Would you make a porn game if you could ?

Would you make a porn game if you could ?

  • Yes, but only as a hobby

    Votes: 165 47.7%
  • No, I wouldn't even if I could

    Votes: 16 4.6%
  • Yes, as a full time job, but I wouldn't tell anyone about it

    Votes: 106 30.6%
  • Yes, as a full time job and I would be open about it

    Votes: 59 17.1%

  • Total voters


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I find that the best way to go into this type of project, there are several ways to begin:

A - Write the whole story up front, which takes some time...
B - Write up a complete story syllabus beginning to end, fill in the details later during production, which shortens pre-production but lengthens over all production by a small bit...
C - Write up a story bible, which also shortens pre-production, helps with continuity on sequels, but greatly increases production time...
D - Use a mix of A - C

I would never start production without having an idea of story stuff from beginning to end, in some format... And story boarding would also help when partnered with an artist to give them a general idea of each scene setup... Even if it's just stick figures... :p Think of it like a movie production...
Oh, my story is a pretty basic romance with a dark origin, I have the syllabus laid out, just filling in the blanks with character development. It'll be 2-3 months before we have the art ready for the first release, so I've got plenty of time to finish what I've started, or at least get really far ahead.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 4, 2017
And regardless of donation method, there is still no guarantee of steady money over a long period of time... Again, all donation systems are basically someone paying you a tip... And if you are trying to support a family on said income, it becomes less and less a reality for most developers... And in this mostly hobby/amateur based industry, it is not the norm to get paid high amounts of money, enough to live on... Of course, that is also subject to the place you live... Since money varies in actual value from one place to another...
What guarantees are there in life? I mean seriously, I'm loosing my job next month because the company I'm working for didn't get the contract with their customer extended. So my contract get's automatically cancelled. So even though I had a full time job, it's over next month. Where are the guarantees in that? :) There are none ;) And I don't need any. If you want guarantees, well there is only one, we'll all die one day. That I can guarantee :) So, I'm currently working on a game, it started out as a small hobby and by now it's some kind of a side job. Eventually it will get to a full time job, or not. Doesn't really matter either way, what matters is that I'm trying to put effort into whatever I'm doing as long as I'm doing it. If people like what I'm doing and pay me some money for it that's nice and everything, if they don't do it then they don't ;) It's not something you or I can force upon them. :) And it's not something that matters in regards to my determination and in regards to if I keep it up or not.

Well but back to topic now :)

Yes I'd make a porn game (I'm already doing it) and except for my children everybody knows about it. I'm not shy about it. Why should I? It's not like it's something bad. I'm not hurting anyone with what I'm doing. ;) There are a lot worse things and jobs in life. So I voted for: "Yes, as a full time job and I would be open about it"
It was always a dream of mine to create computer games, well it didn't have to be porn/erotic games but I don't mind that either. And I can just encourage anyone who is thinking about it to just give it a try. Nobody says you have to go and do that full time, but if you have a great story in mind, are a good artist or a great programmer, just give it a try. The worst thing that can happen is you don't "earn" anything with it, but even then you'd gather experience and make some nice friends along the way *shoutout to the Dev Hub* :) The best thing that can happen is that the players love your game and throw you some bucks, but you should always have in mind that it can be over quite fast (like with everything in life). So try not to spend everything at once and if you have a full time job as well then try to use the money you get from your game to improve your assets, like the Rendering machine and so on... everything that's left after you upgraded should be put to the side for bad times. Or if you want to hire someone later on so that you can pay them. ;) Well there are many things to consider, in these cases but just try it. Go at it with the mindset: I won't get a buck out of it, but at least I'll get an audience that enjoys what I'm doing (Well some don't enjoy it that should also be considered.... :D )


Oct 17, 2017
So my question is, if you had the skills, would you consider making a porn game ?
would you do it as your main job ?
would there be a moral issue for you ?
I would make games in general, adding sexual content gives it that extra oomph. As far as skills goes, I went in with very little to no knowledge, but that didn't stop me from pursuing game development. I'm not talking about the skills to use Daz, Ren'py, but to use UE4, 3D modeling/sound/texture application. Still in the mist of learning all of that, and boy oh boy is it a frustrating and rough road.

As far as it being my main job, still far from my reaching. But yes.

As far as moral issue goes, yes and no. Yes because I wouldn't implement touchy subjects merely because the world can't differentiate virtual from reality. No because I understand the difference and could careless what goes into the virtual world. (Don't bring the virtual to the real world; bad stuff happens) If the world was on the same page, and can understand the difference, my morals would be out the window, the virtual world I would construct would be abnormal.
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Jun 11, 2017
My answer would be Yes, but only as a hobby. I have a proper full-time job that pays the bills and monthly rent.

I don't planned on making a living out of producing porn games because I know it will be a very tough career. Considering the limitation and guidelines you have to follow with Patreon. As well as the controversial topics like Incest, Bestiality, S & M are taboo and very restricted. Also coding is a very stressful work unless you understands the whole coding part.

Nonetheless, making a porn game seems exciting and fun. I have a lot of ideas and writing is my forte. I do planned on taking art class to get visual ideas for character designs. I don't like Daz3D so much because it's a little lazy to reuse the same character model over and over again. Look at some games here and you can see the exact same clothes, the same face, the same hair. It's just lazy and dull.

If I'm going to create an adult game, I will go the extra mile in polishing gameplay, story and characters. And I will do it mostly for free since it's just a hobby. I'm not bound by anyone nor do I want to make empty promises.


Apr 25, 2017
Hahahaha... And that's why I make my little games. I Lack coding Skills. The more I force myself to write my own code, the better I get over time.

I used to be scared of code like it was some sort of secret that few have access to. Like you had to be some sort of super genius. Following tutorials, those first few weeks were scary as hell thinking I had to get it just right. Now, I just look at the APIs and write my own code based on what I need it to do and see what happens. If it doesn't work I rework the code.

Now, Things are working more often than not and I am not scared of code no more.

For reference. I started about 9 months ago with coding. Now I don't know why it took me so damn long to start.

the I have no skills is a terrible crutch. All skills have to be learned somehow. Why not now.
I completely agree with you lol. Skills have to be learned. Im not using my lack of skills as a crutch just a simple explanation as to why I couldnt make game lol.
If I had to desire to learn coding Id probably try a little harder to actually learn it :p
But ive taken a look at it coding before, my ex brother in law knew a bit of coding and was like "here let me show you" but he was a terrible teacher and I had absolutely no idea what was going on. If anything it just scarred me from attempting to learn anymore cuz that shits basically another language
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I completely agree with you lol. Skills have to be learned. Im not using my lack of skills as a crutch just a simple explanation as to why I couldnt make game lol.
If I had to desire to learn coding Id probably try a little harder to actually learn it :p
But ive taken a look at it coding before, my ex brother in law knew a bit of coding and was like "here let me show you" but he was a terrible teacher and I had absolutely no idea what was going on. If anything it just scarred me from attempting to learn anymore cuz that shits basically another language
Ren'Py uses python, its really not all that difficult, in fact, I'll show you the most difficult part of the code for my game.

if AlexanderLust >= 5 and AlexisLust >= 5:
        "He watches her a moment, a smile on her face brings the same to him. She seems peaceful, content."
        "Alexander climbs into bed and puts his arm around her waist."
            "go to sleep":
                $ AlexanderRomance += 2
                $ AlexisRomance += 2
                jump morning
    elif AlexanderLust >= 5 and AlexisLust < 5:
        "On her face is a pained expression. She tosses and turns as if having a bad dream, he climbs into bed and pulls her tight."
            "go to sleep":
                $ AlexanderRomance += 1
                $ AlexisRomance += 1
                jump morning
        "Alexander shakes the thoughts from his mind and climbs into bed facing away from her."
        jump morning
This is the most difficult thing in writing my game. The menu: command makes the quoted line below it show up as a clickable option, the $ are variables that I am adding to, and the jump command takes us to the next label, which is as simple as label morning:.

I put all of this inside a simple conditional statement, if, elif *shortened from else if, and else, meaning that if the variable I state is either greater than or equal to the number I set, then this happens, else if the variables are here then this happens, else none of the conditions are met, this happens.

Some games have more complex things happening in them, for instance, Dreaming of Dana has to build its own UI and Map that functions to your click, but those things aren't necessary for making a good game. Ptolemy's other project, Intimate Relations, doesn't even have these things anymore, though he does have cooler buttons for his menus than I do.

edit: I'm glad I posted this because I saw a redundant condition in there that I was able to remove.
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Active Member
Jan 23, 2019
I'd just copy Rogue-like and just make it all about Raven and that milf mom of hers.

I really wish I had some skill...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
10 thousand renders, 10 thousand lines of code, 10 thousand lines of dialogue...think about how long it would take to do all of that. Probably a few thousand plus hours of work, right? So I think time is the biggest limiter, followed by skill, then money. Most people could manage basic code, but not all could build out a new UI system for a game. Most people could manage basic renders, but not all could manage good skin textures, natural looking body morphs, expressions and poses. And most could compose basic lines of dialogue, but not all could string it together to sound good.
For money you have to be able to afford to quite likely take time off work, and also to have a decent render box once you're under deadline pressures. You might need money to hire an expert to do some of the work, such as a decent animator, or someone to compose some short musical pieces.


pure evil!
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
it's funny how people always see the few big money makers but almost never notice that the majority of devs never even hit the $500 mark.
The biggest problem isn't even skill, it's dedication, the amount of time you invest is much more than anyone would be willing to do for a normal job and that basically just for fun and in your free time because in 99% of all cases you won't make much money for several months or even years.

Droid Productions

[Love of Magic]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
yes :)

I started out doing it very silo'ed from my normal life, but with Paradise Lust and working with Chase, I forgot that his idea of information security is "I restrict facebook spread to "friends of friends"...that's secure, no?".

Since then I've been willing to share it with friends. The reaction most of them give is "Can I have a steam-key, please?". The world has more perverts than you'd imagine.
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Aug 29, 2020
Part of me would not mind it as a job if it paid well...though I do not have any talent in drawing or programing, and I doubt writers are in huge demand.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I'm planning to do it as a hobby initially whether I make money at it or not. If I make enough money at it to actually pay the bills then I would definitely consider quitting my job and doing it full time even if it's a pay cut compared to my real job. To me the idea of being my own boss and doing something I actually like every day would be worth taking a pay cut for as long as I still made enough to cover my bills.

Unfortunately right now I don't have a computer that meets what I would consider the minimum specs for rendering and don't really see anyway to resolve that without spending a ridiculous amount of money for hardware that should cost a LOT less if there wasn't such a problem with supply. I'm kind of leaning towards using placeholder images for now and just developing mostly story, dialog, and code with minimal visuals until I can actually upgrade to something usable for rendering. From what AMD, Intel, NVDIA, and TSMC have said publicly though, it sounds like I won't be able to actually upgrade until 2023 at the earliest. Frustrating to say the least.

I wouldn't tell anyone what I was doing though. Not because I was ashamed of it or anything but because I know I'd have to deal with a barrage of criticism about it. I would just tell people I'm retired and have a hobby that occupies a lot of my time and am living off of my investments.
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Sep 23, 2017
Sure, noone else would make my dream game. Of course, I know myself well enough that I'd never complete it either, since there's too much I'd try to put in there at once. Only as a hobby, tho. I hate putting the pressure of money on things I put my heart into, and the harder I try to do something - the less fun I tend to end up having.


Jul 25, 2018
I can write and I'm a good idea'man'. However, I'm shitty when it comes to art and I don't have a home set up to keep it all separate from my family.


May 11, 2019
Yes & I would love to do something a little out of the box like a two-in-one:

1. A Ren'Py game for the story
2. A FM2K game for a 2D fighting game

It would follow the Ren'Py game as a way to introduce the characters & produce a story then play a basic fighting game with the FM2K engine like My Little Pony: Fighting Is Magic (I'm not a bronie) so you could fight it out using the characters from the VN. It would be a good way to bring interest into the VN as well & prepare viewers anticipate future characters in the story game that haven't been released yet.

Like how awesome would it be to play a sexy, action packed game with a lot of fighting & then play fight in a basic fighting game after completing it? It would be badass!

Even a regular Ren'Py game would be fun. I have the writing skills, the imagination & the time but I lack other certain skills, finances & a decent enough PC to actually do it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
No, if I would be a Billionaire I would just hire a few Teams to make Games for me.
Mar 28, 2017
I think for me, like everything I do, its a confidence issue that presents itself. I'm not confident I can do it well, not whether I can do it or not.
Yeah sure I can produce something, but I want to be able to make something I can be proud of. Of course I'd have a dream game to build, but I'd want to do some hard work on that which pushes it from just some hobby into the passion project territory.

Then I get it in my head that I'm very easily burnt out on a lot of things I do anyway, the only thing capable of keeping me in it is if I can fulfill what I want out of it.

I am starting conceptual stuff for development to see if I can really get in that and work it, but I have a lot of things to do before I'm even close to want to release anything outside of my personal space.

I really admire some of these developers for bucking up and releasing their builds before they finish.

Umbra Nensei

May 12, 2021
I sure would, but I know the extent of time I would have to spend learning everything I'd need to know, let alone the time needed for the development itself. Which maybe wouldn't be that big of a deal, if there weren't other things I intend and need to learn still.

Succubus Hunter

Conversation Conqueror
May 19, 2020
Not accounting for the hard work that goes into learning the skills and actually doing the work, I would love to make h games. For one, the community is great and I would love to become a pillar of it. For another, there are not nearly enough games that cater to girl on guy boxing. I would like to create something that would be a cross between Dream Knockout 2 and Megaman.

Not only could this be a good way to make money, it could also be a way to help build the coed fighting community.