Would you make a porn game if you could ?

Would you make a porn game if you could ?

  • Yes, but only as a hobby

    Votes: 165 47.7%
  • No, I wouldn't even if I could

    Votes: 16 4.6%
  • Yes, as a full time job, but I wouldn't tell anyone about it

    Votes: 106 30.6%
  • Yes, as a full time job and I would be open about it

    Votes: 59 17.1%

  • Total voters


Aug 30, 2017
I lost two novels this way. Both really amazing. I understand how discouraging it can be, stay strong though. Too bad I don't follow my own advice x'D
Thanks for the encouragement and I'm sure you'll get back around to yours. On the bright side, I did upgrade my GPU when I replaced the HDD; so, 4k renders for everybody. :p


Mar 13, 2017
Hell yeah, and I'd start as a hobby, but if it eventually blew up to about T4boo's (Babysitter) level, I'd consider full time. I've used Daz3d before and at least to me, it felt a lot easier than I imagined it be. Albeit I didn't really get into the thick of it whatsoever, so I'm likely underestimating it right now. I just threw some clothes onto a character and tried rendering it without a scene applied to it. I'd like to see what I'm really capable of in Daz, because I always had a love for art and creation. That and writing has always been my calling, and ever since I played Mortze and Tlaero's games back in like 2015, (Elsa-verse games), I fell in love with the craft.

Problem is, my all my specs are outdated, and my GPU ain't fit for Iray rendering. And I'm not a PC builder by any sense of the term. Been saving up and I'm looking into getting a gaming PC. An Omen 880 more specifically with a Nvidia 1080ti.

I'd love to create an adult game. Problem is the coding/programming aspect. Patience is not one of my virtues. Never has been. I've tried learning how to use Ren'Py and some aspects are easy to memorize, until we get into the thick of it. I've actually had more success using Tlaero's "Adventure Creator" or more recently "AC2", but I know the majority likes Ren'Py games, not really HTML games. But Tlaero's AC2 is the easiest thing for me to use right now. If I create in the near future, it'll have to be with that.

I also don't think I'd tell anyone about it. I just turned 21, so this would be a hobby first and foremost. And my generation is a bunch of judgmental idiots, especially in New York. My parents would be fine (I think). I've told my best friend about this and he just said "Lol, I need to see this." , but he supports me. I don't have a girl at the moment, so I don't have to worry about what she might think, but living in NY all my life, if she happens to be from NY, I could almost hear the judgmental comments from her mouth. But I'm young. There's time for all that.

But yes, creating an adult game would be amazing. Not just with high quality renders, but high quality writing as well. Not just a porn game. But an actual erotica.


Nov 6, 2017
I have no clue how to code
Hahahaha... And that's why I make my little games. I Lack coding Skills. The more I force myself to write my own code, the better I get over time.

I used to be scared of code like it was some sort of secret that few have access to. Like you had to be some sort of super genius. Following tutorials, those first few weeks were scary as hell thinking I had to get it just right. Now, I just look at the APIs and write my own code based on what I need it to do and see what happens. If it doesn't work I rework the code.

Now, Things are working more often than not and I am not scared of code no more.

For reference. I started about 9 months ago with coding. Now I don't know why it took me so damn long to start.

the I have no skills is a terrible crutch. All skills have to be learned somehow. Why not now.
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Jan 21, 2018
Yes, I would love to make my own porn games. Not being able to do so (due to a marked lack of technical talent) is deeply frustrating. My mind is teeming with erotic scenarios, images, plots and game-play ideas, yet I cannot do anything with them. If I knew how, and if I had the money to, I would set myself up as a games producer - assembling a tight group of skilled individuals to create a game according to my brief (I wouldn't micromanage, though). There'd be a guy for the game part itself, someone for art, someone for music, etc.

Yes, I would do it as a full time job. Why not? It has to be better than a heck of a lot of other full time jobs. The erotic element would keep me highly motivated, and I've always taken great satisfaction in intense, immerse creative activities such as writing fiction.

No, there is no moral issue for me. I cannot see what harm a game with erotic content/scenarios can do. Perhaps there is an argument to be made in the case of extreme stuff. But I don't think that would apply to me.
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May 21, 2017
I have to say, when you think about how the developers of Breeding Season made like 45 grand A MONTH on patreon, which as far as I know is the highest ever paid patreon to date, it's kinda tempting to learn how to make a game!

Though I believe for your game to be successful you need really good art, and players tend to prefer handmade, unique art style! it leaves a good (first) impression, which is crucial when you first release your game.

Of course there are other developers who are successful using renders (Dreams of desire for example) and some even achieve a lot by only using text based games


Jan 21, 2018
...you need really good art, and players tend to prefer handmade, unique art style! it leaves a good (first) impression...
That is indeed how I feel as a player. Presentation/production value goes a long, long way. I prefer good animation style art to the cgi stuff. The game-play part comes further down my list of importance (it needs to be pretty good, of course, but it's not the backbone). All of the following come before game-play for me: story (theme, setting, characters, etc.), scenes, art work, music. The last two alone can make a game so much more impressive and immersive.


May 21, 2017
That is indeed how I feel as a player. Presentation/production value goes a long, long way. I prefer good animation style art to the cgi stuff. The game-play part comes further down my list of importance (it needs to be pretty good, of course, but it's not the backbone). All of the following come before game-play for me: story (theme, setting, characters, etc.), scenes, art work, music. The last two alone can make a game so much more impressive and immersive.
I couldn't agree more! I hate it when devs release a super short intro, especially if doesn't have impressive art or an interesting concept, then I wont even bother to "watch thread"


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2017
<snip> Also, I had a hard drive crash on me and I lost pretty much all of my renders and work, which was pretty disheartening. However, I'm back at it, because I still enjoy it, but I'm creating backups this time.
I used to design textures for avatars and prims on an adult 3d world. I had a hard drive go and lost all my gimp files which at the time was a few hundred textures and that hurt. Although getting the png's from the server was some blessing, not having the base files was a nightmare....but you don't half learn quick!!! Back up all the time.

I voted yes and be open...because people are nosey...
"I work on graphics and design" - "Oh really? What have you done can I see?"
"I work on graphics and design for adult games" - "Oh really." People that are genuinely interested in your work (for whatever reason) will ask to see, my mother on the other hand would be "That's nice honey, do you want something to eat?" :evilsmile:
Only need the skills now...:confounded:


Aug 19, 2017
The skills involved aren't super complicated. Probably the hardest part I've seen is learning how Daz works, which I feel like I've only really gotten decent at in the last month. I have a small background in a few different scripting languages, which I think actually hurt me in learning python, but I picked up Ren'Py after a little work.

I like making my game (Goodnight Kiss) but it's still just a hobby. I'm taking it a little more seriously now that a few people seem to really care, but I can only dedicate so much time to it.

As a modern creative I have to keep my fingers in like fifty different pies. If my game were making like $3k a month I'd make it a main focus. Probably like double that before I'd go "full time", and even that would be mostly so I could build up some savings for when all hell breaks lose. As it stands I can work on it like one day a week, and it's still at best a distraction from everything else I've got going on.

As far as telling people what I'm doing I'm not really squeamish about it. My partner is fully aware of all my projects and says she's interested in playing (and then hasn't found the time for like three months). I suspect it wouldn't be too hard for the rest of you to find a spouse at least as perverted as you are. Men and women aren't as different as society tells us... My parents are old as shit and barely understand what a computer is. My dad would probably find it funny. For my friends I made no attempt to disguise when I was digging the kindleporn mines. That becomes more of a pain in the ass now because whenever I see someone I don't see often they ask if I'm Chuck Tingle (I wish). I'd probably be coy with anyone I'm not super close to do I don't have to explain that I'm not Dark Cookie repeatedly.

(On the other end of that spectrum though a bunch of my friends were doing adult X-Men and Teen Titans zines in the 80's and 90's. When I was in my early 20's I was a lot more antsy about these sorts of things, but as you become an old these sorts of fears fade into the background.)


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I'm fairly open about the fact that I'm developing .All my closest friends know. as does my little brother.
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Active Member
Aug 16, 2017
I guess you could say I write porn, if you want to be blunt about it. I've often thought about making a game out of some of the stories I write, but most of the game making software out there looks a little intimidating to me for some reason. I'm not sure where to start, or what to start with. I've been told text games are the easiest to make, and I've looked at TADS, Inform and ADRIFT. ADRIFT seems to be the easiest, especially their newest version. Any thoughts out there? I appreciate any feedback.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 16, 2017
Looking through some patreons, people make bulk money with these games, some amounts people could only dream of making.
So my question is, if you had the skills, would you consider making a porn game ?
would you do it as your main job ?
would there be a moral issue for you ?

If you choose no, please feel free to share why!
I would never do it as a full time job, because there is no guarantee of a steady income... There are no guarantees... It's like anything you do for tips... With a real job, you have at least some sense of security... Plus, a lot of these guys/gals making tons of money via patron type sites are usually milking their fans... I have better things to do with my money then be a sucker, paying someone a monthly wage for one erotic/adult visual novel/game and then watch it take a year or more to finish up... One time fee maybe, but never a subscription... I only pay monthly fees to things like cable TV, or maybe a good MMORPG, and only while I'm actually playing it... These things are not commercial grade productions, and there is no guarantee at all that the developer you're paying to work on these things, are gonna put in the right amount of time and effort needed, to match the income they are getting...

Don't get caught up in the patron site gold rush... It won't last... If you really want to make these things, do it because your passionate about it, have the right skills, and have a creative mind, not because you want to make a quick buck...

Morally, I'm sure there are certain fetish's and/or themes I would definitely avoid... We are sexual creatures, so I have no qualms with sex acts in visual novels in general...


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I would never do it as a full time job, because there is no guarantee of a steady income... There are no guarantees... It's like anything you do for tips... With a real job, you have at least some sense of security... Plus, a lot of these guys/gals making tons of money via patron type sites are usually milking their fans... I have better things to do with my money then be a sucker, paying someone a monthly wage for one erotic/adult visual novel/game and then watch it take a year or more to finish up... One time fee maybe, but never a subscription... I only pay monthly fees to things like cable TV, or maybe a good MMORPG, and only while I'm actually playing it... These things are not commercial grade productions, and there is no guarantee at all that the developer you're paying to work on these things, are gonna put in the right amount of time and effort needed, to match the income they are getting...

Don't get caught up in the patron site gold rush... It won't last... If you really want to make these things, do it because your passionate about it, have the right skills, and have a creative mind, not because you want to make a quick buck...

Morally, I'm sure there are certain fetish's and/or themes I would definitely avoid... We are sexual creatures, so I have no qualms with sex acts in visual novels in general...

That's cynical, and to an extent, given the Dark Silver's of the industry, and the many failed projects, somewhat fair. However I think its the failure of the industry to level out. In the end, if you were paying for a game of this type, you'd probably spend between 15 and 30 dollars depending on a number of factors. So, if these developers set their tiers appropriately, $1 a month is all it takes to support $2 dollars gets you discord access and polls $3 dollars gets you some perk, admin on discord, special renders, alternate outfits, something like that. That way, the game is making an appropriate amount for its content, and people who are really dedicated to the project are allowed to invest more for perks and feedback.

Is the crowdfunding model perfect? No. But I like it a hell of a lot more than dealing with the AAA titles that get worse and worse every year but still try to milk $90 out of me for a few extra bits and baubles.


Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
I would write and do daz using 3Delight for now after I upgrade the dual core to a quad. Picking up Daz would be weird since it's been over 2 years or so since I tried it last. And I'm not too sure about programming. Possibly Ren'Py or AC2. And none would have incest, rape, or bestiality. It would feature a kink or 2 or even 3 each episode. It would be an episodic series. And I would tell people what I'm doing. I wouldn't care. Let them watch or run.. their choice!
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Nov 16, 2017
That's cynical, and to an extent, given the Dark Silver's of the industry, and the many failed projects, somewhat fair. However I think its the failure of the industry to level out. In the end, if you were paying for a game of this type, you'd probably spend between 15 and 30 dollars depending on a number of factors. So, if these developers set their tiers appropriately, $1 a month is all it takes to support $2 dollars gets you discord access and polls $3 dollars gets you some perk, admin on discord, special renders, alternate outfits, something like that. That way, the game is making an appropriate amount for its content, and people who are really dedicated to the project are allowed to invest more for perks and feedback.

Is the crowdfunding model perfect? No. But I like it a hell of a lot more than dealing with the AAA titles that get worse and worse every year but still try to milk $90 out of me for a few extra bits and baubles.
I don't mind the one time donation methods of crowd funding... It's the abuse of these monthly fee based systems that has me being a bit negative... And not every developer is a bad apple with those systems... But it happens more than not...

And regardless of donation method, there is still no guarantee of steady money over a long period of time... Again, all donation systems are basically someone paying you a tip... And if you are trying to support a family on said income, it becomes less and less a reality for most developers... And in this mostly hobby/amateur based industry, it is not the norm to get paid high amounts of money, enough to live on... Of course, that is also subject to the place you live... Since money varies in actual value from one place to another...


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
I would write and do daz using 3Delight for now after I upgrade the dual core to a quad. Picking up Daz would be weird since it's been over 2 years or so since I tried it last. And I'm not too sure about programming. Possibly Ren'Py or AC2. And none would have incest, rape, or bestiality. It would feature a kink or 2 or even 3 each episode. It would be an episodic series. And I would tell people what I'm doing. I wouldn't care. Let them watch or run.. their choice!
If I don't think about it from a money point of view... And just think about it hypothetically.... I would have some fun with the story, but I'm not a very good artist... So for anything beyond characters I would have to go with pre-gen stuff, modify pre-gen stuff, or partner up with real artists... I would have to use some base models and then just modify the crap out of them... Not even sure what program I would use for rendering... For me personally, it would have to be a program I actually purchased, because I'm a stickler for that when actually making anything... That or something public domain/freeware... As to an engine, I actually like playing Ren'py visual novels the most, and I've watched a couple intro vids on it... So that would most likely be the route to go... And of course since I have no experience at it, I would have to do a bit of goofing around with it before seriously doing anything right off the bat...

As to style of game play, I would most likely hybrid a small bit... Mix of typical story telling choice based, along with a few grind elements, but nothing overbearing or tedious... It would most likely depend on what I learn with Ren'py...

As to fetish's, I would definitely avoid the family sex stuff, even if I did include a family dynamic in the story... Monster sex and Bestiality are also on my hell no list... Basically I would not have any extreme fetishes... With most sex things being consensual by any characters involved...

I most likely would have overall goals listed, but not broken down into weekly or monthly, because you just catch crap if you can't make those types of goal on the button... I would definitely keep in communication (got to take the bad feedback with the good), and I would definitely strictly regulate my creative control over it (let the fans yell and scream and request things I don't want to include or change, till their blue in the face)... If someone did have a creative idea I liked, I might try to include it, but never guarantee it... If I open something up for vote or discussion, it would be something unrelated to the actual story.... Probably things cosmetic in nature (small visual choice, character name, window color, etc)...

In any case, it would still be a monumental task...
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I don't mind the one time donation methods of crowd funding... It's the abuse of these monthly fee based systems that has me being a bit negative... And not every developer is a bad apple with those systems... But it happens more than not...

And regardless of donation method, there is still no guarantee of steady money over a long period of time... Again, all donation systems are basically someone paying you a tip... And if you are trying to support a family on said income, it becomes less and less a reality for most developers... And in this mostly hobby/amateur based industry, it is not the norm to get paid high amounts of money, enough to live on... Of course, that is also subject to the place you live... Since money varies in actual value from one place to another...
I think it's like anything though. If you're going to try to make an income on these games you need to be diversifying. There are plenty of just as scary things about going into a more traditional business. You need to provide a product that people value enough to keep paying for. And you need something to fall back on. You're right, most indie devs aren't going to make enough to support a whole family, especially not on their first title. But if they keep at it, put out quality work, build a fanbase, and diversify, it's possible to make a stable living as an adult game dev.

When I say diversify, I mean that they shouldn't limit themselves to their one game a year. It would be far more profitable to work with other devs and build games together. Split what you're taking in on all of them, learn from them, and maybe work with them again in the future. Work a part time job while you're making a name for yourself. In my case, after I've put out a few games I might take the time to also write a novel on the side.

Is being an indie dev a safe career choice? No, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth pursuing if you're passionate about it and skilled. I think it would be great if more of us could take the opportunity to do this.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I would have some fun with the story, but I'm not a very good artist... So for anything beyond characters I would have to go with pre-gen stuff, modify pre-gen stuff, or partner up with real artists
As to an engine, I actually like playing Ren'py visual novels the most, and I've watched a couple intro vids on it... So that would most likely be the route to go... And of course since I have no experience at it, I would have to do a bit of goofing around with it before seriously doing anything right off the bat...
This is exactly me. As of a few days ago I started working with a guy on making my first game. I've already got the first "demo" release written and I'll be getting on with the story while he's prepping the art. In a few months I hope to have most of the project written, and only be waiting on the art to follow. Ren'Py is surprisingly simple to work with and there is a great community here that is more than willing to help anyone with questions. Seriously, if you have a story in mind and the drive to complete it I'd ask you to go for it. The more Devs the better.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 16, 2017
I think it's like anything though. If you're going to try to make an income on these games you need to be diversifying. There are plenty of just as scary things about going into a more traditional business. You need to provide a product that people value enough to keep paying for. And you need something to fall back on. You're right, most indie devs aren't going to make enough to support a whole family, especially not on their first title. But if they keep at it, put out quality work, build a fanbase, and diversify, it's possible to make a stable living as an adult game dev.

When I say diversify, I mean that they shouldn't limit themselves to their one game a year. It would be far more profitable to work with other devs and build games together. Split what you're taking in on all of them, learn from them, and maybe work with them again in the future. Work a part time job while you're making a name for yourself. In my case, after I've put out a few games I might take the time to also write a novel on the side.

Is being an indie dev a safe career choice? No, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth pursuing if you're passionate about it and skilled. I think it would be great if more of us could take the opportunity to do this.
If the passion is there, the skill is there, and you partner up, I can see it being a possibility... A lot of factors come into play though... Like any type of art related job, it would take some experience and success to make it a full time thing, without some financial stability before hand... But it's very possible to make it a career, if your lucky... I think it's the monumental vastness of things that have to come together just right that probably scares more people from trying... Especially solo...


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
This is exactly me. As of a few days ago I started working with a guy on making my first game. I've already got the first "demo" release written and I'll be getting on with the story while he's prepping the art. In a few months I hope to have most of the project written, and only be waiting on the art to follow. Ren'Py is surprisingly simple to work with and there is a great community here that is more than willing to help anyone with questions. Seriously, if you have a story in mind and the drive to complete it I'd ask you to go for it. The more Devs the better.
I find that the best way to go into this type of project, there are several ways to begin:

A - Write the whole story up front, which takes some time...
B - Write up a complete story syllabus beginning to end, fill in the details later during production, which shortens pre-production but lengthens over all production by a small bit...
C - Write up a story bible, which also shortens pre-production, helps with continuity on sequels, but greatly increases production time...
D - Use a mix of A - C

I would never start production without having an idea of story stuff from beginning to end, in some format... And story boarding would also help when partnered with an artist to give them a general idea of each scene setup... Even if it's just stick figures... :p Think of it like a movie production (sorry, took a movie production class as an art credit back in high school, way back when)...