Would sharing/ntr not bother you if the other guy was yourself?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
Really depends on who or what that "other version" actually is. If you have a MeSeeks box, Shadow Clones or an outright hivemind those are disposable toys or extensions of "your" own body. In a stable time loop future-you already knows how past-you felt about it and that is the standard to judge it by. Genetic clones, alternate universes and various other timey-wimey shenanigans basically produce completely separate characters who share many traits with "you" and count more like twins.

Personally most of it comes down to the writing though. Naruto can transform a clone into Sasuke and !Sasuke can keep prattling on and on about how he's so much better than Naruto at everything including banging both their wives, that could quickly become textbook NTR in terms of presentation even though factually it's all self-inflicted acting. On the other hand if you, your girlfriend and bad-future-action-hero-you decide to have a heartfelt farewell threesome as the rift closes the "not technically cheating" excuse works and you could even frame it as a romantic extra-special date.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Okay, I love this idea that you get cucked by your future self, then build a time machine and go back in time to get revenge on yourself, fulfilling the loop. So goofy. Perfect. If it were a game you'd have to play through both scenarios.
Predestination porn parody. Seems cool.

I was trying to come up with a plot synopsis for it, but my head exploded. Trying to add self NTR to the already convoluted timeline is too complicated for my feeble mind.


Feb 7, 2019
How about the NTR fans? What's your take? Is it not hot because it's yourself? There was some flash game that had a gangbang where you teaming up with 4 versions of yourself, mighta been SimGirls. That was pretty hot from what I recall, I think it was a case where you could feel what the duplicates were feeling, too.
I would rather have normal ntr/cuck content but just because I find the whole future/past self as the other guy "weird" and also not really a 'sci-fi' ish kinda person. I don't think it qualifies as "cuck" if you cock blocked yourself.

In terms of ntr/cuck, obviously from a purely psychological and biological standard point it doesn't make sense to have your potential mate/lover be taken away by someone else, hence the whole concept of alphas and the strongest survive to reproduce and pass on their genetics, which in my assumption is also how human beings operate. Therefore it's reasonable to expect a lot of people not enjoying the ntr/cuck contents (duh Captain Obvious).

One thing I might add though and I know it sounds contradictory to what I just said above is the stereotype of just because I enjoy ntr/cuck content I am somehow 'weak/submissive/sissy'. I think it doesn't necessary have to be that way and the two fetishes (if you can call it that) should be separated.

Good luck on your game and proof of concepts.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
your friends all tried to tell you that your wife was cheating, but you blew it off like they were just joking or something. it wasn't very funny, projecting their insecurities... It's weird when you hear your co-workers, and even your boss talking behind your back about how they spend their day off over at your house... you don't hang out with these people, you barely know them, you don't even have the same days off as them. They're just jealous of your top performance reviews, and because you make more money than them with all the overtime you get. Those slackers don't know a thing about commitment, and dedication, they've never put in an 80 hour work week. Your wife is an angel.

Then one morning as you're leaving for work, there's a bright flash of light, and suddenly you're looking at yourself standing in front of you. He says he's you from the future, and he looks the part so you have no reason to doubt him. Your mind is racing with so many questions "did I get promoted to management? how's my retirement fund coming along?" but your future self stops you saying "I can't tell you too many details, or I might cause a change in the time continuum and cease to exist" that doesn't sound good. Future self says "Things are good in the future, but there's problem and I've come back to help you make it right." you think to yourself, wow I'm such a great guy in the future. Then he says, "i'll be staying at your house for a few months, working on things. I need you to keep going to work and acting like nothing has happened. Don't tell anyone about this, or about me being here, especially your wife. We can never be seen together" you agree and go on to work as usually, leaving him at home to work on the future problems.

After putting in a double shift, you head home, and sneak into your house. You head upstairs to your room, and there are you and your wife passed out in bed. They both look exhausted, they must have been working very hard all day.
So you go and sleep on the couch...
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Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
There's two bulls standing on top of a hill. The younger one says to the older one: "Hey pop, let's say we run down there and fuck one of them cows". The older one says: "No son. Lets walk down and fuck 'em all".

You all know what a wingman is right?

Girls don't go out alone. They go in pairs, or even groups. I you approach them alone, the herd sees you as a predator, and they stampede. I you're not alone, they see you as another herd. This herd mentality is the core of society. If you get kicked out of your herd, you're a loner. The way the herd looks at loners, is that if you weren't good enough to be with your own herd, then we can't trust you to be with our her either.

Some girls take this one step further, if you don't have a girlfriend, then you aren't good enough for them. These girls are mostly attracted to married men, but having a girlfriend might make you acceptable. This is a little extreme, but you get the concept... loners are losers. If you're a loner, the best you can expect is maybe a pity fuck. You gotta have a wingman, a girlfriend, wife or be part of a herd, or else you'll be a loner forever.

Games that don't follow this dynamic are unrealistic.

The typical wingman scenario goes like this... You like a girl, and you want to go over and talk to her, but a) she has her ugly friend with her. and b) you're a loner loser. You need backup, so you get a friend to be your wingman. You tell your wingman that you want the hot girl, so he knows his place, and you pay him whatever bribe is required and agreed upon, in advance. Then you and your wingman approach the girls. Your wingman distracts her ugly friend, so that you can talk to the girl. Remember this is mission critical, if he fails, your mission fails as well so you have to backup your wingman too, buy them drinks, whatever it takes to get his beer-goggles on so he can get the job done.

If your wingman is a clone of yourself, you still have to bribe him to take the ugly friend, but if you and your wingman are identical, there's less chance that the hot girl is going to choose him over you, and you end up with the ugly friend.


Latina midget, sub to my Onlyfans - cash for gash
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
The loopholes you people come up with to try and justify how you can enjoy being cucked. :rolleyes:

Just admit you like NTR and go on with your lives.
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Active Member
Sep 18, 2021
For me, whether or not a threesome with "another you" is NTR depends entirely on the mechanics of the duplication.

If it's straight up time travel, where I absolutely know that I'm eventually going to have the same experience the other guy is having now once I get into the time machine later, then I'm almost entirely cool with it. There might be some degree of slight jealously involved regardless (because it's hard to convince your monkey brain that the other guy is still YOU), but that might be pretty easy to work around (probably helped if you set it up so your past self gets to be the dominant one in control and the future self does what they're told), but it's mostly fine.

On the other hand, stuff like parallel universe doppelgangers, clones, or other versions of you that aren't YOU, and will never be part of the timeline of your own consciousness... no. Because that definitely feels like someone else even if they're the exact same as I am down to the subatomic level and have all the same memories and experiences. It's not ME because they lack continuity of awareness with the ME I am now.

So yeah, if I'm involved in a Star Trek transporter accident that creates two of me and the other me goes and fucks my GF, that's totally NTR. And I'm gonna shoot that guy.

But then that'd be selfcest?

Shoot, if in the future, they perfected medicine and sex change, and future me comes back to the present as a bangin chick, I'd bang the motherfucker myself :LOL:
Someone already wrote that story:

As for the selfcest angle, I'm going to be honest - I'm not gay, but if I had access to a time machine and could have my future self show up whenever I wanted, I'd 100% have sex with myself. Just for the story/experience alone if for nothing else.

But future me is going to be the catcher, damn it.

The problem with that is as you said you are into older women, so depending on your future age, your future self would still be into older women. So you would not necessarily be into a threesome with either of them, because of that.
Well, people's fetishes change over time. There are definitely women I'm attracted to now that I'm a middle aged man that I would never have been into when I was a teenager.

Even aside from that there's a question of vocabulary - if I say I'm into "older women", does that mean "women older than me", or am I just saying "women in their 40s/50s"? The first of those would obviously grow older as I grow older, but the second one wouldn't change.


Oct 18, 2018
ClockworkGnome I think your clock is a little off.
Thia thread already died 3 yeara ago. :LOL:

TBH though if anyone still wants to know wether people think cucking yourself with past/future versions of yourself is still NTR or not then all they have to do is read a few pages from this thread:
That is literally a thing happening in the game.
The MC has gangbangs with multiple past/present versions of himself and at least one of his LIs.


Active Member
Sep 18, 2021
ClockworkGnome I think your clock is a little off.
Thia thread already died 3 yeara ago. :LOL:
My policy has always been that there's no such thing as necro'ing a thread if the site itself recommends the thread at the bottom of the page. Or if someone else has linked to it in a sig.

Besides, digging up old discussion threads can always restart a discussion, or bring new perspectives into a previous conversation. Or if nothing else expose it to new eyes who may have missed it before. Worst case scenario is that it just dies again. But it could always spark up an entirely new and lively discussion of ideas.
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Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Fuck myself (older me with future me?)? why not? with real porn is almost impossible unless it's twin porn and I haven't found anything like that, but anything else (daz, HS2, etc...) is fair game. I would try if I could.


Jan 10, 2020
This is kind of along the same lines. Sorta...

One of the games I'm working on has 4 protagonists (different members of a band) who you play one at a time. At the end of a each chapter, you can skip to the next chapter with the same person, lets say the bass player (cause those guys never get enough love), or start the chapter over playing as the drummer who goes about his day. So, it's you controlling these guys.

Is it NTR to date someone that one of the other band members dated?


Game Developer
Jun 3, 2019
I hate myself so much that if I saw myself having sex with my wife, I'd probably try to kill me myself.

He'd understand.