VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B4] [Braindrop]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I really appreciate that you can be nice to everyone.

    The character models are cute but I think the slider work is a bit overzealous here. Nothing wrong with smaller things...

    The story is of course unbelievable since this is a harem game, but within those constraints it works well and again, being able to be nice to people and affirm them is a good feeling.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Fucking hell. Read people calling this "a nice shut-down the brain and wank" game. If this is shutting down your brain, I don't want to know how dull these people are when their brains are working. Don't get me wrong, the game is not really trash, but the writing definitely is. The game is just so tedious to read and play through. I've given it as much chance as I possibly can at this point. It's just got so bland with some of the dumbest decisions i've seen. It had a ton of potential for a first few updates but has neither lived up to that potential nor come close. It's all gone downhill. Just check other games on this site. There's enough for a lifetime.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Dialog always goes on too long. Feels like 50% of it is just making appointments. Every trivial conversation needs to be mentioned at least 3 times before it actually happens. Not to mention the mc gets ganked 10 times on the way to doing everything, sometimes by more people just saying they need to talk to him later. Scene structure needs to have a purpose and direction, it can't be all over the place like this. The constant interruptions really wear you out after a while and you start just skipping chunks of dialogue because you can pretty much tell how it goes. However, there's always one or two interesting characters you want to stop to listen to, in part due to the infinitely expanding cast (for which screen time is its own huge problem).

    Mandatory hug intermission while the mc leans his face into 15 different people's shoulders.

    Everyone's faces also seem frozen in this perpetual, plastic, duck-faced smile that never fades even when they're upset. Upper lips look weird on every single kiss, which happen a lot, and it's extremely distracting. No facial expressions, not many different angles. Renders are otherwise pretty good, but animation is stiff at worse and slow at best.

    Despite all that, it's surprisingly easy to get into. Hell, it's kept me around for this long. Maybe because nothing ever goes wrong and life is perfect and everything is going to be alright. That might not make for a meaningful story, but it sure is enough to forget life for a while. Can't jack off to it tho
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    For some reason I had high expectations going into this game.

    But after playing I can say this game prioritized quantity over quality.
    Had it scaled down a bit on the content to provide high quality animations and better dialog it would have been a 5/5 game.

    Even with its short comings it still beats the majority of games on this site. How ever it cannot count itself among the best.

    Edit: After some more consideration I'm lowering my score by 1 star. I can understand that some people would find a 20+ something harem compelling. But in my case, it just prevented me from having any connection to the characters, as there is simply no space to have proper character development with that amount of characters.

    All the characters end up feeling too similar to each other because of this. And although some might appreciate the lack of jealousy between the women. With no further explanation why this is the case, it makes it feel that much more unrealistic. Of course a lack of realism doesn't have to be bad persee, but considering the lack of character development, having some jealous characters would have actually been good to keep the story from getting stale.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    it's nice to hang out in a world where problems are solved and everyone has got a pretty positive outlook. playing this is like watching an old timey sitcom where everything resolves happily in 30 minutes. the game is not perfect, but it is infectiously endearing. cynicism and hopelessness don't exist here. compared to other games that have the heroine sucking people off in an alley to pay for rent or medical bills within the first five minutes, this is a welcome and wholesome change, which is definitely unique among adult games. and no i still don't know what w.v.m. stands for.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Such an amazing game and story! I can really get into the plot - it's not just about sex, which is great. Don't get me wrong, I love the sex, but the game is great as a whole. Can't wait to play more!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Every wanted to go back to freshmen year of college and be a harem owner?

    Incredible game that I would recommend to absolute anyone. Play it with lube locked and loaded. Perfect! The option to chose between trans and f was a really creative touch.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I have no idea why people keep fangirling over this VN. Is a crappy harem romance with some drama all it takes for people to crazy about it?

    For starters MCs personality can be summed up with one word BLAND.
    He's boring and plain. There honestly should be an option to choose how his personality should develop.
    His personality is too "perfect". he is a goody-two-shoes mommas boy which is annoying and it makes it hard for players to relate to the MC since imperfections is what makes us human. he needs flaws he need some anger issues that are normal in his age.

    He is always fussing and worrying when it comes to the girls, for every small little thing, like some mother hen. I get it, but there should be a limit.

    The girls personalities so far is plain with very little variation.

    I get the feeling that dev wants to portray the MC like some sort of Mary Sue who is too "perfect" to stand up for himself, hes pretty much a doormat.
    I suppose people like that considering how many rate 4-5* on this.

    Renders arent bad, theyre pretty good in fact.
    but that doesnt make up for the flaws that this VN has.

    This VN has the potential to become something much more, but the dev is currently ruining that potential rather brilliantly.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my all-time favourite Visual Novel. I absolutely love the characters and story.
    It can be quite ridicolus at times because the main character is absolutely perfect in every way and everybody loves him. If you care about realistic stories this might not be for you but if you can look past that you'll have a great time.
    The renders are of excellent quality as well.

    P.S trans Shauna is the only option, fight me
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I love this game.

    The renders are amazing. There's a shit-ton of different characters and you can pretty much bang all of them. They sometimes look a bit weird, depending on the angle or the lighting, but it's not that much of a problem.

    It's not perfect, though, but that's ok.

    The story's pretty absurd. The MC is impossibly perfect, everything works out no matter how improbable it may be and there's really not much of a variation in it. There's just one main story that arches slightly a bit depending on whether you want to have a sex scene or not, but it quickly goes back to the same path. And it's clear that there's a set path you should take (i.e.: you're meant to build up a harem, have Shauna be trans...)

    The dialogues are not really that good either. Every character has pretty much the same kind of demeanor. You've got:
    1. Emotional teenage girl​
    2. Horny MILF​
    Every character has at least a 90/10 ratio on one of those archetypes, with a pretty heavy dose of sarcasm in the mix. And they're cheesy as hell. Half of the scenes are an exchange of "I love you" between the MC and his girls.

    And despite these flaws, I've blasted through this game in the last few days. The story might make no sense and the dialogues can pretty corny, but it's also heartwarming as f*ck. After so many games in this site that involve rape, humilliation or any other not-so-nice content, seeing something that's so sugary balances it out for me.

    If I'm being honest, the thing that bugged me the most was the MC's sudden shrinkage of penis. I feel the monster cock in the first chapters might much more sense. I mean, if you're going for a character that has next to no flaws, just go all the way and keep him as an inhuman sex beast.

    It's one of those games that isn't perfect, maybe it's not even good (or at least as much as some of the others), but you can't deny that there's a lot of heart behind it. If you let it, it'll get to you.

    Also, it has like a shit-ton of content, and it's only v0.10.0.1 beta. I can't wait for a full-version.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoy that this game delineates from the typical jealous girlfriend trope. Where you have to hide everything from her and hope for the best.

    The animations are pretty, but nothing groundbreaking. The story is pure male fantasy, but that's not a bad thing. It knows what it is and sticks to it.

    Game Mechanics are 9/10 in that dialogue doesn't disappear during the sex scenes. They narrate things on screen that you can see happening. Which is pointless, because you can see it.

    I'm glad you have the option of trans, but if you turn it off it kills the story, because most of these characters revolve around their tedious insecurities and it skips all dialogue related to the trans.

    I'm not sure if you'll be able to romance Skye, but if so I hope you have the options of choosing her pronouns.

    I'm taking 1 star off because of the lack of Milf loving. You can tease your stepmom a lot, but nothing has come of it. The lack of Soundtrack. It doesn't have to be moaning, but silence is eerie. and the blatant lack of a gallery. needs a gallery.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Story - The story is well written and engaging even though it is quite long the game fly by due to how enjoyable it is.
    Renders - The Renders are amazing, High quality All characters are extremely well dome no corners cut.
    Characters - The characters are lovable and evoke emotion you feel like apart of the story.
    Bugs - I have not experienced any bugs
    Grammar - I noticed no major spelling or grammar errors game is well done.
    Content - For the game being not complete. there is lots of enjoyable content
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It has everything great. Only reason I am giving 4 stars instead of 5 is because there are too many dialogues, too many, so much that it irritates some times. Also, the progress is a bit slow. Anyway, still it is good game, must play.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewed Dec 25 2021 : Version

    The MC is a high school basketball megastar, and he commits to going to the worst D1 college so he can stay with his best friend and girlfriend. WVM is a hot mess of overambition and mediocre results. Let's discuss that.

    The renders are weird. Individually, from many angles, the many girls are cute. When you get several together, which happens nearly all the time, the issues become apparent. It almost feels like every girl is a modified version of the same base model, because they all have the same high cheekbones, exaggerated large eyes, strong chin and jawline, and most memeably, excessive duck lips even when they are completely relaxed. Many of the girls feature obnoxiously large breasts and asses as well. They aren't unattractive, but they are repetitive and the identical prominent features being present in every girl are obnoxious and make otherwise attractive girls seem banal and trite. Finally, every scene starts and ends with a kiss and a hug. The number of "hair sniffing" renders I have seen while playing WVM is greater than the sum from every other game I have ever played. The sex scenes are good enough, but they do not completely redeem the flaws.

    The writing is mediocre. It's not the worst I've ever seen, it didn't come off like a machine-translated ESL fest, and it also wasn't full of typos or mistakes like other games. With that said, it's not good, either. There is an overabundance of punctuation marks, ellipses and triple exclamation marks are regular occurrences. The biggest issue however is that every character speaks with the same voice. The writer has written every single character as if they are a high school sophomore, still coming into their own skin, still defining themselves. The girls who are meant to mastermind running a charity that runs the university, and the teachers, and the basketball coach and athletics advisor, and the nurse? They all have the same word choices and speech patterns as the freshmen students who are unsure of themselves and in awe of the basketball star who is gracing their presence. It's easy to just skip through much of the dialogue as well because there is just so god damn much of it. Everything is a long, drawn-out conversation with five people, where the MC has to reassure all of them individually, and then they all hug. It's a giant pot of white rice: it's not bad on its own but when there's so much of it and nothing else interesting going on, you start to hate it.

    The plot is where things come to a head. It's an absolute fucking train wreck. There are no redeeming points here. The plot is insane while trying to convince you that it is totally serious. It is not trying to come across as tongue in cheek and over the top, it is trying to be a serious character drama. The biggest issue, of many, is that the main character must have some special time dilation superpower that is not addressed because, my god, he does more in an average day than I do in an average month. This massively accelerates the second issue: everything that happens has to be more insane and over the top than the thing that happened previously. The writer figured out at one point that stories, in general, rely upon increasing the tension and stakes to engage the audience and increase their investment. They have implemented this to a fault. The MC never has a chance to catch his breath, he never takes a break (to be fair, he takes several breaks during the last 20% of the current game, but since he has magic time manipulation powers, despite taking a break and resting he still does the same amount that day), and none of the problems really ever seem to be resolved. They are all bandaid patchwork solutions so that the writer can pull them open the next time he needs to increase the stakes again. Despite all of that, you never feel as if the MC is in real danger. The plot manages to feel like a Disney movie, in that despite terrible things happening and big challenges awaiting the MC, you have no doubt that he will succeed and everything will work out perfectly fine. At no point are you ever concerned for his permanent well-being, and the story suffers from it. Eventually, you get to a point where you are indifferent and apathetic to everything that happens. The MC is given some new insane challenge that no normal person can overcome in a month, but he walks through it relatively unscathed in half an hour while hugging every person he meets. Despite the stakes being escalated, you are less engaged than you were at the start because you know that the MC is actually untouchable.

    Overall, WVM has some nice sex scenes, and the MC's girlfriend has a cuckqueen streak that might be interesting if it was explored more. The writing is tiresome and the plot is insane. If you come into this expecting anything more than a couple of nice renders, you will be disappointed. If you like duck lips and sniffing girls’ hair when you hug them, this is the game for you. I’ve been very direct in my criticisms and have not pulled any punches here. With everything that I’ve said, the game is OK. The dev is clearly investing a lot of effort and heart into the game. WVM is definitely not a bad game, and is worth playing, as evidenced by its overwhelming popularity and resounding financial success. It simply isn’t the pinnacle of the genre, like many of its fans might suggest.

    Rating: C+ (3/5)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I cant believe i had not found this game till now! Major props to the dev on this one. The girls are freaking gorgeous and it looks like the dev went out of his way to make sure there was something in there for everyone. All different chest and butt sizes, races, hair color, body types, milfs, gilfs? (I mean maybe the older nurse has grand kids?), hell they even threw in a trans option!

    Unlike most harem games i have found you are not just cheating on every girl behind there back. The dev did an excellent job actually writing a story, if you want to just mash the space bar and fap you can do that too, but seriously read the story!

    There is so much more that i could say about this game but you should really just go play it for yourself. If you like porn games at all, you will find something in this game for you. So stop wasting your time reading this and go download it already!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite possibly my favorite game discovered on F95ZONE. I enjoyed this game so damned much that immediately after finish the version I was playing, I went to the Dev's Patreon and signed up. I don't want to miss a single update. This game is just THAT GOOD!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Story! Please continue this story by making a sequel as a Sophomore(Season 2), Junior(Season 3), and Senior(Season 4). No need to end it there either. By making it so he enters a Pro-Basketball arena the story can continue through the characters. Having kids, relationships, moving and relocating, etc.

    I know it takes a great deal of work to continue the paths of all the characters involved and of course the renders, but just imagine your following not to mention the record of having the longest continuation of a Great Story and life.

    This is one of my favorite VN's and stories. Great Job and thank you.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    A very polarizing game, for sure. Most either love it or hate it, seemingly.

    I...don't hate it. But, it certainly isn't for me.

    Strictly a harem game, where the MC can do no wrong and seduces every chick within a 2 foot radius. Like, no joke. He is Mr. Steal yo girl personified.

    The character models range from cute to terrifying. Especially the girlfriend (Jamie, I believe?) she's super hot in some scenes and fucking scary looking in others.

    I do enjoy the plot of being a highly-touted athlete. As a sports fan, we need more VNs like that. (VNs that do it well, at least.) However, the attempts to add drama just fall flat, imo. There's no sense of danger in anything, because the MC is so OP that you know he's gonna slap down any would be-villains with his 17 inch dong. (Seriously, what the fuck is up with the MC's dick?)

    As always, I give props to a Dev that has the guts to include (optional) trans content, so points there.

    So many of the characters are so attractive, but the cast is so large that most of the cast are stuck being cameos until it's their turn to get some shine, then back to the shadows, thot.

    Look, it's really not a bad VN at all, I just don't care for harem games, personally. And this one feels especially unrealistic.

    It had so much potential, too.

    2* seems harsh, so I'll go 3*.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, true to its own nature.
    If you like harem games dont mind the 1 and 2 stars reviews since they are from people that clearly dont like harem games, because is somewhat stupidy to complain about the number of woman in a harem game..and yes, there is a large number of women in it and its awesome.
    The story is simple but is good, simplicity its not a bad thing, ppl really have a hard time understanding this.
    About the girls, every person has a taste, so you just need to see the preview images and decide for yourself if you like them or not.
    I dont have any problems with the dialogues, i think they fit the narrative of the game.
    If you should play it?
    Well, the first thing you need to do is to understand the kind of game you like, if you dont like harem games you will proplably give a bad review and its not fair to the game, to the dev or to who is thinking about playing it.
    The second thing is to read the tags and see if they fit your taste for games.
    Dont make any sense you trying this game if you are expecting a Shakespeare level of writing, with some other world level of renders and etc...its no sense, ppl like to complain and like even more to bash the game trying to pose as someone of a greater level of inteligence (yes, we have this kind of ppl here too)
    There is already a good level of sex in the game with some good romance progression, here you will not wait 3 years of "slow burn" A.K.A "milking" to get the good stuff.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Braindrop might have said to someone like me who's sucker of harem theme, "you want harem aa! Wait, I'll give you harem, takes the beer (harem) bottle and pours down your throat, after some time asks 'is that enough buddy' and me shamelessly said, nah bro i want more girl, bring it on".
    Jokes aside, you'll get everything you wished for in harem game. Gorgeous girls of all ages, races, physics. Animations are good enough and pretty much alluring to loose your control (me checks tissue nearby). Some action genre is going on which is something good I'd like to see. All and all excellent game.