VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B4] [Braindrop]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I loved the VN... YEARS ago.

    But now its only find a new girl for your harem .Fuck her and find a new girl for your harem. NO Story. NO Basketball. And all the girls has the same face...
    Less LI and more story/drama !
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Game started off strong. Then it started slipping a bit. Now it's just a joke. I've been playing it update by update, all the content, and every update just seems worse than the one before it. If you want to enjoy a harem growing at an insane rate to insane size and some mention of hypothetical basketball, play for like an hour. Then stop. Before it starts slipping.

    Latest update (S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 3): Garbage update. We waited all this time for that? You couldn't pay me to play that again. Not only were the facial expressions stretchy and weird, there was more shirtless men than clothed and/or unclothed women. On top of that, it was SHORT it added NOTHING and I want my time back. I wrote more story in 2nd grade with crayons on construction paper in a week than this LONG AWAITED update.

    Visuals of the first half of the game: Decent. 3.5/5.
    Visuals of the second half of the game: Could've done without a lot of them. 2/5

    Story of the first half of the game: Meh. 2/5.
    Story of the 2nd half: 1/5 make it stop.

    Why the 1 star rating? Game is just a cash grab now. 3 years from now Braindrop will have had 12 family members die of gonorsiphaherpecancer, and in those 3 anguishing years he'll have released one more update, probably just like this latest one. Without ever stopping his patreon/subscribstar/onlyfans/ko-fi/whatever else he starts up in that time.

    Updated Review June 17, 2023: I think all the delays and BS was just a smokescreen for the dramatic changes that were being put in. That or he brought people in to continue making the game for him. Either way, new content isn't terrible.

    Updated November 1, 2023: Nevermind, we're back to square one with huge delays, flip-flop reasoning, and milking it for all it's worth.

    Updated January 30, 2024: I don't even play the updates anymore, just see a new release then check the comments to see if it was any different. No. It's not any different. Still a weeks worth of actual work taking several months with 14 missed deadlines and broken promises.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Years ago I thought the game would have potential. But skipping trough it today, it seems kind of cursed how all the people are staring in your face. Maybe less people and more quality in looks would be better? Also stop this staring in your face thing... ICANT
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I couldn't care about any of the characters. I can't say exactly why, the writing was grammatically fine and made sense, and I'm not one of those "anti college game" people, in fact I usually love those.

    I know this isn't terribly descriptive, best way I'd put it is this feels like a renpy AVN made by an AI bot. Like everything that should be there IS there, but it just feels hollow, empty, like procedurally generated.

    And I extend this to everything: The artwork isnt bad, it isnt great, it's just kinda.... there. The way the girls look and talk isn't bad, nor memorable, they're just ...there. I don't remember the animations being great, nor atrocious, they're just ....present.

    Overall, if you're looking for a starter game to introduce yourself to harem-style games, I guess this is fine, and you won't come away thinking it's awful, but you probably wont feel very fufilled either.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    If there is a game to play that will turn you off of the harem theme, this is it. I stopped counting/caring a while ago, but it has to be 30+ women in the harem by now, and not a single one of the smoking hot women have any college guys chasing after them. Most were single their whole lives and saved their cherry just for the MC...the very few that did have a relationship with a guy before, the boyfriend was a closet homosexual. The sex is extremely bland, not a single of the 30+ women have bi-sexual tendencies, and any family relations are off the table even though they're technically a part of the harem :rolleyes:.
    Overall, this is a cautionary tale of what can happen when you cater 100% to the anti NT_ crowd, and how badly the plot is lost when too many women are LI's.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    When I first played the game it seemed to be having potential, but I have not seen any good development since. The game is dull, it has one uninteresting story, and has throughout really bad visual choices.
    The choice to use and abuse of close-ups, those corny duck faces on most of the characters/models, and that irritating greenish yellow, make the game be coherently annoying to me. At a first impression it seems to be okay, but after a while becomes visually abhorrent.
    I have tried to like the game hoping that there would be something interesting down the line, but after several versions I can say with confidence that it will not happen. I will certainly not play this again.
    This game is able to kill neurons.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I loved this game when I first started to play it. It was one of my first games, maybe that was the reason. I had nothing to compare it with, so for me was this a dream game. Especially since I loved harem games, and still do. But as longer I played it, and started to play other (better) games, my fascination for this game disappeared. So in the I gave it up and didn't write any review.

    So, some times ago I decided to retry it, but I gave up much earlier this time. I've played too many really good games with some realistic drama and where the guy have to fight to get his LIs to love and make love to him. Here it all roll on with a new, and a new, and a new girl and so on. And then they all jump his ridicilous big cock (Dick is my name so I never write that for this) and all the other girls gladly welcome her to the harem without and jealousy or at least some troubles. I would call this a chick lit (or lick clit) harem game. So, no, no, no and no, I don't understand all the 5* this game get. But taste is like the ass, divided.

    So now I had to write a review and I did.

    Well the renders are good byt the girls are difficult to remember who is who as many look alike.

    I did have a pic in my signature when I started here. :ROFLMAO:
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Hmm, one of the most reviewed games on this site and also one of the most popular. The author clearly hit the jackpot and gave players everything they wanted. An MC that is treated like a God and has more sex appeal than any male that has every lived. Every female in the game drops their panties with no resistance. All females are OK with sharing the MC without question or resistance. The ultimate harem fantasy apparently but not for me.

    The problem is that very little of it is believable. It takes place in a fantasy world that I unable to relate to. There is no corruption, just girls throwing themselves at the MC. I'm not a fan of "no effort sex". If I wanted that I'd just go watch porn.

    The character models are average to good but too many of the females suffer from "duck face syndrome". I guess the author finds this attractive.

    Because the writing and story is nonsensical I just couldn't enjoy the game. The story needs to have some realism in it and there is very little (just pure fantasy). The writing and story are for horny teen boys who don't understand how real relationships work and I don't fit into this category. If you've never had sex in your life or had a real romantic relationship with someone then you'll find this game to be amazing (realism doesn't matter since you are inexperienced with romantic relationships and don't know any different).

    I played through it but I hated most of it. The game is a hard pass for me.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a feel-good harem game. It's exactly what you sign up for when downloading it. some people want to have more drama or edge to the characters and they're disappointed that this game doesn't deliver in this regard, but in all honesty, i don't know what they were expecting. there are a few minor issues here and there, like every girl doing duck face and some of them falling in love with you too quickly but nothing worthy of taking a star away. this sets the bar for wholesome/feel-good harem games.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I remember this being quite fun to play with some deep story and interesting backup history from the multiple protagonists...even if it was somehow confusing to follow with all the girls wanting to join the harem.

    The faces where/are a bit "ducky" (with some exceptions) but still likable.

    So when the S2 Ch1 Ep1 appeared I decided to restart the game from scratch but after seeing the MC's dick it triggered something that made me realize that I could not play this game as I used to.
    Romance, family ties, drama...all that went down the drain.

    A "French baguette sandwich" sized dick doesn't fit (pun intended) into a sentimental driven story.
    Big dicks are ok in this kind of VN's but they should stay within realistic proportions though. When it's way longer than the head size of the girll and that she goes deep throat...that's a no for me.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really interesting variety and options for the game. Hope we get to see a lot of broad content once the MC launches their basketball career.
    Renders are really good, plot is interesting, only thing is that there are so many characters that I lose track, but maybe that's just because I like chasing them all.
    Great fun though.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    By far the best harem game on your site right now, as a drawing, as a story, and a lot of things I haven't counted. I'm not someone who likes to do things for the second time in my life, although I've played wvm three times from start to finish so it's definitely five stars
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Women look like ducks and you have sex with them all. Brilliant stuff really, you are basketball player and you bang everyone and everyone wants to bang you too. I am conflicted, is it too easy or is it just good stuff. Personally I enjoy it but on the other hand I am not a big fan of simple gratuitous free sex that falls onto your lap.

    This is problematic when you no longer care about new women entering your life that have yet to be deflowered. "Yet another space taken on my massive 10 meter wide bed" I think in my head. More women are added but the relationships themselves remain lackluster with individual women. The farthest theyre expanded on is basically "Deep down im just insecure little lady" I mean bitch please, get outta here then i dont care i got women coming from windows and and ceilings no problems for me.

    Lacks romance, lacks women that dislike you, that you have to convince.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4175327

    This game used to be great, I think it was my first stop into these types of games.
    That said, it's very vanilla, and the writing isn't as good as I once thought it was.
    The storyline is getting confusing as well, since the dev is changing it up, and he released one update in an entire year of sub-500renders, and it matches his "rework" but that rework isn't released, and won't be for a long time, so now the pacing and storyline is messed up.

    The updates aren't happening anymore.

    The renders themselves were pretty good, a few years ago. Now they are mostly mediocre, nothing sets them apart from other games really.

    If we were able comment/base part of our review based off the dev/updates/communication, I'd give this a 0.. or at least a 1. But I'll give it a 2 since it isn't absolutely godawful.

    It's not bad to start new, and play it as theyre is a fair amount of content. But once you fit the end, that's basically it. I'm surprised the project isn't cancelled at this point. It's nearly abandoned.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Really don't know what to make of this game.

    On the one hand, it's a very sweet story involving people being nice to each other and giving everyone lots of hugs. Most of the models are ok, if a bit cartoonish. There are moments that, if you don't think about the story too much, get you where you want to go.

    I say, if you don't think about the story too much because I naively assumed it would be a story about basketball or about college. It's not. It's 100% about a cult. It's about a group of women/girls worship the MC as some messianic figure, all move in together to form a commune with him, devote their entire lives to pleasing him in any possible way, start wearing identical clothes, enable him to act above the law (they've even infiltrated law enforcement and allow him to walk away from putting some dude into a coma without facing any kind of consequences. Just a wink and a "he's one of us"), and become obsessed with converting other girls to the cult of MC's irresistible pringle tube penis. It's not a harem, because harems don't end up sectretly running a college or law enforcement, and I'd assume members of a harem still have individual motivations. It's a cult.

    If you want stories about cults, this seems as good a game as any. It's just a twist I wasn't really expecting.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Word of advice: don't play that game if you want a decent harem story with actual plot and proper characters.
    Terrible layout: MC is basically a Sex God who awaits every girl to be thrown by him incessantly; your creepy-eye girlfriend who was only deflowered a few days ago suddenly shifts from timidity to "I want my boyfriend to fuck every girl as long as he is happy"; lots of terrible and lengthy and unimpressed dialogues that make me wanna sleep; most of the female characters aren't beautiful--- I won't say they're ugly, but their faces creep the hell out of me. I don't think this game is good, I don't think it's worth to be a fap material either. Just straight up terrible.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I was somewhat taken aback by this game. I had assumed it would be another harem renpy vn, especially given the ostensible sportball theme. Instead, it's a very sweet, kinda hot narrative about a very loving group of people.
    There is more hugging than fucking. There is almost no basketball. Our boy eats like twice a week. Many (other) improbable events occur.
    The characters are adorable. The mc's emotional intelligence (refreshingly) rivals my own. He's kind, and also not a weemus. Because those are radically different things, which is a fact often ignored in these kinds of games.
    There's some trans content. It is optional. It's also sweet and wholesome.
    The assets are pretty good. The pacing is adequate. It's a little more "on rails" than most, but it still respects your choices. Understand that most of it is people standing around talking. The emotional timbre rises and falls in a good rhythm, at the expense of the plot. If you want to feel good about a harem game, it would be hard to do better.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Weird game, that involuntarily works out as a satire for porn games.

    The visuals are mostly really good at first and it seems like there went a lot of work into them, allthough some of the characters are very uncanny valley.

    After clicking through the usual exposition dump, the protagonist unpacks his massive schlong for the first time and you understand, this is going to be wild. We're talking about the absolute king of the dicks in the size of a medieval war mace, that only exists to make even the most overdrawn hentaidudes jealous. A penis, that is so long, that the protagonists most likely can't take a piss and a shit at the same time, because if he would sit on a toilet, his wood would lay all the way down to the water, where he would shit on his own member.

    So the monster dick syndrome always leads to this weird side effects.
    Now there is this girl, going to give the protagonist head for the first time. And she comes up with the obligatoric "oh, it's my first time, i hope i can pleasure you at all, etc." and proceeds to unlock her lower jaw like a snake, shoving only the penis' glans in the size of a ripe apple into her face. And when her face already morphs around this monster log, straining the polygons to it's maximum, she even goes deeper, so that you ask yourself, whether she have to ask Batman, if he wants to know, how she get this scars afterwards. (Getting goosebumps from that alien face again.)

    Then the game proceeds with leading you through multiple occassions, where you have to decide, whether you want to cheat on your girl, which you obviously do, always leading to you impaling them with your size-of-a-manly-underarm-penis - and puncture their diaphragm.

    Well i see, it's part of the casual porn trope, that the sexual organ is big enough to underline the potence of the protagonist - and also helps with making animations without clipping. But somehow, in this case every sexual interaction feels more like comedy and i catched myself only giggling.
    I'm curious what happens next.

    [edit: what happened next was that MCs dick became more normal size after a couple of hours. Looks way better this way. And at this point, i've to praise how the dev did the sex acts. Most of them have more than one scene and even some sort of fore- and aftermath.
    I'd recommend to rework the first sex scenes, tho]
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 1 short summary:
    1) Story is simple, totally nothing worth mentioning. Super basketball player, with super big dick, very stupid and fucks everything... but I've seen much worse, there are few nice moments at least (0,5)
    2) Writing is nothing special at best, a lot of "cloned" dialogs/sex dialogs (0)
    3) Characters are beautiful but not without some flaws, there are lot of them for almost any taste. (Some eyes bleeding possible when main LI Kiss MC, be aware) (1)
    4) Sex scenes are ok, animation is mostly basic, somewhat better in the end. Characters look and some nice poses compensate it's flaws somewhat (Game is fully first person view, some are ok with that, but some Will hate it...) (1)
    5) Game is not finished but there are lots of content. (1)

    So it's 3,5/5 for Me. I can't give it 4 stars cause I'll not wait for update, and not really want to replay also. But it's not bad overall, it totally deserves 3 stars.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I actually enjoyed this one! The heroines are all great looking, gameplay-wise I was actually expecting a basketball match not just practice but maybe in future updates, i'm looking forward to it. Also goddamn Skye got me acting up :D make her one of #43(MC) main girlfriend alongside Jamie and Shauna. Kimmy and Emiko too i'm excited for the Asian heroines.