from 4
to 3
which made her conversation appear in the messages list.drooler_keira.match_state = 3
Can you point me to that? I've been trying to search for it and read through the threat for half an hour now and can't find anything.Hi, question: the problem with getting the saves/load screen in the Magic path is a game problem in this version or the patches?
Edited: och, ok should have read previous posts on this....
Hi, I don't remember the exact location of those posts BUT the meaning is that it's NOT working for the magic path as the whole path is WIP. So it's not bug it's a feature!Can you point me to that? I've been trying to search for it and read through the threat for half an hour now and can't find anything.
That's insane. Last game version everything was fine and now I can't even play it. But thanks for the info anyway.Hi, I don't remember the exact location of those posts BUT the meaning is that it's NOT working for the magic path as the whole path is WIP. So it's not bug it's a feature!
Just use the bonus unlock in the OP.what is the bonus code for game
Yes the update ends thereHmm...is this where the latest content ends (image below), after MC dry's himself off with a spell...then feels light headed...then cuts to black screen saying that this is the end of the update? Or is there more content that I'm missing?
While it could have been done better, the technology side has always been part of the storyline. The game even starts with some antagonist talking about how technology side has gone too far and how they are going to strike back. Which is actually interesting story premise and i would like to see it developed more. Just wish it was done bit better.I am confused with this game. We get a really cool game that has so much content potential, the setup for cool magic character building, teases of potential love interests, then suddenly INTERRUPTING ANDROID SIDE QUEST completely throws off the narrative. I was bummed by this development.
I'm hoping that in time things will round themselves out over time. Perhaps it's because several releases in a row were focused on the android story that it seems so long.While it could have been done better, the technology side has always been part of the storyline. The game even starts with some antagonist talking about how technology side has gone too far and how they are going to strike back. Which is actually interesting story premise and i would like to see it developed more. Just wish it was done bit better.