Would you make a porn game if you could ?

Would you make a porn game if you could ?

  • Yes, but only as a hobby

    Votes: 165 47.7%
  • No, I wouldn't even if I could

    Votes: 16 4.6%
  • Yes, as a full time job, but I wouldn't tell anyone about it

    Votes: 106 30.6%
  • Yes, as a full time job and I would be open about it

    Votes: 59 17.1%

  • Total voters


May 21, 2017
Looking through some patreons, people make bulk money with these games, some amounts people could only dream of making.
So my question is, if you had the skills, would you consider making a porn game ?
would you do it as your main job ?
would there be a moral issue for you ?

If you choose no, please feel free to share why!


Active Member
Nov 15, 2016
Hell yeah. But no skills at all. I'm not even an "idea man". No writing skills, drawing skills, programming skills, and more importantly, the patience needed for the silly 3D programs to make those images :D So basicly useless. Still not as useless as feminist in science.


May 21, 2017
Honestly I would make one too, If I could make money the Lewd labs makes, but I'd just tell everyone that I'm an artist/game developer :RarePepe:


I think I might, but I think that doing it properly does take a lot of time and discipline.
As I don't want to quit my job, it's not an option for me.

Also with regards to the money that some devs are apparently making, don't forget that if you are self employed, you also need to take care of insurance, social security, pension scheme etc. etc. After paying all of that, you'll probably not get rich if you make $10.000 / month off Patreon. Depending on where you live of course, which is probably one reason why Russian devs are overrepresented.

The other thing is the uncertainty. There is no guarantee that your project will succeed, even if it is arguably better than some stuff other devs are making. And if it succeeds, there is no guarantee that Patreon won't shut it down eventually for breaking some "rule".

In the end, I voted "yes, but only as a hobby".


Jan 14, 2018
Hell yes, and I'd be open about it. I would like to write one actually, as I've always been a writer, but I just don't know where to start as far as every thing outside of writing goes and I've been too lazy to do the research.


Jul 26, 2017
i have a full time job i'm happy with but this would be a fun hobby for sure. although i have no experience in coding, graphics etc. :FeelsBadMan:


Jan 14, 2018
After paying all of that, you'll probably not get rich if you make $10.000 / month off Patreon. Depending on where you live of course, which is probably one reason why Russian devs are overrepresented.".
Never thought about that, its a really good point. I just always assumed Russia was more perverse x'D


Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
If not for the lack of programming knowledge and non-existent art skills I would definitely tried to make one. Initially just as a hobby and later on with higher pledge level as full-time. People talking about 10k not being a lot seriously live in a fine countries. In my country (not Russia but eastern Europe close to it) 1k would make me go full time easily. 10k even after all taxes etc. is more than average yearly wage. Damn I would wish to try at least but sadly even as I can learn Renpy or whatever I can't learn even basic things when it comes to art.


Any American dev would need at least 5k to go full time. Canada maybe a little less because of their social programs. I would do it as a hobby since I like my career, but I would never ever tell anyone about it (Id probably lose my job) or go full time.


Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
I wouldn't had problem with telling people about it as it would be mostly vanilla and I rarely care about people's opinion. I would try something realistic with a lot of outcomes so I wouldn't implement things like incest so my family wouldn't be shocked with extreme fetishes. But I wouldn't brag about it with my grandma I guess


Jun 2, 2017
Most definitely. I've thought about it more than a few times. Problem is I don't have the skills required. I've been writing for years but coding and artwork (or 3d modelling) are completely unknown to me.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I have the coding knowledge and a overflowing imagination. I can improve my writing skills and learn 3D. But in the end there will still be a thing needed, discipline. You don't just have to be "not bad" at writing, coding and doing CG. Whatever it's a full time or a free time occupation, you must fully commit to it and I'm too versatile for this.
Here, there's no hope for an improvement, at least for me. So, making a game, why not ? It could be a refreshing challenge and I think about it time to time, but it will probably never happen. But if I started, I would be like mysterful, doing a not so bad portion of game, then switching to something else, and frustrating anyone because of this. Therefore, I don't start and frustrate nobody...


May 21, 2017
I have the coding knowledge and a overflowing imagination. I can improve my writing skills and learn 3D. But in the end there will still be a thing needed, discipline. You don't just have to be "not bad" at writing, coding and doing CG. Whatever it's a full time or a free time occupation, you must fully commit to it and I'm too versatile for this.
Here, there's no hope for an improvement, at least for me. So, making a game, why not ? It could be a refreshing challenge and I think about it time to time, but it will probably never happen. But if I started, I would be like mysterful, doing a not so bad portion of game, then switching to something else, and frustrating anyone because of this. Therefore, I don't start and frustrate nobody...
I reckon you should still give it a go. you don't have to publish it or anything. just give it a head start and see how it goes, then if you feel like you can continue you can put it on patreon
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Jan 14, 2018
People talking about 10k not being a lot seriously live in a fine countries. In my country (not Russia but eastern Europe close to it) 1k would make me go full time easily.
Don't forget you also have to put that money into your game, its not all profit. That being said, 10k is a lot still. 5k not so much. I don't really think it equates to living in a fine country though, as it would be nice to live somewhere you could easily survive off 1k a month. Basically high price of living doesn't mean high quality of living, but I guess I'm violating rules as that's borderline political so I digress
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Nov 6, 2017
Not sure how far I'll be able to get. But I am working on one right now. F95Zone will for sure get a dedicated Thread about it from the developer. I don't want to use the DAZ characters. Ever. They make me want to run or swing at them hard. Like my reaction clowns.

Too soon to say when or if it will ever get to a releasable state. So don't hold breath.


Apr 25, 2017
Ive seriously thought about it a few times lol.
Problem is im not just lacking in one or two necessary skills for it but Im lacking ALL the necessary skills for it xD
I have no clue how to code, Im not an idea man or writer for that matter, nor do I have any idea how to use Daz or any other art progam for that matter lol.
I simply lack the creative mind to do it.
As for not having the "discipline" for it I honestly dont see that one as much as an issue. Cuz if I truly wanted to do this Id just go into it as a hobby and make it VERY clear to everyone its only a hobby and as such would not promise monthly updates lol. Simply set patreon up as a charge by update instead of monthly charge and youre good to go


Aug 30, 2017
Like a few others on here, I'm in the process of making one. It's just a hobby though, because it includes some of the things I enjoy doing (coding and making 3d art). However, my writing is a little rough and I'm familiar with Python, but I'm still adjusting to Ren'py. Unfortunately though, my biggest limiter is time. Between working and going to school (both full-time) and trying to maintain a half-way normal life, there isn't a lot of time left over for making games. Also, I had a hard drive crash on me and I lost pretty much all of my renders and work, which was pretty disheartening. However, I'm back at it, because I still enjoy it, but I'm creating backups this time.


Jan 14, 2018
Also, I had a hard drive crash on me and I lost pretty much all of my renders and work, which was pretty disheartening. However, I'm back at it, because I still enjoy it, but I'm creating backups this time.
I lost two novels this way. Both really amazing. I understand how discouraging it can be, stay strong though. Too bad I don't follow my own advice x'D


I killed Eric
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2017
There's a lot of people on here that think they don't have the experience necessary. I don't think experience REALLY matters, if you're willing to put in the time to learn a little bit. Time is the biggest obstacle, at least for me. I don't want to downplay creating a game, but you can learn the basics of how to do it in a few hours. Of course, creating a good game is a lot harder.

I don't know if anyone cares, but here's my story in case anyone can use me for inspiration:
I'm not a super successful, big developer, but I am making a little game called "My Sister, My Roommate" and people seem to like it. I downloaded my first modern porn game (Big Brother) over the summer and was hooked! Prior to that, I didn't know there was a market for games like this since Leisure Suit Larry stopped making games. After seeing what the market was looking like, and playing ALL the games available, I thought that I could create one of these games, and I started doing some research. I had zero experience in 3D Modeling and my last experience programming anything was Visual QBasic in a high school computer class in the late 1990s. I had no idea what Ren'py was. I have always been a creative person though, and do enjoy learning new hobbies. About two months after I downloaded Big Brother, I released the first demo of my game. It took about 3 weeks to actually create the demo, working on it for an hour or two a day - some days more, some days less. Before that, I spent a week or so learning what I would need to know to make a game and outlining what the plot of my game would be.

As far as the personal stuff: I work full time, make decent money, and I'm happily married. My goal isn't to replace my job and never has been, although some extra income is always nice. My wife knows about my hobby and supports it. I used to play video games for a couple hours a night, now instead of playing video games, I'm creating one. A couple of my close friends know about my game and have given me some ideas for plot lines. But for the most part I don't broadcast it out to my friends and certainly not my family. Maybe if my game got big I would, but right now, there's no need to.

You don't need a beast for a computer, either. I'm making my game on a computer I originally built in 2012. I updated the GPU to a 1070 about a year or so ago, but other than that, it's all 6 year old parts, so you don't need anything amazing, although rendering would be faster with a better machine.

Feel free to ask me any questions if you have any. I'm still very much learning as I go, but I'm really enjoying this hobby.