VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B4] [Braindrop]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Im not a fan of games where it's just "do you want to have sex with this person"? And repeat repeat. I'm not seeing really any consequences, the story is incredbily boring, and there's just not enough taboos or tantalizing things to make me want to play it any mode other than "fast forward the whole time".

    The models are fine and I like visual novels, but this is straight up average.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I can't really say why but WVM just didn't click with me. One of the things is a very personal matter of things I prefer or don't, and it's the fact that its a full POV game, which is something I dislike. But more importantly it's a matter of character models and their expressions, faces and so on, as they very often have quite strange gestures. If we add the fact that writing is a bit off the top and the story seems to unfold in a bit forced way, it ended up being a game I can't say it's a bad game, but it didn't work out for me.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Mike the Red

    There are four things that I think make adult games worth playing: interesting mechanics, interesting story, interesting camera shots, and a beautiful cast.

    1. Interesting Mechanics - Mechanics are not emphasized here as it's a fairly typical visual novel. This format isn't bad, but it's certainly not new and dazzling either.

    2. Interesting Story - The story failed to interest me. The plot is a, in my opinion, bland harem story, but turned up to fifteen as there are that many (or possibly more, honestly, I lost count) girls/futanari throwing themselves at you as often as possible.

    3. Interesting Camera Shots - Virtually every shot in the game falls into one of two categories. The first consists of the girls pressing themselves against your body as hard as possible while staring straight up at you, whilest you lord over them from colossal height. The second is about four inches from your nose as you, presumably, kneel down to be at eye level with them.

    4. Beautiful Cast - While this is going to be in the eye of the beholder, it's undeniable that the girls have a distinctively cartoonish quality about them, with some features exaggerated to bizarre proportions.

    The combination of 3 & 4 was particularly jarring for me. It seemed as though I was never given an inch of personal space, which was, frankly, claustrophobic. And, combining the extreme closeups with the cartoonish features left me deeply desiring that space. Aesthetically, the few things this game has going for it are the backgrounds and lighting, as it gave me something to focus on other than the cast.

    Ultimately, if you're number one desire is the body-count of your harem, and you don't mind thousands upon thousands of shots from just two camera angles, maybe you can enjoy this game. But, I strongly suggest that everyone else find something else to play.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is incredible. It's so easy to get emotionally invested. The characters are well written and have unique personalities, the drama is intense, and the renders are good. Honestly, it shouldn't be the renders getting you excited. You should already be there from the sexy, emotional roller-coaster. The plot doesn't reveal anything too early, the reveals are all surprising and sensible, and the dialogue reinforces the action.

    Dev needs to keep trusting himself. I finished the available content half an hour ago, and I'm devastated that it's over (for now).

    I still can't catch my breath. I hate VNs. They bore me to tears. I get so frustrated with how bland they are and give up on them completely. This game has turned me around on VNs. I know how good it can get now, and I need to find something else this good. My God, what a masterpiece.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I only spent like 1/3 of the complete Season 1 actually reading, and then just skipped to the end.

    This game’s incredible popularity is nothing short of a miracle - with good advertising and unpicky taste of the masses being a huge help. I can’t see other ways THIS got so popular while being so shallow.

    The Good
    • Visuals - very appealing to the eye, not the most realistic ofc. Female body proportions are done well, female models are mostly unique, no «horse d*ck syndrome» MC. Animations could be better, but definitely a star well deserved.
    Alright, done with the good. Now

    The Bad
    • Relationships. Seriously the dev should enter Human Relationships 101 in his college or whatever, because the amount of bullshit I see on the screen breaks the fourth wall and leaks on your freaking table.
    Let me run this by you. Your cuckquean girlfriend encourages you to fuck everything that moves, including her sister, your “best friend”, and basically every female around you (next up - the mother, the aunt, probably the sister) she even approves that you start a little side family with a cute asian milf by making her pregnant. Anyone who doesn’t have a penis is an extremely vulnerable slut with zero self-respect, anyone who does is either gay (except the MC), Skye mentioned this at some point.

    It’s like the MC is from the Uchiha clan, and every female he sees is affected by the eternal genjutsu and she loses any free will and any other purpose in life other than pleasuring him. I’ve had my share of harem games, but this one is the worst in that aspect.

    Finally, Skye.
    Is it the queer agenda? Mockery?
    A preop/prechem trans with ass/boobs the size of two moons that the MC is trying not to get a stiffy for? I’m rooting for the second option. This can’t be an agenda. It’s too goddamn hilarious.

    If you have couple days that you don’t mind wasting on this eye candy, then you could. Beware though, the candy has a very sweet coating, but on the inside it’s like earwax.

    P.S. This POV cam is also irritating af, basically every female you talk to shoves her face as close to yours as possible. And you’re supposed to be a tall basketball player. Bruh…
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A little corny at times, but a fun game. Great renders, interesting characters, and a good variety. I also really appreciate Penelope and Shauna, Penny in particular. My only complaints are the amount of story literally thrown at you at all times, the proportion of some of the character's anatomy ( seriously, MC is WAY too hung and some of the asses and hips look grotesquely large ) not to mention some of the cringey story elements such as Skye playing at collegiate men's level.

    Don't get me wrong, I like Skye. She's awesome and I hope her and MC get some action, but highschool is where the gendered sports hit a great divide that can't be overcome. WNBA players, the cream of the crop, wouldn't even be able to overcome collegiate male players, but we're supposed to believe Skye can because she's tall and has biceps? Plus, for a transman, she's WAY too feminine. Huge butt, huge boobs, totally hairless, super curvy, even her face is feminine. She's obviously not on testosterone no matter how muscly she is, so I'm curious as to why everyone calls her a 'he'? She's WAY more of a tomboy than a transman.

    But yeah, rant aside: great story, great characters, great art and scenes...just great overall. And Jaimie = #1 virtual waifu. I'm not sure what comes pre-packaged with the renders and what the mods modify, but whoever worked on her eyes and just her face in general is my hero.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I doubt I can say anything that hasn't been said. This game will undoubtedly remain in the adult VN hall of fame It is among the most versatile, dynamic, inclusive, and progressive storylines I've ever encountered.

    I usually devote much more time and energy into reviews for VNs, especially the ones I like, but who's going to read review #505? I sure as shit wouldn't.

    I will say this, after having just caught up on the most recent "chunk" of S2 Ch1 Ep1 :
    • As much as I've enjoyed this game (a shit ton of enjoyment to be had), one thing that I'm just now noticing in S2 is the cartoon-like appearance of the faces. Specifically the characters' mouths and smiles. I'm sure it was always there, but when you go back and forth between different VNs that means different animation styles and assets. It seems to me that an identical - if not very similar - asset is being used for the characters' mouths, and it's...kind of an annoying look. On the MC's original girlfriend it was one thing, but I'm noticing it's present on every single female as of now. It is more exaggerated on some than on others. I may go back at some point and do another playthrough because this game is the bee's knees, but I wanted to call this out because it seems like a lazy element in an otherwise very immersive experience as far as branching storylines and the sheer number of characters involved.
    • I continue to love that every single girl the MC gets involved with has some unique elements to her physique, yet they all have breasts that aren't small. The same applies to their asses, I like that they're each quite round regardless of size.
    • I also like that you get the option to interact with the BBW Gabby. No idea if she becomes a more integral part of any path the MC can take, but this is just plain awesome.

    It goes without saying that I plan to follow this one through to completion, and I earnestly await each update. Stellar writing.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game so much content and great story just wish it had an incest route as would complete the story line can not wait for future updates to see where the story goes. Need more updatee plss :love:
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Standard harem gatherer. A good guy mc with a classic villain antagonist. The game has nice graphics, Big Booties and huge Tits. A good use of your time.
    The bigger downside is a lack of jiggle physics.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is overall a good game. Story does a nice job of wish fulfillment of being a start that's the center of everything. It has maybe the biggest amount of women in a game but with that comes some obvious problems. Some girls are more interesting than others so you gotta wait till it cycles through every other girl to get to ones you like. I was more into the milfs of the game but they don't get that many sex scenes.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a game where you play a dude that's trapped in a relationship. You feel bad about wanting to leave her because you suspect she'll correctly guess that it's because you just can't handle her unsuccessful facial reconstruction surgery due to a previous unmentioned accident.

    The good news is that she gives you the green light to date others, but the bad news is that she's obviously had more of an impact on you than you thought... because before you know it you begin dating girls who were victims of face-first car accidents, muggings that included a bat to the head, and victims of botched plastic surgery. Fortunately, as a young college student you're just horny enough to look past these issues and focus on the important things, like the rest of their bodies.

    Join the MC in his adventure through college as he builds his harem! And as you cheer him on as he charms each girl into bed, you hope that he'll not only reach for the stars... but also for the pillow to cover up what keeps this game from being great.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    The Wizard of Oz

    Wonderful game. Well-designed renders, beautiful characters, the story is also not primitive, the animations are very high quality, different options for passing with different consequences of the choice (there is a variety), there is a lot of content, there is something to "look at". In general, this is definitely an AAA class game to play in rating of games 18+
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Fap-Nation enjoyer

    Bro, some of these people take themselves way tp serious, the game has very good models, Great scenes, it has a story, that for me is 3or3.5/5. Its not the best but is worth reading nd not a bad a many here seem to think it is. But stay true to what u wanted for this game please. This is one i love coming back too, nd now-a-days i see a lot of complaints on, these people are delusional, this is one of the most popular adult games around dont let these apes deter you.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    WVM... aka Duckface - The Game... aka The Hugging Simulator...

    There seem to be two diametrical opposite opinions about this game... many like or even love it... and then there are those who just find it bad and wonder why so many people have a favorable opinion.

    I will say this: if you like a stereotypical power fantasy in which Sex Jesus has 10+ girlfriends or so who are all super duper happy to share the MC, and where the MC's starter virgin girlfriend turns from "let's take things slow" to "you should totally have sex with this character and that character and then some more characters, because you are SOOOOOO awesome and please, also become their proper boyfriend, because you are the second coming" over the course of 48 hours, then WVM may be something you can enjoy!

    But only if you are willing to read tons of inane dialogue about mostly nothing. I eventually got so bored with the chatter that I just pressed the space bar as fast as I could ... and it still took me 15 minutes at times or so before something of note happened. Not just sex, but talking about interactions (dialogue) with the very few characters you may care about.

    In my opinion WVM has few redeeming qualities. The women look weird, almost all of them at least. Virtually everyone has weird joker lips, many characters have huge anime eyes that just look creepy, some of the women have dead eyes and WVM is one of those games that have mostly a first person view, so you get creepy duckface kisses (LOTS of creepy duckface kisses), silly looking tongue kisses (the girls kiss empty air) and you will get a metric ton of first person hugs in this game. Including first person sex which just looks odd.
    A few characters have comically large breasts... but fortunately most potential love interests have more or less realistic body proportions, ranging from petite to curvy, but not comically curvy.

    Starter girlfriend Jamie is the stuff of nightmares though, she is one of the creepiest looking characters in this game and there is no way for you to get rid of her. Her personality is equally creepy, which doesn't help.
    Shauna, the childhood friend (optional trans character if you want to, I disabled that option), is definitely the much less creepy looking and more attractive girlfriend you can have... but unfortunately almost all of her content is shared with Jamie so you mostly get threesomes with them... but no girl on girl action, they just take turns making Sex Jesus happy, even if it is ever so slightly teased here and there.

    The game also wastes substantial amount of time on unromanceable characters because Patreon has strict rules about these things. Now it's not a bad thing per se to have non romanceable female characters in a game, like best friends, or maybe a mother who is just a mother and nothing else. So that's perfectly fine! If they are relevant to a proper plot. But WVM is slice of life for the most part and has no plot to speak of.

    And WVM teases you with the adoptive mother over and over again, at one point the MC is encouraged to have a sexy fantasy about her and to consider making a move on her... then you get the choice to check out her cleavage at one point and there will be LOTS of kisses which "linger longer than is normal" from the adoptive mom. And of course the MC will sleep with her in one bed several times (with some additional girlfriends!), cuddling with her.... and she's one of those patented Milfs who never had a relationship since forever and of course is completely chaste, ready for Sex Jesus to give her a second coming, she only exists for her adopted son.
    But WVM is one of those games that don't have a patch, since the dev never created the game with a patch in mind.
    So all the scenes with the adoptive mother are more or less a complete waste of time, since she mostly exists to tease the player with something that won't ever happen. I believe this is bad form. Bad writing. And just plain nasty.
    Either rewrite the adoptive mom so she behaves like an actual mother that doesn't shower the MC with kisses on the mouth or sleeps in his bed with his many girlfriends... or write her scenes with a patch in mind (and additional renders / animations) that is later provided elsewhere.

    Then there's the MC's sister... for the longest time you will interact with a woman but make zero progress... other than cuddling here and there etc and a few heart to heart talks about boring issues etc... until it is revealed the girl is the MC's long lost sister. The MC has some mild form of amnesia for some reason or so and didn't recognize her all this time before.
    There is nothing wrong about a game with a "normal" family without anything else going on, but once again the game is leading you on and then pulls the rug from under you. It's just annoying.

    One of the few more interesting characters, basketball coach Harper, may or may not be a future love interest... the MC sure does sleep with her (and her daughter whom he is dating...) in the same bed a few times and cuddles with her quite a lot in bed, in addition to all the hugs he always gets from her.
    Harper even eventually tells the MC she loves him and the MC will tell Harper that he loves her as well and then there is a moment where both think about kissing, until they get interrupted (of course)... but including the latest update that's basically it. Maybe the game will treat Harper like the adoptive mother or sister. Wouldn't surprise me. That would be yet another wasted character who is merely meant to tease the player. Or maybe she is actual endgame material.

    But the very slow tease with Harper is more than compensated for with the insane fast action you get with almost any other female in this game.

    After 9 days ingame time the MC has accumulated an impressive harem and has casual sex on the side with several other women.
    In addition to that starter virgin girlfriend Jamie has basically become the MC's pimp over the course of few days.
    And she is borderline psychotic about sharing him with the entire female population on this planet. That girl needs a therapist! Sadly, childhood friend Shauna is more or less exactly the same eventually and wants the MC to make everyone happy.
    You can tell that a man wrote these female characters. They behave like quite a few teenagers (and some adults) may want their women. As shallow sex toys you can have fun with without any consequences. If the game was at least funny... but it isn't.

    What else... I didn't care at all for the character of Jasmine who is in a relationship with a basketball teammate (who's in the closet, a plot that is very reminiscent of that in another extremely popular VN), but the game really pushes Jasmine on you, and you have to deny her path several times... and then she ends up sleeping in your bed with 10 other girls (it's a big bed) at the end of the current update anyway. Even if you reject her every single time. Whatever...

    The game otherwise gives you choices, you can reject every girl and be more or less entirely faithful to your starter girlfriend, if you so choose. I would not recommend it because a boring game then becomes even more pointless and Jamie is just plain terrible.
    She looks weird, she is meant to be cute and heartwarming and supportive, but on the harem path she comes across like a lunatic psycho sharing junkie, that girl really needs psychotherapy! It is not helped by her creepy stares and eternal duckface expression.

    But generally speaking WVM is wholesome. In a somewhat creepy way here and there, not intentionally so, but big anime eyes with creepy stares and duckfaces will do that.

    If I had a choice I would go on a Harper solo route, she's an actual adult and not a teen, she's looks pretty (and more or less normal), and she seems nice. But WVM is not this kind of game.

    What else... the game has no music which is just weird for such a popular project.

    The animations are cookie cutter, you have seen them plenty of times before and other than an option how you want to finish there are no choices really. At least no kinks are forced upon you. One of the many girls tells the MC that he can be rough with her and choke her... but you can then decide not to choke her and be gentle instead, which is also ok for the girl and she won't mind if you don't choke her. Which is always welcome. Nothing worse than forced kinks.

    I find WVM ultimately very baffling. It's a shallow harem game with mostly weird looking women that don't behave like actual human beings. With few exceptions. Harper the coach is ok.
    It's also a game that is VERY misleading about a few characters, it teases the player with them, but unless a completed build / season 1 will retroactively get content that can be unlocked with a patch it's a complete waste of time.

    For me WVM is an exercise in boredem with unending dialogue about mostly nothing interrupted by sex scenes with characters you have almost zero connection with, because everything is so shallow and on the surface. The sheer quantity of love interests and sex partners outside the harem prevents the player from establishing a deeper connection to most characters.
    And one of the very few characters with whom you might form a connection, Harper the coach, has so far almost zero progression on her potential romance route. And the other characters, like the MC's sister, with whom you will spend quite some time as well, are untouchable and off limits, just like the adoptive mom.

    People who expect a VN to have a good story, interesting and good looking female characters who behave somewhat like real human beings, and who also expect a game to have a romance that is not as shallow as a puddle should probably avoid WVM.

    If you are all for almost instant gratification, lots of women to choose from - but maybe not necessarily the women you may want the most! - and tons of dialogue and content... then WVM may be something you can enjoy. It's the most Sex Jesus harem game with psychotic sharing fanatics ever.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a power fantasy which is so unimmersive I really don't understand how people can play it rather than simply watch ordinary porn.

    The MC is literally showered in women, compliments, excells at everything, all women agree to become part of his harem with no effort nor jealousy issues whatsoever.

    Apparently its pretty popular so the audience don't seem to care the slightets about plot or realism nor tension whatsoever. Its just one endless sex scene to the next while talking about how awesome the MC is.

    I kind of feel if you enjoy this kind of power fantasy your real life must be really miserable.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    it's a full porn game because there is a plot, but it doesn't make any sense (from star student basketball player to conspiracies and having a literal princess at home). When MC meets a girl, she will be slept with at some point.

    All the main girls accept that the MC sleep with other girls, threesome (and more-some) are common place, ...

    The girls are not bad but are not beautiful either.
    The sex is quite classical.

    MC is not a jerk at all but he suffers from the "my days are worth 7 of your" and the "I have the stamina of a buffaloo" complex.

    So be warned that this is to fap. Not for any other reason would you play this.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This is definitely the most ridiculous harem game I've ever played.
    If women are hot, this flaw is acceptable, but no, it's full of ugly women.

    Every woman's mouth is a weird curved pout. Many of your familiar Daz models have the same "duck mouth" in this game.

    Compared with the more than 20 women I have seen, MC's own mother is the most beautiful... speechless.
    Because the plot is completely illogical and irrational. So I only rate women for their beauty.

    Even if I use skip all the time, I can't stand it at all.
    The endless harem, women are just playthings, without any personality.
    As long as it's a woman, it's a reserve in the harem. But I really can't accept the developer's aesthetics, so the erotic scenes are not attractive to me.
    An erotic game with no plot and no beauty is shit. Maybe someone loves it, but not me.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game so much content and great story just wish it had an incest route as would complete the story line can not wait for future updates to see where the story goes. I also hope that there will be other games to follow or maybe take this further into a more years or at least beyond what I imagine this will go to.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    the gameis well done.I tried the first versions.I was fascinated by it.As for the story,I give it a 3/5.It is a 5/5 for the caracters as they develp in the story and 5/5 for the graphics ,which are well done.I hope they continue with this VN.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    This game as average graphics. Some of the scenes are really nice, some of them are without any interesting idea. What bothered me a bit was somtimes too long dialogs and irrelevant story lines. For me typical member of average group.