characters once I get them all into iclone for ppl to see