Would you make a porn game if you could ?

Would you make a porn game if you could ?

  • Yes, but only as a hobby

    Votes: 165 47.7%
  • No, I wouldn't even if I could

    Votes: 16 4.6%
  • Yes, as a full time job, but I wouldn't tell anyone about it

    Votes: 106 30.6%
  • Yes, as a full time job and I would be open about it

    Votes: 59 17.1%

  • Total voters

Succubus Hunter

Conversation Conqueror
May 19, 2020
I have everything I need. A powerful laptop. Freedom and money. Knowledge of programming and mathematics. The ability to draw by hand and in various programs. The ability to write stories. There is a wild fantasy.

The only thing I don't have is luck. Everything I undertake in life is a fiasco. Don't underestimate your luck.
You sound like you are in an ideal position to make your own game. If you fail 10 times, you just need to try 11 times. If you made a game, what would yours be like?


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
10k a month??
Yeah sure. I'd love to make easy money. Maybe I'll try to make a game too :LOL:
In reality, it's less than 1% of devs who make that much.
-platform fees
That's more likely like 6-7k for you. If you're from something like Sweeden, that's a ~50% tax cut.
Congratulation. You're that 1% who worked hard to earn that much. If you're working alone. Probably devs who make that much employ someone to help them with either coding, writing scripting, or art cutting total earning by /2 or /3 if it's a bigger team.

~50 out of 4300 creators listed on grapheon make that much.

Most are under 1k/month. Only 15% of creators make a somewhat acceptable living out of this. (above 1k $/month).
That's a kind of minimum wage in most modern countries.
Then there's additional cost like I mentioned. Taxes.
How about social securities? Pension? Medical insurance? Extra expenses for codding/art/music/hardware etc?

Doesn't look that appealing now, does it?
It's not a lucrative "business" as some suggest. Average porn game dev succes is == earn as much as a regular paycheck so you can pay your living cost.
If it's the money you're after, it's better to find a regular job with social securities, etc.
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Succubus Hunter

Conversation Conqueror
May 19, 2020
10k a month??
Yeah sure. I'd love to make easy money. Maybe I'll try to make a game too :LOL:
In reality, it's less than 1% of devs who make that much.
-platform fees
That's more likely like 6-7k for you. If you're from something like Sweeden, that's a ~50% tax cut.
Congratulation. You're that 1% who worked hard to earn that much. If you're working alone. Probably devs who make that much employ someone to help them with either coding, writing scripting, or art cutting total earning by /2 or /3 if it's a bigger team.

~50 out of 4300 creators listed on grapheon make that much.

Most are under 1k/month. Only 15% of creators make a somewhat acceptable living out of this. (above 1k $/month).
That's a kind of minimum wage in most modern countries.
Then there's additional cost like I mentioned. Taxes.
How about social securities? Pension? Medical insurance? Extra expenses for codding/art/music/hardware etc?

Doesn't look that appealing now, does it?
It's not a lucrative "business" as some suggest. Average porn game dev succes is == earn as much as a regular paycheck so you can pay your living cost.
If it's the money you're after, it's better to find a regular job with social securities, etc.
Wow, those are some sad statistics :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2020
I've messed around with the basics of game design, and I am absolutely not skilled or qualified to do it at all. However, if I could snap my fingers and change that, I would absolutely do it as a hobby, no question.

As it stands, I'd love to be an unpaid idea man and writer for someone who's skilled with coding and graphics. That I can do, and like a lot of people, I have a lot of ideas. If I could work with someone and be part of what I thought was a good game, that would be really cool.
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Jul 30, 2018
10k a month??
Yeah sure. I'd love to make easy money. Maybe I'll try to make a game too :LOL:
In reality, it's less than 1% of devs who make that much.
-platform fees
That's more likely like 6-7k for you. If you're from something like Sweeden, that's a ~50% tax cut.
Congratulation. You're that 1% who worked hard to earn that much. If you're working alone. Probably devs who make that much employ someone to help them with either coding, writing scripting, or art cutting total earning by /2 or /3 if it's a bigger team.

~50 out of 4300 creators listed on grapheon make that much.

Most are under 1k/month. Only 15% of creators make a somewhat acceptable living out of this. (above 1k $/month).
That's a kind of minimum wage in most modern countries.
Then there's additional cost like I mentioned. Taxes.
How about social securities? Pension? Medical insurance? Extra expenses for codding/art/music/hardware etc?

Doesn't look that appealing now, does it?
It's not a lucrative "business" as some suggest. Average porn game dev succes is == earn as much as a regular paycheck so you can pay your living cost.
If it's the money you're after, it's better to find a regular job with social securities, etc.
I feel like this is a very American view. In most western Europe countries you got a lot of social structures to help you. Like where I live (NL) you can get rent subsidy, healthinsurance subsidy, and several self employed tax reduction options, like your first 10k profit a year as a starting self employed is tax free, etc.

Im not saying it's a smart idea to drop everything and bet it all on making an adult game, but atleast in NL (and I would assume in most European Western countries) you could having a living wage with 1-1.5k income a month.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2018
If i had the ability/knowledge to make a renpy porn game i would AND if that brought me in a good source of income i wouldn't be ashamed to tell people about it.
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Game Developer
Aug 27, 2019
Been toying with the idea for a while and told myself I'd try it when I finish my other projects.
I can slap together a well-enough story and I can probably quickly pick up Ren'Py since I know my way around Python. Got a high-end rig too so rendering wouldn't be a big problem.

Putting in enough hours to be able to sculpt and rig good-looking models? Yeah that's a no. That's way harder than picking up a programming language or learning a module (for me). I guess I could buy the rigged models and modify them a bit. Haven't checked out what ballpark the prices are in yet. Would probably be better to just hire/team up with a 3D artist since new outfits and areas would be needed eventually.

Other than that, would do it without question. Hotwife stuff, home harem. Would be very on-the-rails in regards to player decision making. No sense in overreaching first time around.

If i had the ability/knowledge to make a renpy porn game i would AND if that brought me in a good source of income i wouldn't be ashamed to tell people about it.
I'd never tell anyone. I'd even have to hide it from my gf. Because of the kinks. Not so much the 3D porn. I'm weird.
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Dec 22, 2018
I think the opening statement is problematic. Yes some people make big bucks. Mostly people who got in on the ground floor. But many new projects don't get anything even if they are of higher quality then said older stuff. In a lot of cases I think people just forgot they were even paying for it.

There is always some thread on here with people believing they have the next big money making idea for adult games. But 99% fail to even get far enough to have any real content.

I think the only way you should create something is for fun. If you're doing it with the idea of making big bucks forget it!

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Some of us don't make lots of money. It's a risk one take making a game. It's A LOT of hours of work. If you don't make a vanilla type game then be prepared.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
I feel like this is a very American view. In most western Europe countries you got a lot of social structures to help you. Like where I live (NL) you can get rent subsidy, healthinsurance subsidy, and several self employed tax reduction options, like your first 10k profit a year as a starting self employed is tax free, etc.

Im not saying it's a smart idea to drop everything and bet it all on making an adult game, but atleast in NL (and I would assume in most European Western countries) you could having a living wage with 1-1.5k income a month.
I did not say it's not viable. But it's a lot of work and very risky.
Some think it's easy 5-10k/month. Forget about it. :LOL:
It's 1-2% creators and probably a good portion are frontiers in this scene. Projects from 2016-2018


Aug 10, 2018
If I could start all over again, I would skip the "rendering in DAZ Studio" part and go straight to Blender. Or I would just create a game in a 3D realtime game engine.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2020
If I could start all over again, I would skip the "rendering in DAZ Studio" part and go straight to Blender. Or I would just create a game in a 3D realtime game engine.
I only know the VERY basics of everything, but the few games I've played where the dev used Blender are amoung the most beautiful I've seen. As a layman, it looks to me like it might be the way of the future.


Aug 10, 2018
I'm not that well experienced in Blender myself, but the fact that I can play animations without skipping frames is the main reason why I suggest animating in Blender over Daz Studio.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
Just found this thread. Tossing in my penny and saying that I'm mostly an ideas person since I have zero skill in games development and some rudimentary proficiency in 3D modelling. If I have the means, the drive and the financial security to even attempt making one as a hobby, I would.

As it stands, those ideas are just thoughts in my headspace.


Sep 9, 2021
Yeah - had I the knowledge for such an endeavour, I would make a porn game, absolutely. I have a bunch of characters I could use (only in writing form - no pictures yet), so yeah. I think I would.


Dec 2, 2019
There's a lot of people on here that think they don't have the experience necessary. I don't think experience REALLY matters, if you're willing to put in the time to learn a little bit. Time is the biggest obstacle, at least for me. I don't want to downplay creating a game, but you can learn the basics of how to do it in a few hours. Of course, creating a good game is a lot harder.

I don't know if anyone cares, but here's my story in case anyone can use me for inspiration:
I'm not a super successful, big developer, but I am making a little game called "My Sister, My Roommate" and people seem to like it. I downloaded my first modern porn game (Big Brother) over the summer and was hooked! Prior to that, I didn't know there was a market for games like this since Leisure Suit Larry stopped making games. After seeing what the market was looking like, and playing ALL the games available, I thought that I could create one of these games, and I started doing some research. I had zero experience in 3D Modeling and my last experience programming anything was Visual QBasic in a high school computer class in the late 1990s. I had no idea what Ren'py was. I have always been a creative person though, and do enjoy learning new hobbies. About two months after I downloaded Big Brother, I released the first demo of my game. It took about 3 weeks to actually create the demo, working on it for an hour or two a day - some days more, some days less. Before that, I spent a week or so learning what I would need to know to make a game and outlining what the plot of my game would be.

As far as the personal stuff: I work full time, make decent money, and I'm happily married. My goal isn't to replace my job and never has been, although some extra income is always nice. My wife knows about my hobby and supports it. I used to play video games for a couple hours a night, now instead of playing video games, I'm creating one. A couple of my close friends know about my game and have given me some ideas for plot lines. But for the most part I don't broadcast it out to my friends and certainly not my family. Maybe if my game got big I would, but right now, there's no need to.

You don't need a beast for a computer, either. I'm making my game on a computer I originally built in 2012. I updated the GPU to a 1070 about a year or so ago, but other than that, it's all 6 year old parts, so you don't need anything amazing, although rendering would be faster with a better machine.

Feel free to ask me any questions if you have any. I'm still very much learning as I go, but I'm really enjoying this hobby.
How did you balance milestones or expectations in terms of your games development with your real life responsibilities. I find it really hard and wonder what advice you have. For example, how were you able to stay satisfied with the progress you were making in your game, while not being able to dedicate all your time to it. Obviously it probably took longer then you expected. How did that impact your development and burn out.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2017
I feel like this is a very American view. In most western Europe countries you got a lot of social structures to help you. Like where I live (NL) you can get rent subsidy, healthinsurance subsidy, and several self employed tax reduction options, like your first 10k profit a year as a starting self employed is tax free, etc.

Im not saying it's a smart idea to drop everything and bet it all on making an adult game, but atleast in NL (and I would assume in most European Western countries) you could having a living wage with 1-1.5k income a month.
So basically you want to live off other peoples hard earned paychecks/taxes to subsidize your living expenses so you can sit on your ass and make porn games........

Would I make a game, yes.
Have I, yes.

It's actually not fun, being on the dev side of almost anything is simply not any fun because there's no suprises, no thought provoking twists in story because you know everything. Same with regular game development (I've not done this but have spoken with people who have). When it becomes a "job" it quickly becomes unfun.

random Crow

Game Developer
Apr 4, 2019
There is a german slang, which basically says: No master has fallen from the sky, yet.

6 years ago I started basically with 0 knowledge in any aspect: animations, drawing, programming... (which perfectly reflects in my first game :LOL:)
But I really wanted to make a game!
So I just started at some point!
I gathered knowledge via youtube and about half a year later I felt ready to work on a game.

I love(d) playing hentai games myself, which was a big motivation point. I also highly value the freedom of how I wanna do my work, cause there are no bosses that haste me around and leave me in the dark.

And yeah, my income grew veeery slowly, but also very steadily.
In the end I am happy that I can do something that makes people happy.


May 15, 2021
I know how to make a game in renply, as that's simple enough. Tried to make artwork with Daz, but that's so complicated, so I tried using real images on renply but it just looks shit, as you need to find horizontal 1080p pictures for every scene you want to convey.

Props to all the developers, you guys/gals are so talented.


New Member
Mar 12, 2021
I'm trying to do so right now.

I already write furry commissions, mostly (But not entirely) porn for a living. Been living off of this since march and dipping my toes in game creation to try both to create something new than just a written story and teach myself some new skills at the same time. A steady revenue stream so that I could continue doing stuff like this than I enjoy rather than being forced into slave labor at Mcdonalds till Covid kills me again like i used too.